Hey so this is my first ever fanfic and I hope you like it…

About the Story;

Edward Cullen. Jock extraordinaire; gets put in place by his current girlfriend. Jasper, Rosalie and Edward all to (COLLEGE). Jasper and Rosalie are Cousins. They are all very close in friendship, but some new attendees threaten to change their lives forever. ALL HUMAN.

Chapter One

Edwards P.O.V

We were down by two points. With one minute to go. We had to win this, everything depended on this. And it was my job to do this. I, Edward Cullen, had to win this game, for my team, for me, for my college, and for the beautiful woman I call my Girlfriend. I had a plan; I pulled my team in for the final huddle of the match. This was our last chance at winning the title.

In a steer tone I said, not too loud so the other team couldn't hear me "Right team listen up we want to win this right?" Jasper roared back "Damn Right we do" I was happy with that reaction

"Good listen up, I'm going to make a line shot and create a loop, Jasper you run down field, Newton, Crowley take out the two big defensive's" they nodded their heads at me they couldn't disagree with their captain. I didn't mind sending Newton to a death trap, I never liked Newton anyway; he is always gawping over my girl. Well I hope this is good, she is wearing her tinsy weensy Cheerleader Uni-form, which I loved.

I shouted "Break"

The woman of my dreams, perfect curves in the right places, her beautiful long hair just past her shoulders. She was hot as hell and she was mine. Well for the past month, but we had a few flings before. I turned to look at her, her perfect Hazel eyes boring into mine. She blew me a kiss with those plump red lips and winked. She could turn me on doing anything; she was that sexy and confident.

We got back to the game; we were all in position, one last check. Everyone was ready, I nodded my head to my team, "Hut" I bellowed and the game was under way. Everything went to plan and we got the final touchdown with 6 seconds to spare.

Everyone was going mental, just then she came running over to me. She placed one hand around my neck, and the other tangled in my hair. She pushed up onto her tiptoes and pressed her lips hungrily against mine. I was taken back about how hungry she was for me. I liked it. I recovered and went into full frontal. God she was brilliant. I squeezed her waist tightly and picked her up, just as we broke away from air, I caught Newton in my peripheral vision; he was stood their shocked with his mouth wide open. I couldn't hold back the smile that turned up on my lips.

"Awww. Your smiling baby, I didn't know that my kiss was that good?" Rosalie asked me. Yes, that you heard right, Rosalie Hale was my girlfriend, with her beautiful blonde hair, stunning figure, hazel eyes that melted me.

1 week later.

Rose and I went out for a drink. That's another thing I love about her, she knows how to handle a good pint. Of-course Jasper came with us, he's still looking for his Mrs. Right, and yes he still has his virtue and never complains. I also never walked in on him and a girl ever, or him and mini Jasper. That boy has not lived until he has had sex.

Rose and I both have a reputable reputation. She is seen as easy, she's not, but she is not frigid though. If she doesn't want you, boy can that girl pack a punch. I am seen as some sort of god to men in the school and to girls', sex on legs; I don't like it. I mean I'm not exactly innocent but I am not some man-whore, no I leave that to Tyler Crowley. He has seen a lot a tail, and loves it. Personally I would rather be celibate then be him. I look at my sexual encounters and practice for when I find HER. I want it to be perfect for her and me not to mess up and it being awkward. Although I loved Rosalie, she was defiantly not HER, no she is special, someone like I have never seen before, breathtakingly beautiful. I don't know if I ever will find this woman but I sure hope I do.


I drove Rose and Jazz to the new club in town, Liquid. The name was a bit off putting for me but Rose insisted, she wore a tiny denim mini skirt that makes her legs look twice as long as they usually do, and a tight fitted white tank top with a black waist coast, and don't forget a killer pair of heels just to make me salivate over her some more. Rose dresses Sexy, but not Trampy Sexy, unlike my Ex Jessica, she was a total slut, I can't believe I even went out with her. We arrived at the club quickly, as I was speeding most of the way there, Rose never complained about my driving, she seemed to like the steed.


It was nice inside the club. I saw someone emerging out of the dance floor with a girl at his side.

"Cullen, glad you made it! Make yourself at home" Tyler Crowley said between staring at my girlfriends' breast and panting.

"Rosalie, your looking fine, Mmmm, very fine. Wouldn't say I wouldn't" he sneered with a supposedly seductive smile and wink. Anger pulsed through me, I clenched my fists into balls ready to punch him if he says anything more, and my jaw is clenched shut.

"Well, Tyler..." Rosalie answered back, she was just as livid as I was; she was slightly more dangerous though. "I defiantly would say I wouldn't and if you don't get you skanky eye off my breasts the only thing you will be seeing for the next 2 weeks is the ceiling of your hospital room."

With that we walked away. We had, had a few rounds a hearty conversation, until Jasper, suddenly stiffened; he sat completely upright, with his eyes ogling towards the entrance of the club. He was completely mesmerised.

"What Jazz has your Mrs' Right just come through the door?" I asked mocking him in every word.

Jasper swallowed loudly and answered me. "I think she has" he said with his voice slightly lower then it usually is. I chuckled at him. He didn't hear me as he got up and walked into the dance floor without a second glance. It was just me and rose, finally time to finish what we started earlier.

"I'm going to the bathroom I'll be back soon" Rose gave me a peck on the cheek and was away. Great I'm all by myself. I might go and find Tyler see what he's up to, then again maybe not. I chuckled to myself at that.

Rosalie P.O.V

"I'm going to the bathroom I'll be back soon" I gave Edward a quick peck on the cheek to keep him guessing for later.

I was on my way to the bathroom, pushing through many different crowds of people, it didn't matter though, I had the best looking man in school and he was mine.

