Title: After Dark

Pairing: L/Light

Rating: M for Lemon

Summary: L/Light Vampire Fic: "You can't do that!" I screamed I stepped back and tripped over a tombstone and hit the dirt. I opened my eyes and saw that he was kneeling over me. His dark eyes had turned red and I was clouded with fear, the fear that I'd fallen for a monster…

Original Summary: The death note can not kill what is already dead. L is a vampire and has nothing to lose and he wants Light. How long will Light be able to resist L before he surrenders. Immorality comes as a price; it will cost him his justice for the Death Note cannot be used by the undead.

Rant: Ok so I randomly checked one of my reviewers profiles to see if they had any excellently written stories. I happened to check by Black-Dranzer-1119 and stumbled across the story ideas she had up for people who wanted to use them. I saw it so and I had a whole grip of ideas for it so yeah! Oh and Sayu is going to be much younger than she is on the show. (Danzer I added a lot more plot to your idea hope you don't mind!)

Chapter One: Saint Camelot

It was late and I was still up, staring at all the unpacked boxes on the floor. It has been nearly a week and still I refused to unpack. We move almost every six months because of my Dad's stupid job! He takes it upon himself to solve all the biggest cases he can find.

The super case for this town is missing people. Quite frankly anyone who wanders around after dark turns up missing and never to be found.

The house we moved in was pretty average and pretty creepy. We're half a block from a lake and a cemetery. My dad probably never stopped to think that all those missing bodies could be just a block away hidden in the water.

My body shuddered at the thought of swimming in the lake one day and getting my foot stuck in someone's ribcage.

But I can live with the lake, but the cemetery is just too much! It's nobody's dream to peer out the window and see a cemetery! It's not the one's you go to, to drop flowers and release silent tears. It's the one's off of a horror movies! It looks decent during the day but at night it's a whole other story.

The red numbers flashed ten fifteen on my alarm clock. I haven't been able to sleep lately actually I'm too scared to.. Ever since we moved to Saint Camelot I've had a nightmare. I was in my house walking.. All of a sudden I'd wind up here in my room but it wasn't the same it was older, possibly centuries ago. I would then go into my closet pull open a floor board and find a book. It had letters scratched into the cover but I couldn't read it, it was too dusty. I would pick up the book turn around and see written in blood

H E L L O L I G H T. Next thing I knew I was in my bead sweating and on the verge of hyperventilating. I didn't tell anyone about it though it's probably just a common nightmare. I didn't start worrying about it till tonight at dinner.

"Alright let's say grace!" My mother set down the meat loaf tray next to the mashed potatoes and cauliflower.

We all put our hands together than began grace in silence. Eyes opened one after the other than we began to serve ourselves.

"How was work?"

"Not so good. We haven't found any leads on the missing people, or leads on who could be doing this.." Dad's voice came out frustrated as he spoke.

"Well I'm sure you'll find some soon!" mom always stayed on the positive side.

"What if it was animal attacks?"

"No honey animals would have left some trace, tracks, blood, fur, something…where did you get this idea?" He had his officer voice on.

"The bats told me!"

"The bats?" My Mom and Dad put down their forks and stared at their daughter.

"Yeah the bats!"

"Sayu bat's don't talk!" My mother began eating again. My heart raced uncontrollably Sayu doesn't lie, she's never lied.. Is strange things happening to her too!?

Maybe the bats talked to her in her dreams like something is trying to do to me?

"Yes they do they even called my name." It was quiet, Sayu ate her mash potatoes as she spoke.

"They used to live here you know…They said that we can be friends!"

"They said to tell you animals attacked.."

"Sayu that is enough!" Sayu turned to me and smiled.

"Light They told me to tell you Hello!"

The red numbers flashed ten forty eight. Lightning flashed outside. My eyes drooped and my head bowed. I was so tired but I knew if I went to sleep though that nightmare would come back. A crazy thought flew through my mind. If that was a dream of the way this house was in the past then would that book still be there? My heart pounded hard as my feet touched the wood floor and let out a resounding creek. I flipped on the light switch and turned to my closet. My hand closed around the door knob and turned. I swung open the door and kneeled down on the floor. My heart thudded so hard it was nearly painful. I instantly found the plank and slowly lifted it up. Sure enough the book was there dusty and all. I took out the book and a letter flew out of it. It was brown and tattered probably written on ancient paper. I didn't even know that kind of paper existed anymore!? Well besides in museums. My heart stopped when bleeding letters appeared on the paper

To: Light

I opened it and read it…

Hello Light, you finally found my book… I was beginning to think you'd never find it. Sorry about the dreams you were taking too long. I'm VERY impatient! Thank you for getting my book for me…Now listen don't make this hard for the both of us come to the grave yard and give back to me!

