AN- I got this idea for the story and just couldn't get it out of my head. I kept daydreaming about it, so now I'm gonna write it. Please tell me what you think. Also, I love to listen to music while I write, so if you want a soundtrack to go along with the story, I'll try to include what I listened to while writing that particular chapter.

FYI: Just so you know, this story pretty much excludes books 6 and 7. Blaise Zabini is forever in my mind an Italian god…so yeah.

Motley Crue- Dr. Feelgood

Disclaimer- I do not own anything that belongs to JK Rowling.

Chapter One

Ginny slowly removed her robe and tossed it to the side of the tower. She slowly sprinkled the salt around her in a perfect circle, and lit a candle in each direction: green to the north for earth, yellow to the east for air, red to the south for fire, and blue to the west for water.

"Goddess, I, your child, ask you to join me in this circle as I lift myself up to you and ask for your guidance in the path I must take." She raised her hands, feeling the magic rush up through her body and up into the air. "I ask you to grant my mentor a place in front of thee and myself, so I may learn more about the ways of your greatness." Ginny then grounded herself, pushing her hands down hard on the stone floor. As she raised her head up from her crouched position, her eyes met a spirit sitting in front of her.

"Sit, my child. Why is it that you have called on me tonight? There is no lesson for this night." The spirit stated.

"Victoria, my friend, my mentor. I need your help. I have been requested something I am not sure I am able to do. I am not sure I am ready for the task placed in front of me."

"Ginevra, you are the strongest High Priestess I have mentored in hundreds of years. I am sure any task placed in front of you, you can accomplish and exceed. What is it that has been asked of you?" She placed her ghostly hand on Ginny's cheek, as if to calm her.

"I have been asked to lead a coven here at Hogwarts, to perform the Old Rites with all of the students, pureblood and other. To teach the others what has been lost from these halls for so long….only practiced in the oldest of families. I am not sure if I am ready to face this, especially when I have not found my mate, my High Priest."

"You are ready, my child. Only you can do this, and the students of Hogwarts need this unity, the light in these dark times. You will bring serenity to those who cannot find it elsewhere. You will be a comfort to them and you can do this, with or without you Priest." She smiled. "Though I have a feeling your mate is not far away." Ginny's face gave her a questioning look before she responded.

"Thank you, my lady. If you feel that I am ready, then I shall accept. However, that will not calm my nerves any less."

"Your first circle, your first rite with your peers watching will be a tense one. It is up to you to overcome your fear and send you serenity to the others. This is a good thing Ginevra." She smiled again, as if a mother to a child. "I must go my child. I will see you for our next lesson. Blessed Be."

"Blessed be Victoria."

Ginny watched her leave and sat for a few minutes in silence, assuring herself that Victoria was right, that she could do this, that she was meant for this. Slowly, she began to thank each element, blow out the candles and close her circle.

The door to the Astronomy Tower slammed open just as she was blowing out the third candle. Later, she would think about how her first thought should have been to cover herself and save some of her dignity, but instead she shot up to meet whoever had been able to get through her very powerful locking charms. In the dark, she couldn't see who was coming through the door, but she could hear them perfectly.

"Someone else is probably up here, but no…Draco has to be in the Astronomy Tower for this and who cares who else is here! He's a Malfoy, he gets his way, yet he forces ME, his best friend, to get through the wards on the door. Can't do it himself, no. You best be glad I love you." Just from the conversation she knew who it was. Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini were practically joined at the hip. Everyone knew they were best friends, but most people suspected they were more as well.

"Shut up. I just want to get this done and get back to our rooms. I have better things to be doing, if you know what I mean." Finally they came close enough she could see them, unfortunately, that meant they could see her as well. Blaise showed the shock on his face, but Draco just smirked. "Weasley, don't you think you should put some clothes on, nobody wants to see that. Were you up here snogging Potter? Where is he hiding?" He glanced around. "Well, 20 points from Gryffindor anyway, for being out after hours.

