Author's note:

Boring drabble. Just had to get it out of my system anyways..


The last time he was sick, he was dating another blonde lawyer; Delilah.

She had made him home made chicken soup, and let him watch his favorite TV shows, cartoons, no matter how dumb they were.

This time he was sick, he had called Bones to let her know he couldn't make it to work that day.

She had brought him chicken noodle soup from the soup place he liked, a heating pad, a large jug of water and made him sleep.

"You need to drink lots of fluids and you need to rest."

"But I can rest AND watch TV at the same time."

"That's not exactly resting. Resting is --"

At the end, he was too tired and sick to resist and gave in to her wishes. At the end it helped a lot too.

When he woke up, feeling fresh and extremely comfortable, it was no surprise that Bones was dozing right next to him.

He grinned evilly and turned on the TV.