Chapter 1


Carter Draik turned over and attacked his alarm clock. The loud, annoying beeping stopped, and he rolled out of bed. Yawning, he rubbed his emerald eyes and started for the refresher.

He knew today was an important day. His Master had set up a training duel with the apprentice of Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano. He'd heard a lot of good things about her, and he knew that she would surely be a challenge.

Like most Padawans, Carter was found by the Jedi Order at a young age. He had never known his parents, and had no memory of his homeworld. Fourteen years later, Carter was the proud Padawan of Kento Marek, a legendary Jedi Guardian. He was nearly unparalleled in lightsaber skill by any Jedi his age, and had a massive command of the Force.

Turning on the refresher, Carter stripped out of his sleepwear and stepped inside. There, he let the warm water cascade over his body, releasing tension in all of his muscles. After his quick shower, he got out, water dripping from his short, pitch black hair. He grinned at his reflection in the mirror and pulled on his Jedi robes.

Clipping his lightsaber to his belt, Carter walked out of his quarters of the Jedi Temple and to the Padawan training room. Because of the early hour, few were in there, but there were still some that got in shape as early as he did. Because of this, he knew the early risers well.

There was Keenan, a fierce Zabrak about five years older than Carter with dark red skin and a brighter shade of red on the crown of horns adorning the top of his bald head. Dustin was a native Coruscanti with pale blond hair, and Shu'tub was a blue Rutian Twi'lek. Also, a frequent visitor was Frwahr, a Wookiee, but he kept to himself. In fact, Carter had heard only about three words from the Padawan.

Carter nodded to the others as he took his place in front of the heavy weights. He picked up the first one, laying down, and pushed his arms up. Within a few seconds, his tanned skin was glistening with sweat.

Keenan turned to him, putting down two dumbbells. "I heard you're fighting Tano."

"Yeah," Carter grunted.

"Wait," Shu'tub said. "Ahsoka Tano? The Togruta?"

Carter nodded, pushing up the weight once again. "Skywalker's apprentice. It'll be tough, I'm telling you."

"Blast! You're fighting the Padawan of the Chosen One?" Dustin asked in disbelief. "You'll get killed!"

"We'll be turning the blade intensity down," Carter explained. "It'll only give us mild electrical shocks."

"No, what I meant was, she'll beat you before you can even make your move. She's that good."

"You've fought her?" Keenan asked.

"No, I've seen her training with Master Skywalker, though," Dustin said.

The three jumped when they heard Frwahr speak. "[One thing: She hardly uses the Force in a duel,]" he roared.

Carter smiled at the Wookiee. So that was her weakness. He had to use that against her.


"Master, are you serious?" Ahsoka Tano asked, groaning.

"Afraid so, Snips," Anakin said with a smile.

"Why couldn't you tell me this before the day of the duel?"

"I figured that if you didn't fret about it during the battle, then you would be more focused."

"One fatal flaw in your plan, Master. You already told me before the duel even started."

"Well, that was before I had the thought that you are the type who wants to know what they're up against."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes and stood. "Not exactly." She reached out her hand and summoned her lightsaber to her through the Force. The small hilt of the weapon flew into her hand. She started for the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Anakin asked.

"Somewhere where I can sort all this out and try to find a way to beat this guy."

"Ah, strategy. That's my Padawan."

Ahsoka smiled and shook her head, waiting impatiently for the door to open. When it did, she nearly leapt out, eager for some fresh Coruscanti air. She trotted down the halls of the Jedi Temple and out the doors to the busy streets of Coruscant.

Sighing to herself, she thought about what her master had said about Carter Draik. "'He's noted as one of the best lightsaber combatants in his age group!'" Ahsoka quoted Anakin aloud. "How am I supposed to beat the best?"

She noticed by the strange looks others were giving her that she was talking to herself. She rolled her eyes and fell back against a wall, rubbing her temples. 'Come on, Ahsoka, think!!' she thought to herself. 'Remember, he's just a human. He only has the Force. He has no predator instincts like a Togruta. You have both.' The thought that she might gain an advantage gave her a brief moment of hope. But then she remembered that some of the greatest Masters of the Order were 'just humans,' including hers. Ahsoka groaned inwardly. 'Well, there goes that idea.'

Her comlink beeped, and she reached for it. "Ahsoka?" Anakin's voice sounded through the speaker.

"I'm here, Master," she replied.

"Well, get over here. We're heading to the dueling chambers right now."

Ahsoka took a deep breath. "Yes, Master."