Alright people, I know this isn't an update, but I'm having a hard time coming up with a new story idea, so I'm looking to my readers for help.

The story must include:

1. A pairing of; Bella x Edward, Bella x Emmett, Emmett x Rose

2. Hockey in some for or another, tell me what teams you would like me to use.

3. Can be friendship, romance, family, and drama

4. Detailed enough for me to know where you want the story to go, but open enough that I can work with it in my own way.

I really need an idea, and if I get a couple a good one's I may start one or more stories, or combine them, idk, but help would be nice.

Thank you in advance for the help,


p.s. and you will get credited, in every chapter for the idea if I use it.