A/N: I'm so sorry it took me so long to update this story! A major case of writer's block hit me, and I wasn't able to think of a way to improve this chapter. And when I did, there was construction going on at my house and I was staying with a friend so I didn't have time to update. But now I have, and I hope that I can have the next chapter up as soon as possible!

Chapter 6 – Learning the Truth

She felt as though she had been walking for an eternity, though Alice knew it had only been about five minutes. The dress she was tremendously hot, made of thick black wool, and it was a hot day to start with. It didn't help any that she was walking uphill. She looked wistfully at the butterfly that effortlessly flapped its wings as it flew a few feet ahead of her.

"You're so lucky," she murmured. "Being able to fly like that…"

The butterfly ignored her, not that she was really expecting it to do anything else. She did so wish that it could speak though, if only so that she would have something to take her mind off of how hot she was.

Much to her relief she saw a break in the trees up ahead a few moments later. The butterfly flew through the break and into a clearing, leading Alice behind it. The clearing was small, and had what seemed to be hundreds of mushrooms everywhere. They were varying in sizes, and some were even oddly shaped. But Alice knew that she had been right about whom the butterfly belonged to.

Her suspicions were once again confirmed when she saw the man sitting upon one of the giant sized mushrooms. The man turned to look at her, puffing away on a long black pipe. His appearance was that of a man in his late thirties, although Alice seriously doubted that was his age. He had long dark green the color of forest tree leaves and tan skin tinted ever so slightly green, but not in a way that made him look sickly. And then there were his eyes… they were such a deep shade of blue they looked just like the sea.

"Welcome," he greeted, bowing his head. "I am glad that my butterfly found you so soon."

Alice had never been particularly fond of the Caterpillar, if only because he had spoken so many confusing riddles. And he had made fun of her the last time she had seen him, which she had also found annoying. But now he was being so civil she couldn't help the small smile that formed on her lips as she made her way over to him.

"Thank you," she said earnestly. "If it had not been for you I would have been stuck with those dreadful Tweedles for much longer."

Caterpillar chuckled slightly as he reached a hand down to Alice. She took it hesitantly and he pulled her up to sit next to him.

"Yes, they can be quite persistent."

Alice snorted. "That's one way to put it."

Suddenly feeling a bit awkward, the girl folded her hands in her lap, intertwining her fingers together. This was all just so surreal, having a normal conversation with Caterpillar like this.

"Is something bothering you?" Caterpillar asked her, surveying her with those intense eyes of his.

Alice shrugged. "No, not really. It just feels a bit strange to be sitting her talking like this with you."

"Does it?" questioned he curiously. "Why is that?"

Now what was she supposed to do? Say 'because you hate me'? She couldn't just go and blurt something like that out. So instead she said, "It's just… well, we've never had a friendly conversation in the past, have we?"

Caterpillar took a long pull on his pipe before removing it from his mouth and breathing out a circle of smoke. It was the kind of perfect circle that could only come of many years of practice doing so.

"No, we have not. And for that I am sorry."

Alice's eyes widened and she turned to look at him in surprise. "You are?"

Caterpillar smiled blandly. "Does that truly surprise you so?"

Alice blushed in embarrassment. She had offended him already… well that would probably be the end of the civility than… She knew she should answer negatively, but her mouth had other ideas in mind. "Yes it does. You've never been that friendly to me in the past, you know."

"I do know…" Caterpillar's expression became a grave one as he surveyed her thoughtfully. "Alice… this pains me to say, but… I am sorry for the way I treated you the last time you came to Wonderland. My behavior was uncalled for and entirely unnecessary."

Alice could only stare at him in disbelief, unable to form words. He was really apologizing? To her? This was almost completely unthinkable. And he seemed so sincere that it took her completely off guard. How was she supposed to respond?

"Oh… w-well… it's alright," she finally managed to get out, stumbling over the words. "I can't pretend that I understand why you treated me the way you did, but… you did help me in the end."

Caterpillar shook his head, his shaggy hair falling over his shoulders, spreading across his white shirt. "That does not make up for my behavior in the least."

"No, I suppose it doesn't," Alice agreed. She smiled then, tilting her head to the side. "But you apologized, so… forgive and forget?"