I let the letter drop to the floor and shuffled away from the closet. I'm not stupid I know it isn't smart to upset the ghosts or whatever's communicating with me…

I grabbed my jacket and slowly crept down the stairs. Could this person be the cause of all of these people turning up missing? But I have to go or whoever this is won't leave me alone!

I closed the door quietly behind me and started down the street. The foggy cemetery came into view and I halted near the entrance. Ok so how am I to find them search aimlessly through the fog!? A red tiny beam of light focused on my face then flashed twice. My heart pounded again. I stepped through the fog and followed the red beam of light till it turned off. I squinted my eyes while looking around and jumped when I felt something behind me It whispered in my ear.

"Hello Light." The breath felt cold on my ear lobe and I shivered. I didn't dare turn around I was too scared to.

"Do you have my book?" I reached up my arm and showed him the book while still having my back turned away from him. I was shaking with fear. After I gave him the book would he kill me!?

He took the book from my hands, but instead of leaving he stayed behind me. I knew I was breathing but I couldn't feel myself breathing all I could feel is myself shaking with fear.

"Can I go.." My voice was shaky.

"But I haven't even introduced myself.." his chilled breath caused another tremble to rip through my body.

I turned around cautiously and looked at him. He had taken a step back. His skin was deathly pale and he had hair as dark as a raven's feathers. His eyes were dark too and his face flawless. I couldn't see exactly what he was wearing since he wore all black but I could see something red and glowing around his neck.

"It's a rosary.."

"What are you?" I tried everything in my power not to run blindly in fear.

"First I need you to calm down!" his voice sounded strained and my heart sped up more.

"Why!?" I took a step back and my back hit a tree I was on the verge of tears.

"I can here your pulse and it's driving me MAD!" his body began to shake but not from fear but something else. I pressed further against the tree and tears fell down.

"Light.. Please…" his voice came out soft almost begging. I breathed in and out slowly and successfully calmed down a little.

"That's good keep doing that…" His body began to relax visibly. I continued breathing in and out to I was at an almost normal heart beat.

"How do you know my name?"

"I heard somebody say it."

"You've been watching me!?"

"You are in my house and you sleep in my room!" He took a step closer. He did have a point there… He began taking steps closer and closer till he was a couple of feet away.

"Are you involved in the missing people cases!? Are you here to get your book back and kill me !?"I screamed I wasn't scared now just angry.

"I had no involvement in the missing people but I can't say the same for my family…"

"Your family!? What are you!?" He smiled revealing sharp inhuman canines that glistened in the moonlight. He's a VAMPIRE! My body tensed.

"Don't get scared!" His eyes grew wide.

"Ten the bats! SAYU!"

"They wont hurt her they'd never kill an innocent child!"

"How do I know your not fucking lying!"

"I would've killed you already…" I got quiet. He could've killed me if those truly were his intentions.

He leaned forward and took my arm and sniffed it slowly. I tensed even more and shivered.

"I've never smelt blood this good…" he ran his tongue across the vein at my wrist and gently grazed his fangs over it. I shuddered at the sensitive touch.

"I won't hurt you Light…" Everything went black and I passed out all those sleepless nights finally caught up with me.


I woke up in my bed well rested. Which was unusual for me. My room smelled odd like roses and something earthy. It was a strange yet relaxing scent. I sat up in my bed and blinked the sleep from my eyes.

Was that all a dream?

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I stripped and started up the shower. The warm water sprayed me and my muscles relaxed. I lathered up my body with soap then washed my brown locks. I rinsed off grabbed a towel, wrapped it around my waste and proceeded back to my room. When I got back I noticed something on my bed it was a letter. My heart stopped as I opened it up and watched as the blank page bled red letters out of no where.

I never got to properly introduce myself last time… Meet me at the grave yard again tonight .

I brought the paper to my nose and sniffed it briefly. It smelled of the same scent that I smelled this morning. Everywhere.

"Light?" my mom had opened the door.


"Do you want to come with me and Sayu to tour around the town you know to familiarize ourselves!"

"Sure!" She sniffed the air then smiled and nodded her head.

" Is that a new air freshener I like it!" she closed the door.

I rolled my eyes at my mom then glanced at my wrist and sighed happily. There was not a bite mark there….


I started this since Inevitable Relations will end soon… L Well review and tell me if it's worth another chapter!