

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Inuyasha or any of the characters. This is purely a part of my imagination.

This is my first fanfic. I would appreciate reviews. Thankyou.

It has been 25 years since Naraku was defeated, and this Sesshoumaru has not seen, not smelled the miko once. Swiftly Sesshoumaru hurried down the corridor. His hanyou half-brother was becoming restless for the first time since he had to restrain him. For the past 25 years my brother has not stirred, this Sesshoumaru wonders what could have made him become restless so.

Sesshoumaru finally reached the door he seeked. He could hear the growls and snarls coming from the other side. He slide the door open. "Inuyasha! Stop this at once. This Sesshoumaru has been kind enough to keep you here chained up for your own safety, as well of those of others." Sesshoumaru glanced at his brother. Inuyasha had grown wild. His hair was in wild disarray, like it had been blow by wind all about him. He tilted his head up. His eyes were blood red, with the stripes on his cheeks, marking him as full youkia, buzzed with electricity. His muscles twitched. He let out a mocking laugh, "She has returned."

Inuyasha tore the chains that were fastened to him from the wall. "Brother, she is here and she is mine," he growled. With that Inuyasha jumped through the wall not caring when he make a hole the size of a crater, and ran through the hallways making for the exit. Sesshoumaru was left in surprise, but still he kept his cold hard mask on. This Sesshoumaru is very curious if his idiot brother is correct. Sesshoumaru dissappeared in a flutter of clothe and fur.

Miles away from the unsuspecting demons, a pair of eyes watched them out of the darkness. Kekekekeke.......they think I am gone. Kekekeke...I will not let her have him. A bony frail hand reached out of the darkness toput a mirror down on a pedestal. The hand pulled back into the darkness and an evil laugh rang out. Kekekeke…

Please RxR.