Caterpillar looked like he wanted to say something else, but stopped short when Alice spoke. She was so willing to forgive him? She really was just the same as he remembered… although. His eyes looked her up and down. Her appearance had changed greatly.

"You are as kind as ever, Alice. I just hope that your kindness won't one day get you into trouble."

Alice smiled knowingly. "Oh I'm sure it will eventually. But…I'll come to that when the time comes. There's no need to worry until then."

Caterpillar nodded in agreement. "Very true," he commented, putting his pipe back into his mouth.

Alice frowned at the sight. "Must you keep smoking that thing?" she asked, her nose wrinkled in disgust as a wave of smoke hit her.

"Don't nag, dear Alice. It does not become you." He puffed on his pipe again, carefully making sure he didn't accidentally blow smoke on her again. "Let an old man have his comforts."

"You're not that old."

"I'm older than I look," Caterpillar explained, the corners of his mouth rose in a smirk. "But enough of that. I am sure you are wondering why I have brought you to see me."

Alice nodded, "Well yes, a bit," she admitted. "Were you the one who summoned me to Wonderland?"

Caterpillar shook his head. "No, that wasn't me, although I half wish it was." He paused, a frown etched on his face. "At least than I could be sure of the situation."

"Do you not know who brought me here than?" Alice asked curiously. "I always thought you knew everything that went on in Wonderland."

He chuckled. "No, not everything my dear." He sighed. "I have an idea of who summoned you," he admitted slowly, "but I do not have proof that they did so."

Alice blinked in confusion. "Who do you think did it?" she asked.

"The new king," he responded hesitantly. "Under the orders of the new queen."

"New queen?" Alice questioned. "I thought Hearts was the queen of Wonderland."

Caterpillar nodded, "She was. Until this new woman appeared."

Alice was starting to get a familiar feeling of dread deep in the pit of her stomach. She wasn't sure she wanted to know, but she had to ask, "Appeared? As in, no one knows where she came from?"

"Exactly. We can only assume that she came from the human world, your world."

"Well, she is a human, isn't she?"

Caterpillar shrugged, "As far as I know," he replied. "Before you ask, I do mean what I said. I do not know for certain, because I have never seen her. In fact, no one has."

Alice frowned, "Then how do you know she even exists?"

"Because of the king," Caterpillar said by way of an explanation. Noticing the girl's blank expression he sighed and expanded, "The king of Wonderland is chosen by the queen herself. There cannot be a king unless there is already a queen. Hearts chose her king, and this new woman chose hers. Supposedly this new king relays the orders of his queen as well as carries out her wishes."

Alice took this new information in silently, trying to wrap her mind around it. "So somehow someone found their way into Wonderland and took the position of queen from Hearts?" she asked uncertainly.

Caterpillar nodded, "Precisely, although I would not have used 'stole' instead of 'took'. It is more fitting."

"But how is that possible? I thought that people couldn't just find their way to Wonderland. I thought that they had to be summoned by someone. Like how you summoned me the last time."

Caterpillar took an angry puff on his pipe. "Although that is usually how it works, there are loopholes around that. For instance, if someone wished hard enough, and their desire was pure, they could find a way in on their own."

"From what you've said I doubt the new queen used that way to get in," Alice murmured.

"No, indeed she did not. However, I cannot find the way she did get in. And there is no way to ask her."

Alice thought for a moment before saying, "Is she really so bad?"

Caterpillar closed his eyes and nodded. "That she is. The woman is wrecking havoc on Wonderland with all of the proclamations she is making. She has made it so that if anyone defies her they are lucky if they receive the death penalty."

Alice gasped, "What?"

"Her punishments are severe, and ruthless. She does not care for others, and does everything in her power to make the lives of her people miserable. She also views the smallest things as rebellion. The punishments she gives make those who must suffer through them wish for death to end their misery and suffering. The people live in fear."

Alice felt sick to the stomach at his words. How could anyone be so cruel? She was basically torturing the Wonderlanders for no reason at all. This was far worse than she had ever imagined…

"Is there…anything else I should know?" she asked softly.

"Unfortunately yes," Caterpillar said. "She has also taken to thinking that we are greedy. She had begun to take away our food supplies. Many are slowly starving to death."

