Author note: I promised several reviewers of "It's My Life" that I'd post the fic that accompanies/continues it, so here we are! a few chapters of Kiro - involving fluff, cuteness, and hot guys in a stickysweet situation.
Warning: Contains a distinct shonen tilt. Dont like? Dont read.
Pair: Hiro and K
Disclaimer: If I owned Gravitation, I wouldn't be writing fanfic, I'd be writing the rest of Gravitation EX.

Hiro stretched out in bed, smiling as he felt the warmth of a body behind to him. He didn't have to think about who it was, or what they had done together. He'd been sober, and remembered everything, just as his partner would when he woke up.

The guitarist stayed where he was, comfortable with his lover's arms around him.

"K, K," he shook the blond gently, "wake up. It's time for work." K groaned and buried his face in Hiro's back. "Get off me and get up!" The red-head laughed.

"I don't do mornings." Came the muffled reply.

"How about you do me in the mornings?" Hiro asked slyly. K jumped up and pressed Hiro into the mattress with a powerful kiss, moving with a speed Hiro wouldn't have even guessed at a moment ago.

"Gladly!" the American smirked. Hiro slid out from underneath him, out of reach.

"However, you're gonna have to get up earlier than this, because if we're gonna do it in the morning as well, we're gonna be late for work."

"I don't care! I wanna go back to bed!" K whined for the millionth time, as Hiro bundled him into the car.

"How the hell did you cope in the military?" the guitarist sighed. "Surely you had to get up early in the mornings?"

"Yeah," K sighed, dragging his long hair back into a ponytail, "but it's been a long time since I did that much excersise before going to sleep, you know?" Hiro blushed, then punched him lightly on the arm.

"Shut up, asshole!" he laughed, and started the ignition.

By the time they pulled up outside the N-G Records office, K was fully awake, and back to his usual brash, energetic self. Hiro was used to this sort of childlike energy from Shuichi, but K was a different matter. He was hard to control, and tried to grope him twice in the car between parking and getting out.

They went up to the studio, and found it empty. Unusual. Normally, Fujisaki and Sakano were already there, set up and ready to go. Hiro cursed silently – he was stuck in an empty studio with K trying to screw him up the wall at every opportunity. Damn.

"K, lets get this straight, ok?"

"What?" the American had settled in a chair, and was attempting to coax him into his lap.

"I'm all for this, but the others can't know. I'm not…I'm not ready for them all to know I…" he stopped, licking his lips nervously.

"I know." K tugged on his wrist again, and this time Hiro allowed it. "You're the normal one, what with Shindo and Mr Yuki, and Fujisaki and his...tendencies…" Yet another idiot who'd groped him…and still managed to call himself sane, which was actually probably the effect of being Tohma's cousin. "It's alright Hiro, I understand."

"Thanks, K." the guitarist slipped out of his manager's lap, just as the door opened. Fujisaki and Sakano wandered in, discussing the next song release. The producer smiled at them. The keyboardist waved cheerfuly and headed over to his synth, setting up for the rehearsal.

"Tea, anyone?" it wasn't Sakano's place to make tea for them, really, but they all knew that K couldn't do it.

"Nah, I'm good." The American shook his head. Hiro mirrored the movement. He'd snagged a coffee on the way out, and forced one onto K in an attempt to revive him.

"Alright, then." Sakano sat at the table opposite the manager. "You look exhausted, Nakano, are you ok?" Hiro nodded

"Yeah, restless night, that's all." K didn't even smile.

It was a long, tiring day.

Shuichi arrived in tears, saying something about a woman shouting at him in the street, saying he wasn't good enough for Yuki.

"It was just a crazy, over-emotional fan," they reassured him, "nothing to worry about. There are women all over the world who are jealous of you and Yuki. You just found one, that's all."

"For God's sake…" Fujisaki groaned. "If it's not one thing with you two, it's another! Could you not go for just two days without an argument?" The singer started yelling at his band mate, which set off a huge row. It continued until Sakano, tiring of the shouting, called a lunch break. Shuichi vanished.

An hour later, his return was heralded by loud protests. The remaining band members watched the door open, and blinked as Yuki stormed in, with Shuichi tucked neatly under his arm.

"Um…Mr Yuki?"

"Yuki, you son of a bitch, put me down! I don't wanna be here!" Shuichi's arguments were overridden as the writer dropped him to the floor, and pushed him towards the microphone.

"And don't let me see you back home until you're done!" he snapped. "And you!" He turned to K. "Don't let him leave until he's allowed to go home, you hear me? I have work to do!"

Hiro fought laughter. Typical Shuichi…

That evening, Hiro and K drove back to Hiro's apartment in silence. It took a miracle of self-control for them not to do anything until they were safely back at the apartment.

If had been almost agony all day, being so close, but not being able to say or do anything, they couldn't even touch, in case it aroused suspicions – or themselves.

As the front door of the apartment shut, K grabbed Hiro and threw him against the wall. A spark of fear ran down Hiro's spine, as he realised just how strong the American was. It was erased as K kissed him gently. He may be strong, but he would never hurt him…

They collapsed onto the bed, shedding clothes as they went. That was right…K would never hurt Hiro, ever.

More to come!