
I know that Alice will see me writing this note, so I know that you'll find it soon after I'm gone. Life without you is unbearable and I will no longer subject myself to this torment. I seek the freedom of death and I don't think it will be difficult to find, especially for me. At one time you said that when I died, you would follow after as soon as you could. I thought of this when I was deciding my final plans, but since your feelings for me have changed, I no longer fear that you'll follow after me in death. I want you to know that the few months that we spent together were the most precious moments of my life. I know what you meant when you said a person can live forever and never be really alive. I've lived only a short time and yet I feel like life couldn't possibly have anything more to offer me.

Tell Alice that she was the best friend anyone could ever hope to have.

And I know the silence of my mind has always been a mystery for you. That you wish you could hear my thoughts just once, if only for a moment. But I can tell you now with supreme confidence that if you were ever able to hear my thoughts, all you would hear is the impossible amount of love I have for you, now and forever. Since the very first moment I saw you, my thoughts have only been about you. No one could ever mean so much to one person as you do to me and I am forever grateful for the time I was given to be with you.

I feel like you never left, like you've been lurking around corners and hiding in the dark the whole time. But that's just my mind, playing tricks on me, giving me what I want. I suppose I'll never see you again, but knowing that is a small sort of comfort, a feeling of finality instead of the incessant wondering if you'll ever come back to me. If I could bear the pain of it, I'd wait for you forever, but your departure has left me without the strength. If you have any feeling for me, I pray that Alice sees this with enough time for you to save me. If not, then know that I'll never stop loving you, even in death.

Forever yours