When I was just about to walk into the corridor to go to the toilets, I felt someone graze my arm with their hand, then I felt someone tug on my arm, I turned around thinking it would be Edward cheeky minx can't stay away. It wasn't, he was 6 ft 3 with a scrawny yet muscular body, and his face was cover by shadows and his long gleaming black hair. I pulled my wrist from his grasp and went into the toilets.

What a jerk? What the hell was wrong with him? He's lucky he didn't get a punch. I'm known for my infamous right hook that has put many a boy back into place. I touched up my makeup and applied a new layer of lip gloss. As I walked out I noticed Edward was not where we were sat and Jasper was nowhere in sight. So I headed towards the dance floor to find him there. I slowly made my way towards the dance floor, maybe I would find my Eddie in here.

I couldn't see him anywhere, but the music was too good to go without a dance to. Maybe I would bump into Jasper and his 'lover girl'. I had just made it into the centre of the dance floor, when I saw it. Jasper! He had a miniscule pixie like figure extremely close to him, they were dancing slowly together, looking into each other's eyes, and their eyes were not full of lust but of love. Jasper adored this small woman.

Suddenly the small pixie like woman looked my way and gave me a warm smile and a friendly wave; I think Jasper may have spoken about us. I smiled back just as warmly. I didn't feel weird at all, it felt natural. I guessed by the way that she was dressed; she was a shopaholic, which was god for me; I may have a new shopping buddy; don't get me wrong it is fun dragging Jasper and Edward around the shops; but to have someone who wants to shop as much as me would be a lot more fun.

I looked away to give them their privacy and carried on dancing for the rest of the song. After that I was knackered and was in dire need of a drink. I will go and find Edward see what he's been up to.

I was just coming toward the edge of the dance floor. Again, someone pulled at my wrist this time, more vigorous. What is it with the guys tonight?

"I saw you dancing, dance with me?" the same man as before asked me, with an extremely rude twist in his voice.

I screamed at that asshole that still had hold of my wrist "Look, I don't want to dance with you and let the fuck go of my wrist"; he gripped it so tight it was painful.

"Oh, but you know you do" he smiled a disgusting smile. "You have some spunk, that'll just make you so much more fun to fuck" he spoke like I was some trash he had just picked up. I looked around frantically for Edwards, he would save me.

"Let the fuck go of me" my voice see with the disgust at him. "Let Go!"

Before I could do anything, meaning give that bastard the best right hook of my life. He cut me off with his vicious words.

"Listen, you little bitch" with that he slapped me hard across my face "you will do as I say, and I say dance with me, now DANCE!" his voice made me writhe, he was sickening.

Before I had a chance to recover from that I felt, a pair of strong arms wrap around my body from behind. Confused; I was sure this wasn't Edward then the person said "Honey is this man bothering you?" No he didn't just call me honey, but then the face on that bastards face, I couldn't care less this person had called me honey. I will let it go, seeing as this man he's just saved me from THAT.

The bastard scowled, while whispering to me under his breath, so the guy around my waist couldn't hear. "You will be mine bitch" I turn slowly around to thank my hero for my saviour.

As I turn around I notice these are not arms I thought they would be, these arms are HUGE with muscles, his bicep alone must be the size of my thigh. He had cute, thick curly brown hair, which framed his face perfectly. He had the cutest baby face I have ever seen and he was wearing a grin. I smiled in response and open my mouth to say thank you, when I was cut off by this guy. "Sorry but I couldn't let such a beautiful women be harassed like that can I" his big old grin just managed to get even bigger on his face. I wonder what his name may be. "Thank you, you're my hero; but the honey part" I queried this guy.

His smile got even wider he replying in a silly tone "I'm truly sorry if you don't like being called honey, but I didn't know your name, which is?" I answered with too my hast "Rosalie, but you can call me Rose." "Does that make me a lucky person if I get to call you Rose?" He was right; the only people that called me Rose were my family and close friends, so I answered his question "Yes it does, wo-"I was just about to ask him for a dance when he butted in. "so can I buy you a drink?" then two arms wrapped around me for the second time tonight, but I knew these arms, these were Edwards, I was to tell you the truth a little bit disappointed but no, Edwards my boyfriend, but I was cut off my train of thought when Edward kissed me just below the ear and purred in my her with his velvety voice "Gorgeous where have you been?" My Hero's beautiful smile fell right off his face.

"No where" I span in his arms to face him, "the better question is where were have you been; some creep was harassing me!" I knew he hated it when guys did this, but he was so sexy when he was mad, "Was it him?" I was annoyed Edward through it was my hero, I almost shouted "NO" Edward worried with my reaction and said "I'm sorry Rose I just, well you know I hated when guys are like that with you" I sighed and learned into him. Then a growl from right behind me, I turned back to my hero; he was glaring towards the dance floor; I followed his star he was staring at Jasper and the little pixie, I asked "What's wrong?" he with clench teeth "That's my sister, the last guys she went out with was a jerk I'm not letting him break her heart" "he started to get up, I quickly untangled myself from Edward to grab this guy who I still didn't know the name of "That our friend Jasper, you really don't need to worry he is one of the best guys she could have found tonight, isn't he Edward" Edward just nodded. My hero's posture relaxed and turned to me with a grin on his face, "Well that makes me feel better, thanks" he was about to go again, but I couldn't stop myself, I knew this would be winding Edward up, but there was something about him I called out "Wait I didn't get your name?"

Just like to say a massive thank you to my beta, and one of my Bessie's Laughkittykatforever, although that it not her real name. R & r if you want, i would really appreciate good comments or criticisms. Thank you 
