Author's Note:

I am saddened that the story ended; now I don't know what to do with myself. Should I edit other stories? Should I write a new story? Should I find some other anime couple to obsess about?

For now I will answer Irivel's question: isshe a goddes? How is that so?

As the story drew closer to ending I started wondering (A) how it was going to end and (B) was there an underlying theme. I rarely ever plot a story; I start it with a premise and see how it goes from there. I knew it was going to end with Rin being alive and Sesshomaru realizing he loves her without being mushy about it; as for the theme, well, I did kill her and made her reincarnation receive karmic backlash for what she'd done, so it seemed obvious to me (when I put two and two together) that the story was going to go in that direction, with Rin being reborn over and over again and Sesshomaru chasing her every time.

The point of reincarnation (to me) it to become a perfect being, to learn from past mistakes and try to transcend the human experience; and once you reach that state of nirvana then you no longer exist as human, and in Rin's case she became a god/dess (I use the spelling god/dess to imply that she is genderless, that she can be whatever she wants to be now that she has reached enlightenment).

Hanyo traits….

Katsura and Tennin are hanyo, but Sesshomaru is a more powerful demon that his father, so he was able to pass on the appearance of being human. B/c Sesshomaru was so much more powerful when he sired the twins and he was around to raise them, they are stronger than Inuyasha and more able to control their demonic natures. They are also able to transform at will into demon dogs, but they appear as large dogs, nowhere near as big as Sesshomaru gets. And b/c they are half-human, they do become fully human once a month and they are not immortal; they will eventually die, if not through violence then from old age.