Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight. Those wonderful plotlines and characters belong to Mrs. Meyer.

Summary: Post Eclipse. When Bella and Edward attend a party at Jessica's together with Jasper and Alice the emotions -and hormones- start taking on a life of their own.

Rating: M (For a healthy amount of smut.)

POV: Edward

A/N: Last chapter on this story. I am going to write a new M-Rated story in the very near future with a better plotline that this one. To those of you who liked this story, please check my new stroy out when I put it up. I want to thank you all for reviewing and reading. I hope you enjoy this last chapter, although it's a bit shorter than usual.

Chapter ten

Bella and I spent the remainder of the day in bed enjoying each other. We cuddled and kissed, we talked and she napped. It was the perfect romantic closure on our weekend together. I had planned to take her back to the club that night, but when I asked her if she was interested, she simply told me she didn't want to share me with the outside world.

"I think I like that idea." I murmured into her hair, inhaling her sweet scent and reveling in the fact that the burning in my throat was hardly noticeable after spending so much intimate time together.


"Yes, love?"

"Should we call Jasper and Alice to see if they are okay?"

"They will be fine, Bella. They know how to handle their own fights, I promise."

She bit her lip and furrowed her brow. I chuckled at her contemplative expression.

"What are you thinking, love?"

"Just wondering if I am being a horrible friend by not calling Alice."

My phone buzzed at that exact moment. I scooped it up from the night stand and handed it to Bella without looking at the display. Bella looked down and then smiled at me. She flicked it open.

"Hi, Alice," she said quietly.

"Hey, Bells. Listen, don't worry about me and Jasper. He actually came over to where I am and we've already worked things out. We'll be back tomorrow just a couple of minutes after you guys get back."

"Are you sure that things are fine?"

"Yes, Bella. Wait, Jasper wants to talk to you."

"O. Okay."



"I just wanted to tell you, that none of this had anything to do with what happened last night okay? I just couldn't handle the quick build up of the emotions last night. It was just too much. First the thirst, then my own guilt combined with your fear and later the anger towards Alice. When all that lust came around I just lost control and I knew I had to get out of there. I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly."

"Don't apologize. I should've figured it might me too much for you to handle. We all messed up a last night."

I smiled at Bella's apparent need to fix all awkwardness about the entire situation. This was exactly why I loved my fiancée so much. She was so selfless and loving. She was truly a blessing to my entire family.

"Like Alice already told you, we've already made up and we will be home in as little time as possible."

"Okay. See you tomorrow then."

"See ya. O could I speak to Edward real quick?"

"Sure," she said, handing me the phone back with a curious look.

I shrugged and put the phone to my ear.

"Edward, I wanted to apologize to you too. I know I have had some indecent thought about Bella and Alice has too, but I wanted to assure you that we will not get into this again. At least not until you and Bella had all the private time you need together. If in the future there is ever a time where you two want to expand your lovemaking we will gladly be there to share some more time with you, but I think it's best for all concerned that we hold off until Bella is at least a bit more durable."

I chuckled at his admission. "It's already forgiven, Jazz. Thank you for letting us in on your decisions, though. I appreciate it and I think I agree. We need more time with just the two of us. Last night only happened due to all the overwhelming emotions and pent up frustrations we all felt and despite the fact that I don't regret a second of it, neither does Bella by the way, I think last night was the last time something like that happened. At least for now."

Bella smiled sweetly at me and I knew I had estimated her thoughts correctly. I smiled back and Jasper and I said our goodbyes for the time being.

"So," I breathed after I put the phone away. "Where was I?"

I leaned down and reclaimed Bella's mouth with passion.

That night we made love again. It was slow and sweet and we dragged it out as long as we possibly were able to. We kept gazing in each other's eyes the entire time and I had never felt more deeply connected to my love than right then. Eventually Bella fell asleep in my arms and I just allowed myself to get lost in thought. We'd have a ling drive home tomorrow and then I knew I needed to take Bella home again. I felt a little uneasy at that. I didn't want her to leave my side for even an hour anymore. I needed her now more than ever.

"Hmm." Bella breathed in a husky tone.

I smiled. My favorite part of the night was beginning.

"Edward...I love you."

My smile grew more pronounced and I traced light patterns across her bare back.

"It feels so good when you touch me like that," she whispered.

For a moment I wondered if she had woken up, but she didn't stir, so I assumed she was still sleeping and continued caressing her silky skin.

"Oh! Yes, just like that," she now whimpered as she started grinding her hips against my thigh.

My eyes rolled back in my head as I smelled her arousal and felt her moist heat against my cold skin.

"Oh, baby...please...I need you."

She writhed against me and I couldn't take it anymore. I gently rolled her over and slid my hand down her stomach. When my fingers found her wet folds she gasped and her eyes fluttered open.

"Hi," she murmured as a light blush crept up her cheeks.

"Hi, sleeping beauty."

She bit her lip as I languidly slid my fingers up and down her slit, pausing at her entrance at each stroke.


"Yes, my love?"

"I had such a nice dream."

"I think I know," I said, chuckling softly.

"I want you to make love to me again."

My eyes met hers and I leaned my head down to kiss her softly. Her tongue traced my bottom lip and I reached mine out to meet hers. Her fingers knotted in my hair and pulled slightly causing shivers to run down my spine.

"Do you know what you do to me, love?" I groaned against her lips.

"I think I know," she said with a sly smile on her lips.

She bucked her hips into mine and moaned softly at the contact. I traced the length of her spine with one hand while my other reached down and cupped her firm bottom.

"You have such a great ass, my darling," I grunted as I massaged her warm flesh softly.

She pushed her butt into my touch a little more and moaned louder. I grinned and started kissing and licking my way down her throat, to her collarbone and eventually found her beautiful pink nipple.

I groaned when I tasted her sweet taunt peak and lapped at it greedily. I sucked on it while both m y hands now rubbed her ass cheeks. Bella squirmed and pressed her legs together tightly.

"Edward," she breathed. "I want to taste you."

My head snapped up and found her looking down at me with lust clouded eyes. She pushed against my shoulder and I rolled onto my back. She smirked at me with a devilish glint in her eyes.

"What?" I asked a little warily.

She just shook her head and to my surprise turned around. She straddled me, one knee on either side of my head and then leaned down to take my cock in her hot mouth. I gasped as soon as I felt her heat engulf me and it took me a couple of seconds to focus on what she wanted me to do. I placed my hands on her hips and pulled her down to me, darting my tongue out to taste her juices.

I felt her hum around my cock and I twitched inside her mouth, circling her clit faster now. I readjusted my arm so I could finger fuck her while I was lapping at her dripping pussy. As soon as my fingers entered her I felt her graze her teeth across my length and when she came up she sucked on the head as hard as she could shooting electric sparks thorugh my body.

"Ungh! Bella," I grunted against her.

She hummed again and the vibrations almost sent me over the edge. I knew I wouldn't last much longer so I pushed a third finger into her tight opening to coat it with her juices. I pulled it out again and teased her rectum, rubbing her own juices over her tight opening.

She gasped at that and paused her movement for a second. I froze, unsure whether of not to continue. She pulled her mouth away from me.

"I need you to go on with what you were doing Edward, because it was sexy as hell," she said quietly before taking my tip back in her mouth.

So I took her clit between my lips and resumed my suckling at licking, while thrusting two finger into her core. Very tentatively I also resumed rubbing one finger over her rectum.

She suddenly took my cock so deep into her mouth that I felt my tip hit the back of her throat and I knew I was done for. I shot my cum into her mouth. I slipped my finger in her tight ass and sucked hard on her clit, causing her to tumble over the edge with me. Our moans and cries were muffled against each other, but it caused an extra intense sensation for us both.

Bella rolled off me and lay on her back, panting. I crawled over to her and smiled down at her satisfied face.

"Edward, that was amazing," she murmured.

"You took the words out of my mouth," I whispered and leaned down to kiss her.

The next morning arrived a little too soon to my liking. After Bella had her breakfast, we packed up our bags and headed downstairs to check out. The receptionist that had welcomed us was at the desk and when she noticed us standing at her desk she gave us a fake smile.

Still don't see why he's with her. How can a girl like that be any good in bed? No, he needs a woman with a little experience under her belt.

I groaned in exasperation and pulled Bella a little closer. Se looked up at me and I knew in an instant that she understood why I was upset. She smirked and reached up to kiss me deeply. The receptionist cleared her throat, but without breaking the kiss I placed the credit card on the counter and then proceeded to lift Bella off the ground. She wrapped her legs around me and I felt her heat radiate though our clothing.

"Again, Bella?" I asked with a smile.

"Hell yes." she said smiling profusely.

I chuckled and turned her around so she was now clinging to my back. I took the credit card back form a now very petulant receptionist, picked up our bags and carried my love out to my car. Our lovely alone time was up. We had to face the real world again. Get ready for our wedding.