Lavi didn't want to go to school on Monday, but his uncle, Bookman, made him despite how tired he was. He'd made it through three periods already and was just waiting for fourth period Latin to end so he could sleep through lunch. It was all he could do to stay awake while his teacher passed out the test he'd aced from the week before.
The door to the classroom opened. "Sorry I'm late. This classroom was a little hard to find."
The teacher turned. "About time you got here," he said brightly.
There were gasps from all the girls. Apparently, the new student was hot.
"He's so cute!"
"Oh my God, look at his hair! It's so silky and long!"
"I wanna marry him!"
"You think he'll go out with me?"
"No way, he likes caramel girls like me!"
"He'll so totally go out with me!"
"Did you see his car? That's that super expensive car, right?"
Allen leaned closer to Lavi, whose head was on the desk. "Yeah, I heard it was an Orochi."
Lavi's head shot up. "You mean that sex on wheels car?" He at last saw the new student, and his jaw dropped. They stared at each other a moment, then Lavi shouted, "You!"
"Yes, me," Kanda replied, his characteristic frown on his face. "Baka usagi."
"Baka koneko!" Lavi shouted back.
"Moron," Kanda snapped in Japanese.
"Little girl!"
Kanda twitched at this insult. "One-eye."
Lavi twitched. "SUGAR CAKES!"
"What are they saying?" one of the girls asked her friend.
"No idea, but they must be insulting each other."
The teacher stood shocked for a minute, then shook his head. "Both of you, out in the hall. Solve your differences there so you don't disrupt my Latin class."
"Sorry, Mr. Stevens," Lavi said quickly. He walked out into the hallway with Kanda right in front of him.
"Where'd you learn to speak Japanese?" Kanda asked once they closed the door to the classroom behind them.
"A For Dummies book," Lavi replied with a shrug.
"The book suits you."
"Shut it."
"Calling it as I see it." Kanda smirked.
There was a short silence between the two as a teacher walked by. The teacher didn't question what they were doing out there as Mr. Stevens often made students stand in the hall as punishment.
Once she was gone, Lavi said in Latin, "Um... Remember the other day? When I got drunk?"
"How could I forget?" Kanda replied in semi-perfect Latin.
"Did I say something to you? Something other than about cheese?"
Kanda frowned as if trying to remember if more had been said. "Yes. You said you were madly in love with me and that you wanted to rape me."
Lavi turned bright red. "Oh God, I didn't..."
"You did."
Lavi hid his face in his hands, then remembered something. "Wait, didn't you say yesterday that you loved me in Japanese?"
"You must have been mistaken," Kanda said, switching to Japanese.
"Like hell I was mistaken."
Lavi's perfect Japanese shocked Kanda. "You were just hearing things."
"I know you said it! I have a photographic memory!"
"Then you're missing a photo."
"Like hell I am."
"So what if I did say it?"
Lavi switched back to Latin in a whisper. "Da mihi basilia mille."1
Kanda raised an eyebrow. "All I caught was kiss."
"It means kiss me, Bakanda."
Kanda blushed. "Not in the hallways."
"Afraid of a little PDA?"
Lavi shrugged. "Not like no one's suspected me of being Gay before."
"How do you know if I'm Gay?"
Lavi counted off the reasons. "One, you bought me breakfast. Two, you pretended to be my boyfriend when that creep was hitting on me. Three, you weren't afraid to do Yaoi poses with me. Four, you danced with me, which by the way was really sexy. And five, and this is the super important one, you told me you loved—"
Lavi would have finished, but Kanda had pulled him closer for a deep kiss. They weren't just posing this time; this was real. Lavi closed his eye and allowed the kiss to continue.
Then a thought popped into Lavi's head. He broke the kiss long enough to say, "I wanna ride in that car."
"Only if you go out with me."
"Deal." Lavi wrapped his arms around Kanda's neck and the kiss started where they'd left off.
"Teacher, it got really quiet out there all of a sudden," one of the boys in the class commented.
"I'll make sure they didn't die." The teacher set his book down and opened the door just enough to see what was going on. His eyes widened as he saw Lavi and Kanda making out. He closed the door slowly, then turned back to the class. "Class, turn to page one-hundred and four and do all the exercises listed. And I want you all to listen to your iPods."
1 "Kiss me with a thousand kisses."
I want that car...
Well, that's the end of Chaotic con! We hope you enjoyed it!
See you in our other co-writes!
Here's a short list:
Dirty Little Secrets (on my account)
Shimmering Scales (Shim's account)
Diamond Born (Shim's account)
See you next time!