Alice grimaced, "How horrible…"

The man opened his eyes and frowned when he took in Alice's appearance. She was paler than normal, and looked like she was going to be sick. "Are you alright?" he asked, genuine concern in his voice.

"No I'm not," Alice replied, her voice shaking. "How could anyone be so heartless? Is she trying to destroy Wonderland?" Tears filled her eyes as she spoke. "It isn't right…"

Caterpillar's expression softened and he took his pipe out, placing it down upon the mushroom next to them before drawing her to him. He wrapped his arms around her small frame, holding her close.

"I wish that I could answer your questions, but I can't. I have no idea why she would do these things… what… motivation she might have."

Alice clung to him, the tears streaming down her face. She hated showing such weakness, especially in front of him of all people, but at the moment she couldn't care less. It already took everything she had to keep from falling to pieces entirely.

They stayed like that for a few moments more, until Alice finally managed to get herself back under control. She pulled away, shivering slightly at the lack of warmth.

"Are you alright Alice?" Caterpillar asked her again softly.

Alice shook her head. "No… but… I have to be." She wiped her eyes with the handkerchief he handed her and smiled weakly. "I have to try and be strong."

Caterpillar smiled sadly, "You do not need to be strong all the time, you know."

She nodded, "I know… but I need to be strong now." She paused. "So… do you know why the queen had me summoned?"

"No, that I do not," he responded. "I am looking into it though."

Alice nodded again, "Alright. Thank you…"

Caterpillar shook his head, "Do not thank me. I have not done anything to deserve thanks. Now, I believe I should get you back to Hatter before he starts to fret."

"Oh… yes, I suppose so…" Alice bit her lip. "But… can we talk just a little while longer? I don't think I can face him or the others quite yet…"

Caterpillar smiled, "Of course you may."


"Are you sure this is alright Dor?" Alice asked worriedly, hugging a pillow to her chest.

Dor smiled and nodded, "Of course," she said quietly. "I can understand that you would not want to continue staying with Hatter…"

Alice grinned, "Was it that obvious?"

"Well, sort of… you did agree rather quickly when I asked if you wanted to come and stay with me…" She paused before asking, "Did something happen between the two of you?"

Although she tried very hard, it was impossible to hide the blush that formed on Alice's cheeks. "Sort of…" she murmured.

Dor looked at her quizzically. "Did he… do something to hurt you?"

Alice shook her head quickly, "No no, of course he didn't. He just—" She stopped herself before she could say what he had done. She felt her cheeks heat up again and buried her face in the pillow. "He…didn't hurt me," she repeated.

"But… then why did you all of a sudden want to live with me?" Dor asked.

"Because I prefer living with a girl than a man who likes to kiss—" Alice groaned. "I just said that out loud, didn't I?"

Dor looked at her in shock. "He…kissed you?" she repeated in disbelief.

Alice nodded, "Yes…"


"Last night, before I went to sleep," Alice explained, feeling very self-conscious. Dormouse had never seemed like the type to be nosy, but she was definitely asking more questions than Alice would have liked to answer right now.

"I see…" Dor said at length, her voice holding something that Alice thought sounded a lot like bitterness. "Well… have you… spoken to him about it?"

Alice shook her head. "No, not yet… honestly I'm not sure what to say when I see him now… earlier I was so relieved that you were already there speaking to him."

Dor cocked her head to the side. "Are you upset that he kissed you?"

"That's the problem," Alice replied tiredly. "I just don't know."

Dormouse's eyes flashed with emotion, but before Alice could try to identify it, it was gone. "Mmm… well… we should get some sleep," she said softly. "I'm sure everything will end up alright in the end."

"You're probably right," Alice said with a smile. "And… I am a bit tired." She yawned, and then giggled. "Sorry…"

Dor smiled lightly, "Don't worry about it." She blew out the candle next to her own bed. "Goodnight Alice… sweet dreams."

Alice let out a breath as she snuggled down into the bed covers. "Goodnight Dor…" she whispered, quickly falling into a deep slumber.

E/N: Ok, this one is a bit longer than the last. Can anyone guess why Dor is upset that Hatter kissed Alice?