I don't own Harry Potter and I never will this is for my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of anyone who reads it.


It was a dark and stormy night in Godric's Hollow on October the thirty first, Halloween. In the small village was the small Potter family, which consisted of James Harold and Lily Marie Potter both twenty-one years old with a set of triplets all son's the oldest named Harold Sirius Potter, the middle named Peter James Potter and the youngest Anthony Remus Potter each got their middle names from their godfather except Peter because Peter didn't work as a middle name. James and Lily were in the living room and the triplets were in their room playing. Harry was a small exact image of his father only with his mother's eyes while Peter was a mix between the two with red unruly hair and hazel eyes with his mum's nose. Anthony was the same as Harry looking just like his father but he had red hair and his mothers emerald green eyes. The noise from the storm wasn't affecting the family because of wards put up by Lily. But the peace and quiet was shattered as they heard Peter crying and Lily got up and started walking up the stairs. When she got to the room she walked in to see Harry looking out the low window with Peter sitting in the middle of the room still bawling and Tony sitting by the toy chest off to the side playing with big blocks. Lily picked up Peter and walked to the window.

"What are ya looking at Harry." She asked and looked out the window and her skin went pale as she saw a tall man in a black cloak almost gliding towards the house. "JAMES VOLDEMORT IS HERE." She yelled but it was too late as the man reached the house and there was a loud crash as the door was blown open.

"Tom what a pleasant surprise you should have called." Lily heard James say and silently berated for taunting Voldemort and she heard a thump and then heard someone coming up the stairs and pulled out her wand and with a flick closed and locked the door. In the first few seconds after she finished the door was thrown open with a band and standing their was the snake like creature known as Voldemort.

"Ahh hello little Mudblood." Voldemort said with what was suppose to be a grin as Lily grabbed Tony and put him behind her with the other two.

"Voldemort." Lily hissed

"I hope you last as long as your…" but he was cut off by giggling.

"Oldyhort." Harry said giggling as he moved in front of his mother and fell down on his butt. "Oldyhort."

"So that must be Harry if my informant is correct how annoying." Voldemort said with a sneer and flicked his wand and a light shot out and Lily in her haste to protect Harry got hit and was thrown against the wall with a sickening thud. After Lily was thrown into the wall Harry, Tony, and Peter looked at her and started crying. "Now to finish you brats." Voldemort said and turned his wand on Harry. "Avada Kedavra." He said and an emerald green spell shot towards Harry. The green light hit him but to Voldemorts surprise did nothing for a few minutes until a light green glow started to form around Harry. The glow got brighter until it was emerald green and shot back at Voldemort making his red eyes widen just before it hit him and he screamed in agony as his body disintegrated and a black mist started coming out of him. The back lash of the spell made the house start to fall apart and a chunk hit Peter in his chest leaving a big X on it. The black mist that was Voldemort shot across the room straight through the cut on Peter's chest leaving a very small essence of Voldemort behind in him that would fade with time and healing his cut. While Peter just got an essence of Voldemort in him Harry, who collapsed after his magic saved him making him magically drained, had a piece of Voldemorts soul in him while Tony who was very close to him at the time of the attack got a little piece of Voldemorts soul transferred to him as well making one of them the child of the unknown Prophecy.

The Triplets crying was increased as a rat in the corner turned into a man who quickly ran to the yew wand that was on the ground and grabbed it before turning back into a rat and running off just as the door to the room was thrown open and their stood a tall old man with long white hair and a long white beard. He looked around before waving his wand and stopping the house from falling apart as he moved over to Lily and carefully waved his wand over her still body. "Well she's okay too. Just a knocked out like James." He muttered to himself.

"Now lets see here." He said as he turned to the triplets who were still crying and waved his wand over them. Finding Peter more powerful then Harry and Tony and only checking him for any signs of Voldemort he just assumed Peter was the Boy Who lived. He waved his wand and the three babies fell asleep. He grabbed Harry and Tony as he heard people moving down stairs and he disappeared away with a quiet pop both babies still in his arms. He appeared in front of Number Four Private drive where he knew Lily's sister Petunia lived and he wanted the two boys to go to a blood relative. He waved his wand and a large basket appeared on the door step and he sat the two boys inside and waved his wand again and a blanket appeared over them. He looked at them for a few seconds before pulling out three thick envelopes each with one of the Potter boys names. He put down the ones for Harry and Tony and put the last one back into his pocket before he spun around and disappeared with a pop back into the upstairs of the Potter's household and he heard people coming up the stairs and waved his wand and woke up Lily and Peter.

"Dumbledore, Peter." She cried as she grabbed her baby and looked around for the other two. "Where are Harry and Tony." She asked still looking around as James, Sirius, and Remus came into the room.

"Peter is the boy who lived he will need exclusive training." Dumbledore said.

"Where are my other children?" Lily asked Dumbledore.

