Lake Placid, New York

Forever Wild Campsite

The Dining Pavilion

Wednesday, February 25th

1:37 p.m.

Derrick was sitting back in the dining pavilion with his boyz for lunch eating a turkey hoagie when Josh asked, "So how much trouble do you think the girls will get in?"

"Well Mr. Myner said expulsion, remember?" Cam pointed out.

"Yeah, but its Block, we're talking about do you really think she won't get away with just a detention or suspension at the most." Derrick said.

"Yeah, you're right." Kemp said. "She can get away with murder."

"Does anyone even know the real reason they went in?" Plovert asked.

"It was something like Dylan saw Mr. Myner and her mom in bed and then she ran into the woods and everyone else followed." Josh said.

Kemp laughed. "I wouldn't be surprised, they've been spending a lot of time together the past few days."

"Who told you that?" Cam asked.

"I don't reveal my sources." Josh said.

"Whatever, gossip queen." Derrick said.

"I still can't believe that they didn't find them yet." Cam said bringing the girls back up. Derrick wanted to drop it because even though he wouldn't admit it to anyone except maybe Cam, he was worried. In fact right now his hand was squeezing her M pin.

"You would have thought they would have found them." Plovert said.

All of a sudden Merri-Lee, who took a break from looking to get something to eat, jump up and rushed over across the pavilion to the nearest exit. "Are they all safe and accounted for? Over." The boys got up and followed Merri-Lee who was a few yards in front of them.

She led them over to where the girls just came out of the woods. They must have just gotten out and there was already a crowd around Massie. Derrick had to dodge all the surrounding girls, but once he finally got to Block they backed off, to give them a minute.

"You okay, Block?" Derrick asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She smiled.

Before he had a chance to say anything else Mr. Myner said, "Girls, hurry to the dining pavilion and get some food before it's all cleared away."

"Awesome, you're the best." Dylan blurted.

Before Massie went to join the other girls, Derrick gave her a hug goodbye. He was surprised that she let him with all her PDA rules.

Massie went over and attempted to give Mr. Myner a thank you hug with her friends. "Please meet me in my quarters in twenty minutes." He said refusing to hug back.

"You got it," was the last thing that he heard Massie say before going off to the pavilion for food.

Once everyone left, the boyz just chilled there. Derrick noticed a few purple wildflowers and decided to pick them for Block, to cheer her up if she did get in more trouble than they expected. Once Derrick finished he tried to put them in his pocket without ruining them.

"Myner, didn't seem as mad as I though he would." Cam said.

"Yeah, I thought he would have gotten madder." Josh said.

In the distance they could see Myner talking on his cell. He was probably calling OCD's principal, Burns, to ask what to do with them.

Twenty minutes later the girls walked out of the pavilion and toward Myner's quarters. As soon as they went in, a big crowd formed on the porch. Derrick made sure that they were in the front.

In about ten minutes later Myner held the door open and the four girls came out, wait make that five. When did Kristen get here. Derrick thought to himself.

Massie was the last one out and he took this opportunity to give her the flowers, which got a little brown and crispy from being in his pocket and then asked, "What happened?'

Block took the flowers and sniffed them before announcing, "We're been expelled."

Derrick wasn't expecting that. If she was expelled that meant she couldn't go to Briarwood after school things too like soccer games. "What?" Derrick's voice cracked, "You're joking, right?" Derrick realized she wasn't when he looked over and saw Kristen's purple face and swollen eyes.

"Hey, what's she doing here?" Someone in the back of the crowd shouted.

"Let'sgoontrick." Carrie shouted.

"Yeah!" Everyone else agreed.

"They will not get away with this!" Layne shouted, "Fight the power!"

"Fight the power!" Everyone responded.

Derrick looked over at the boyz, Cam was off the the side with Claire. He was wiping her cheeks with his thumb. Kemp was off flirting with some girl. Josh and Plovert were hugging Alicia and Olivia goodbye.

Derrick looked over to see Kristen fall to the ground and grab Myner's leg. "Please take me back," she begged, "I'll do anything. I'll memorize the entire globe if you want. Even the latitudes and longitudes. Everything."

"Get up Ms. Gregory. You have twenty-three minutes to collect you're things." Myner said.

She got up and yelled, "Tree hugger!" Then ran toward the cabin.

"Girls, the bus is waiting. Myner said. "Go!"

Derrick watched Massie until she was out of sight he didn't know when the next time he would see her would be. This trip was filled with good memories and bad, but over all Lake Placid was one hell of a trip.


I'm not really satisfied with the ending, but I didn't know how else to end it. Okay so know that this is done, I would like to know one thing you didn't like about the story so I can try and fix it for my next one. You can right good things if you want but I just wanna know at least one thing you thought was wrong with this story.

I think I'm doing another Boys POV, but I don't know which one to do so go to my profile and take my poll.

I feel soo accomplished this is my first ever completed fan fiction. I cant believe I finally finished it.(:

I would really like to thank everyone for reviewing this and for all those readers who are too lazy to review maybe you could for the last chapter to let me know what you thought.

So that's it I'm finished(: