Blood Stained Lullaby`s

Wouldn`t want it any other Way.

Chapter 1

Fanfic: Katekyo Hitman Reborn

Author: xXxMaximuM-RiderxXx

Rating: T to M. Rated for violence and perhaps slash scenes not suited for young eyes.

Summary: Fate seems to follow Tsuna, and it`s always been troublesome? Well Tsuna and his fellow guardians are about to find out the hard way. When history and fate clash the aftermath is terrifying, but can they bite back, or will they fall. It truly is life in its cruellest way yet.

Disclaimer: I hope this story will be enjoyed by everyone and I allow constructive criticism. Review please and No. I don't own KHR because reality is a bit slow. But soon ^^ .And please, check out some of my stories if u ever get bored. Here we are.

Song: One night star – arrows -LMC

"Dame Tsuna get your pathetic excuse of a being out of bed NOW!" there was the resounding click of a guns trigger and Tsuna was off. Jumping out of bed and landing in a curious heap on the floor, due to the fact the bed covers hadn't wanted to let Tsuna go at the precise moment.

Reborn sighed; smiling at the way Tsuna blew a chunk of hair from his eyes and proceeded to gradually stand up, while pulling his light blue T down around his lightly toned tummy. Some things never grow old Tsuna though while grinning.

Rubbing his face Tsuna groaned and started scratching his mess of hair into…normality?

"Reborn, will you ever stop using threats, I've already told you NOT to use guns in the house a….Ok, ok I get the picture im going….I`m…" Tsuna was interrupted by a …


Smoke filled the room for a second as Tsuna sweat dropped. After a few seconds of which the smoke fled out of his bedroom window. Tsuna slowly turned his head slightly to the left to see a perfect hole in the wall three centimetres from his own head…way too close.

"Any more backchat Tsuna-Chan…"Blowing lightly at the end of his gun as it quickly transformed back into its normal, lizard form.

"N…n…no Reborn-san" Tsuna mumbled while slipping out the door. Sighing with relief Tsuna stepped towards the stairs, already calmed by his mothers singing. That was until…

The stairs seemed to come to life thus causing Tsuna to fall forwards as Lambo gave out a shriek of anger… at his tail being stamped on?

Of course, no one! Touched lambo-san`s great tail, not even dame-Tsuna.

Tsuna breathed out heavily again. Yep, another normal day he thought as Lambo and I-pin both jumped of his head in the adventure of breakfast that Nana had prepared.


Now, having an upside down view of the hallway wasn`t that great, especially with the added fact that his shirt was now riding over his stomach with his body sprawled generously on the stairs.


That's as far as Tsuna`s mind could think then and would do that as the cow now decided Tsuna was his trampoline…or stress toy, while chewing on a chocolate croissant, but either way, was jumping like hell on his now grumbling stomach. I he wasn`t careful he`d…

"Tch, Herbivore I suggest you move…now. Your blocking the hallway in a rude manner, or will I have to bite you to death?" a cool voice demanded somewhere above Tsuna. Seeing as Tsuna had his eyes closed he blinked one open and froze.

Oh crap…no…no it couldn`t be….ah Geeze…Reborn!

"Kufufufu…now that's no way to be polite, here I'll help you up Tsuna-san" Tsuna felt the hair on the back of his neck spike up as Mukuro made another of his…famous illusions, and he could feel himself being pulled up by something thick and sharp…vines. Blinking and pulling his shirt down with both hands so hard the fabric stretched. Tsuna blushed beetroot red.

"Hehe…sorry. Er. Wait, what are you doing her…er may I ask" By the time Tsuna was finished he was cornered against one of the steps had his hands clenched against his chin and his voice was higher pitched than usual. Please don't hit me; please don't hit me, please…

"Boo" Mukuro muttered from behind Tsuna, and with a fake smile…

"Hiiiie!" Tsuna started around Hibari and into the kitchen seating himself down by Futa who seemed to be staring at Tsuna with fuelled determination. It scared Tsuna…very much. It also made him uncomfortable, seeing as he had started shifting around in his seat already.

Ahh breakfast. And Futa was now pre-occupied with the chocolate. Rating it happily.

Tsuna thought with a sigh of relief. Reaching forwards for a piece of toast that was just shouting out all its creamy butteredness for Tsun…and it was gone. wait! Gone. Tsuna looked up and saw Reborn happily munching away at HIS piece of TOAST.

"Reborn! You're gunna make me go anorexic" Tsuna sighed as Hibari and Mukuro rounded the corner, Hibari stood the furthest away while Mukuro just glued himself to anyone he was near, this unfortunate being was him. Grumbling Tsuna held his head in his hand as he felt a jerk under the table.

Was the table alive? Was it mutating? Ok Baka Tsuna, it`s probably just…

"HAhaha. Lambo-san found treats!" a flash of white and black went speeding around the table, sending things flying and Nana to duck at the sink.

"No Lambo, give those back, their Hi-birds" I-pin replied, grabbing Lambo around the middle

Silence…Dead silence… Oh he was dead…

"Prepare to be bitten to death"

*Chirp, chirp* a very angry bird landed on Hibari`s shoulder.

Tsuna sweat dropped. Oh Christ, not here…Please, anywhere but…


Here. He raised an eyebrow just as his phone went off. The girls, Namely Haru and kyoko, walked in chattering about something. They seated themselves around the table as Tsuna answered his phone.

Boys and girls be ambitious

Boys and girls keep it real

Boys and girls be ambitious…

"What…It`s my…never mind…yes." Putting on an innocent face as everyone stared at him with a weird look. Even Hibari mid strangle with Lambo. Of course Lambo chose that time to nibble his finger and escape…unfortunately. He got nowhere…except into the wall.


Tsuna held the phone away from his ear slightly. Which Reborn of course took, taking to sitting in Tsuna`s nest of hair.

"Y…yes Gokudera-kun…*SPLAT*…Tsuna`s training, what is Gokudera" Tsuna meanwhile burbling something due to the fact his face was now being swallowed by a cereal bowl with cheerio's and milk.

"Oh. Of course Tenth would be. Reborn, there`s trouble, you need to get over here right now."

"What type of trouble Gokudera?"

There was a sudden screeching noise and something or someone screamed. The sound was so horrifying so pain filled even Hibari had to look away.


"Where….Train station…Strange….Blood….Yamato, Rhoyie….Come…..Help"

That was when the phone died. And our Nightmare… truly Began.


Love that song. If you want it. Review and ask for it. If you don`t. review anyway.^^

Smisa:*points* HAHA tsuna face plant *takes pic*

Lambo: RUNNNNNNNN…Hibari scarwy

Smisa: He`s not that…bad ^^

Everyone: …

Smisa: So he`s a bit…

Hibari: what…

Tsuna: *bubble, bubble* BREATHE…help?