Ginny rolled her eyes at him. Honestly, it got old after a while. She turned back and finished closing out her circle, put her robe back on, and turned back to the two. "If you must know, I was performing a rite. And as a High Priestess, I have permission to be out of bed to perform a rite. Surely, you, as Head Boy, must know that. I thought you were supposed to know everything going on in Hogwarts." She smirked, a smirk almost identical to Draco's own. She could see the shock on his face now, as well as Blaise's. No one had known she was training to become a High Priestess, but they would find out soon enough, why not tell them now? "Now that you've both gotten a good look and found out something you didn't know and didn't expect, I think I'll leave you here in shock. If you'll excuse me, you can get to doing your business… or each other, whatever it is that you do." She flashed them the sexiest look she could muster in her position, and stalked out the door, both the boys gaping after her.

"I will agree to this Professor, but you do know it will not be a complete coven, a complete circle. I have not yet found my High Priest. And as history tells, I may not for several years to come. Some of the others may not like the lack of magic that will cause."

"For now, Miss Weasley, this will be more of a comfort than anything to the students. You will be helping them not matter if it is a complete circle or not." He stated, getting up from his chair. "Lets head to dinner shall we? Then I will show you your new suite." She nodded, following him down the stairs toward the entrance hall.

"I have a feeling, Miss Weasley, that your High Priest, your soul mate, may be closer than you think." Ginny stopped, starring at his back as he proceeded to walk. Why did people keep telling her that? Did they know something she didn't, because she didn't have any clue who her Priest was. She shook her head, placing the thoughts somewhere in the back to analyze later and continued to dinner.

Dumbledore stood in front of the school, looking out on the dwindling amount of students. Fewer had come back this year than he had hoped. He carefully tapped his spoon on his goblet.

"Students, in light of this dark time...I have had a request form many of the pureblooded students. A request I intend to approve. This however will be open to all the students, no matter blood or knowledge. The students have requested that we start the Old Rites at Hogwarts once again." He looked around, seeing the students as he thought, most of the purebloods were pleased, as well as some of the half bloods. Most of the others looked confused. "If you do not understand what I am speaking of I am sure some of your classmates will explain later in the evening. As for now, I would like to introduce everyone to the only High priestess in training currently attending Hogwarts and a very talented one as well. She will be leading the Old Rites alone, as she has not located her High priest as of yet. Miss Ginevra Weasley."

"Ron, what is he talking about? What are the Old Rites?" Harry asked, as they were finishing up dinner. Ron opened his mouth to answer, instead Ginny spoke up.

"Witchcraft is not just something we do Harry, for the oldest of families it is also a religion. We cast a circle and perform rites to worship the Goddess. This brings power to us in times of need, serenity to us in times of chaos. You feel your spirit soaring, connecting to the magic inside of you, instead of just using the magic, you become the

"I've read books on the Old Rites." Hermione stated. "They say performing them can be thrilling or frightening, so much power runs through the circle, through the witches and wizards that it's hard to control. That's why the High Priestess must be so powerful. I didn't know you were in training."

"It's not something we usually tell until we are fully trained and have felt our High Priest, but this is needed. And the Old Rites aren't something you can know from books Hermione. You need to participate to feel the full extent of them." Hermione nodded immediately, as if she couldn't wait to get started. Ginny glanced up at the Head Table and Dumbledore beckoned her. "I need to go. See you later."

Her rooms were gorgeous. Dumbledore had said they always belonged to the High Priestess in training when the Old Rites were still practiced all throughout the wizarding community. She had a room specifically for her own rites, cleansed and perfect with an outside door, for the rites that could only be performed in nature. Every type of candle, stone...everything, anything she needed for her own rites was there and she was ecstatic.

But she wasn't looking forward to actually performing the Old Rites. Performing them without a High Priest to their full extent was difficult and risky. But Victoria had said she was one of the most powerful High Priestess she had trained since the time of the Old Rites, so she would do it, for her friends, for her school, for her world.