"Relax they are fine. I took them some where safe. Trust me on that. This way you won't have to worry about them. Peter needs all the attention he can get. He needs all the love we can spare. He will be facing great difficulties one day. We will get them back when they turn eleven." Dumbledore said "Have I ever given you a reason not to trust me?"

James and Lily looked at each other with thoughtful looks having a silent conversation while Sirius and Remus gave each other shocked looks.

"But where did you take them. We trust you but we want to know where they are." James said and Lily nodded her agreement as she clutched her son to her chest.

"They are in a safe place. I fear I can't tell you more because while Voldemort is gone for the time being his followers aren't and many are very advanced in Legimency. They may try to kill them if they are found. We will report that they were killed so you won't be able to see them. When they come to Hogwarts at the age of 11 well we have ten years to come up with an excuse." Dumbledore said.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" Remus roared fury written on his and Sirius faces as they moved forward.

"What's wrong?" James asked is two best friends.

"What's wrong James? You're fucking kidding me right? You two are sitting here and just accepting him taking your two children to some unknown location for ten years with out being able to see them. Go get them and give them to us. We'll take care of them damn it. We are their godfathers after all." Sirius said angrily turning to Dumbledore at the last part.

"I'm afraid they would be in danger that way and we need for you to give Peter all the love and affection you can." Dumbledore said.

"You guys come on this is Dumbledore we are talking about. Would he really do anything with out a good reason?" Lily asked once again blindly following Dumbledore.

"Well if that's how it is then all of you can just go fuck yourselves. You have to be the worst parents ever." Remus said and turned around and left with Sirius following him.


As the sun started to come up in Surry at Number 4, Privet Drive Vernon Dursley was woke by the screams of his wife Petunia Dursley. He quickly jumped out of bed and ran down stairs to see her wife standing in the door way looking down at something.

"Pet what's wrong." He asked as he came up to her and she moved aside and he saw two boys in a basket on their porch. He looked around before he grabbed them and brought them inside. He took them into the kitchen and put the basket on the table. As petunia walked in she handed him a thick envelope that he opened uncertainly. He pulled out a letter and read it. It simply said that his parents Lily and James Potter had to take care of their famous son because he had a great destiny and that they were willing to pay the Dursley's to watch Harry the small black haired boy and that there was 5,000 pounds in the envelope to start it off and they would get another 1,000 each month and it would end when they turned 11 and started living with their parents again. Vernon's beady eyes looked at the envelope for a second before he tipped it over the table and five wads of money fell out.

"Well looks like the pay will be good to watch these brats." Vernon said as Petunia did the same with her envelope and five more wads fell out.

"Yes it will imagine all that money we'll get in ten years." Petunia said greedily. "Vernon be a dear and put these freaks in their new room." Petunia said pointing to the cupboard under the stairs.


The first year for Harry and Tony was alright but it all changed when they were old enough to walk and talk properly. At the age of four Harry and Tony were made to clean the whole house and if it wasn't done properly they wouldn't get feed. Then when they turned six they would have to cook and clean but if they messed up they would get beaten. Or Harry would as he always took the blame for any mistake made. Both boys were small for their age weighing only 38 lbs and standing at 3 feet and Harry had long scars all over his back. And almost always had bruises on his arms and legs. But it all changed on day when they were nine. Tony was washing dishes after dinner as Harry finished pulling weeds out in the back garden. Harry was just pulled the last one and heard a loud crash come from inside the house. He looked up through the window to see Vernon advancing on Tony and ran to the back door. Just as he reached the door Dudley appeared and locked it laughing.

"Can't protect him now freak." He said pointing and laughing. Harry growled as he looked over and saw Vernon hit Tony knocking him to the ground right onto the glass cup he broke. Harry growled as Vernon pulled back his leg and kicked Tony hard kicking him onto his stomach and Harry saw blood coming out of his back. Harry turned to the door and grabbed the handle trying to force it open as he screamed to let him in but the door wouldn't budge as a invisible wind swept by him blowing his hair as he pulled back his fist and slammed it into the glass door cracking it a little bit as he felt one of his fingers break at the force. He ignored it as he threw his other fist even harder into the door breaking the door more and breaking at least one finger on that hand as well before he moved back a few steps as Vernon came into view of the door. Harry saw his face turning purple before he started running and jumped with his feet out in front of him breaking through the glass door. When he landed he fell and rolled getting cut up all over. But the only pain he felt was the piece of glass that some how got in his left eye but some how even that pain was minimal as he stood up.

"Leave him alone." Harry growled.

"What did you say to me freak?" Vernon asked his beady eyes narrowing.

"Leave him ALONE." Harry roared as all the fallen glass around him lifted up and all the glass that was in him was pushed out even the piece in his eye but it destroyed his eye in the process and while all his other wounds healed themselves to the point where they were just more scars his eye didn't heal its self. All the glass that was floating shot forward as Harry collapsed in pain. Before he fell unconscious he saw his uncle on the floor bleeding and heard sirens and a pounding on the front door. When the police officers checked his pulse they could have sworn that there was a smile on his pale face.


Well tell me what ya's think please.