Nothing by Luvscharlie

As Hermione looked around their hotel room for the Wizards Conference, Draco walked over to the balcony.

"Hermione, c'mere. You won't believe this. The couple across the way are shagging in front of the window."

"Oh, surely not," she said.

"Bloody hell, that's Potter and Weasley."

"Ginny has better sense than to—"

"I wasn't referring to Ginny."

Hermione gasped when she saw Ron's familiar redhead rocking in a rhythmic manner against Harry's back. She turned back to the room in a whirl of skirts.

"Well, what'd you think about—"

"Nothing!" She cut him off. "I saw nothing! Got that? Nothing!"


A/N: Originally written for the dramione_ldws (Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger Last Drabble Writer Standing Competition) on Live Journal where the prompt was a hotel and the theme was Room with a View. The drabble must be exactly 100 words. This one made it through to the next round.