I got this...I don't know how or when I got this. Anyway, I got it. MORE THAN ONE CHAPTER! Probably going to be about five or six chapters. Nothing really major.

Full summary: Johan is an aspiring designer working for a top fashion line. Juudai is a new model working for the same line. When they meet and fall in love, will Johan's dreams of going to New York fall apart?

I don't own anything. This story also takes place in Chicago, which is why Johan keeps saying he's going to New York when he gets enough money.

"Johan! I need you to take these over to Miss Julie, pronto!" The blunette groaned as the girl shoved some measurements into his arms. "Yeah, I got it."

Why was he here again? Hm, good question. Johan Andersen was an aspiring designer working for a fashion line called Kodoki. When he first came in he got an interview, submitted some of his drawings, and got a job at the bottom of the ladder, where the pay was awful and the hours were miserable. But he was always assured that he would slowly progress up the ladder as time went on.

Yeah. And that was a year and a half ago. He still hadn't moved up the ladder.

Very slow progress indeed. The worst of it was that Johan didn't even get his drawings back. He just wanted his designs back! Those were probably the best he ever did! How he couldn't wait to save up his money, get his designs back, and go to New York.

Sighing, Johan went around the corner. "It pays the bills, it pays the bills..."

"Wooow! So this is the Kodoki building.." Juudai Yuuki looked around at his surroundings, astounded.

This was where he was hoping he could be working as a model now. The building was sleek and modern, painted with splashes of color to break the original monotony of white. Staff members walked briskly across the floors, carrying designs, cameras, or coffee cups.

"I think I can get used to this." The brunette whispered. Juudai walked over to a desk in the middle of the room. A red-haired girl smiled at him. "Hi! Welcome to Kodoki."

Having this all planned out, Juudai dug into his backpack and handed her his papers. "I'm Juudai Yuuki. I believe that a Miss Julie requested a visit from me?" He smiled widely.

Blushing, the girl pressed a button on the intercom. "Miss Julie, there is a Juudai Yuuki to see you."

Mere minutes later, a woman with black hair carrying a purple purse and wearing a brightly colored dress and high-heeled black boots came running down a spiral staircase. "Juudai! So good to meet you!" She kissed his cheeks. "I cannot wait to have you start working here. I know you're going to love it!"

Juudai smiled. "When can I start?" Miss Julie laughed. "Right now!"

His brown eyes widened. "Really?" She nodded. "That's fantastic! Thank-you so much!" Juudai bobbed his head up and down excitedly, his brown hair swaying. Miss Julie laughed. "Good to see that you're eager. Today you can just walk around and get used to the way we do things here. Get to know everybody. I don't want to throw you into the whirling fashion world on your first day here, goodness!" Her cell phone rang from her purse. "Oops, sorry! I have to get going." She gave Juudai another kiss on each cheek and rushed back to her office.

Juudai's brown eyes glowed. "Yeah, I think I can get used to working here."

"Hallways, hallways! So many hallways!" Groaning, Johan snaked his way through the winding halls, the measurements still in his arms. "Why, oh why does the Kodoki building have so many hallways?"

Johan shifted his arms, careful not to let the measurements fall out. He had only been here for an hour, and he was already being worked like a dog! Was he asking for much? No, just a job as a designer for a fashion line.

I wasn't asking for a witch boss and her goblin minions. He grimaced, thinking of Miss Julie. She really didn't like him. And no one else did, either.

"As soon as I get enough money, I'm going to New York to find another job. And when I get my drawings back." His face fell. "If I ever get my drawings back." He sighed. "Ah, well. I can always hope." He grinned, a new light suddenly blossoming inside him. "Who knows? I might actually get my drawings back today!"

Whistling instead of grumbling, Johan started walking briskly down the hall. He turned the corner, and-

CRASH! Hands flew, measurements fell, and voices were raised.

"Ouch, ouch..." Johan sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Hey, are you okay the-" He stopped mid-sentence as he looked at the brunette in front of him.

He had a slender build, double-toned brown hair, and warm chocolate eyes. A red Kodoki jacket covered his torso, and black slacks covered his legs. He was obviously a model working here, but Johan hadn't seen him before.

Did he just come in today? Johan didn't try to stop the pink flush crawling up his face. The brunette had an identical flush blooming on his cheeks as well.

"Um!" Johan gasped as he realized that they had been staring at each other for a while. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." He started to gather up the measurements.

The brunette smiled and started to help Johan pick up the scattered papers. "It's all right. I wasn't looking where I was going, either. I have a lot to learn about this place, don't I?" He flashed Johan a cheerful smile, making the blunette feel warm.

"So, you started working today?" Johan stood up as the brunette placed the last paper in his arms.

"Yeah! My name's Juudai. Juudai Yuuki. I'll be working here as a model." The brunette chirped brightly.

"I'm Johan Andersen. I guess I'll be seeing you around, then." Johan waved to Juudai and continued down the hall.

Juudai pressed himself against the wall, heart pounding. "Johan...Johan Andersen." The blunette had stunned him in more ways than one. First, by being unimaginably polite to him, the newbie, and second, being incredibly beautiful. Soft teal hair, cut and polished emerald eyes, creamy, smooth skin....he had to be working here as a model.

And I'm working with him! Score! Juudai punched the air, grinning.

Suddenly, the PA system crackled and whined. "Photo shoot in fifteen minutes!" Juudai giggled. "I should go up there and learn the ropes. Who knows? Maybe I'll get to see Johan again!"

Johan came rushing into the photo room. Miss Julie looked down at him from her director's chair. "You're late. And the measurements you dropped off on my desk are an inch and a quarter off."

He raised an eyebrow. "Then it would be the designer's fault, Miss Julie."

She dismissed him. "Our designers are top-of-the-line, Johan Andersen. If you want to be one of them, show more respect."

The blunette tapped his chin. "And what about the designs I submitted? Have you looked at them? When will I get them back?"

Miss Julie laughed dryly. "Too many questions! You need to learn how to unwind."

"Hello! Hello!" Miss Julie turned and hopped off of her director's chair. "Juudai! How is your first day going?"

Johan turned around so fast his neck cracked. "Juudai?"

The brunette smiled at them. "My day is going good. Everyone's been really nice."

Miss Julie kissed his cheeks again. "Only the best at Kodoki!"

Juudai broke away from her hold and made a beeline for Johan. "Why aren't you ready? The photo shoot is in ten minutes!"

Johan blinked confusedly. "Yes....I know that. What does that have to do with me?"

Juudai gasped. "But aren't you supposed to be getting ready for it? You are a model here, right?"

Miss Julie hurried over to them. "Juudai, Johan is the errand boy at Kodoki. He carries things around, takes measurements, and delivers messages. He is not a model here."

Errand boy--! Why I oughta... Johan could feel his face heat from shame.

Juudai grinned widely. No one could stop the next words that came through his mouth. "Why not? He's sexy enough to be one."

At that moment, Johan swore that all time stopped.

In a model world, everything is perfect. But in a model's world, nothing is. A boy wanting to be a designer falling at the bottom of the ditch, wanting out. A boy mistaking him for a model falling in love, wanting him. And their boss falling in trouble, wanting success at their expense.

I decided to put the little line in italics at the bottom of this chapter in every chapter. Make it kinda cool.

Yes, I had to delete Rose's Journey for this. But truth be told, I was getting bored with Rose's Journey. No one was reading it, and I really don't think that I can write a multi-chapter story about a pairing that isn't yaoi! So, that's it. But I really think I'll have more fun with this.

Anyway, review and let me know what you think. Like it? Hate it? Comments are welcome!