Another day, another random one-shot.

This time, it's Near. I'm in a very Near mood at this moment in time, actually, so I suppose it's only to be expected…

Ficlet ahoy!!

DISCLAIMER: Near, and Death Note in general, does not belong to me. Stupid.



People were stupid. Very, very stupid.

Kira was stupid because of his plan. Even though his intentions may have been good in the beginning, to go this far… and to kill so many people, criminal and innocent alike… It no longer mattered how good the intentions were. Kira was no longer a symbol of justice – he was just a murderer.

Kiyomi Takada was stupid for following Kira. Without him, she had the potential of being a strong, independent woman. Under his influence, however, she was nothing but a puppet… a mouthpiece for a deluded 'god'.

Mello was stupid for letting his emotions get the better of him. Leaving the orphanage so abruptly, leaving behind his photograph, getting tied up with the Mafia, being so damned stubborn… He should have grown up by now, and yet…

Stupid Mello.

And then, of course, there was L. L was stupid for dying, for not catching Kira when he had the chance, and for leaving everything for Mello and himself to clean up. He was stupid.

Everyone was stupid.

So why did he care? Why did he even bother?

He put the last matchstick on top of the tower.

He didn't need to think about the whys and the wherefores. He had a job to do, so he did it.

He couldn't exactly leave it to anyone else.



Author's Note: So, there you are. Very short, and very blunt. I'm just glad I've given him the time of day, because… well, even though there's a lot of Near-haters out there, I think he's awesome. He's not a mechanical sheep, he's not six years old, he's not an L clone, and he's the only one in the whole series that has a creepier smile than Light. Though Mikami comes close…

Hmm. Maybe I should write a short fic about Mikami next…

Anyway, thank you for reading this! Reviews much welcome, yes?