With her, it was always endless laughter and a smile bright enough to eclipse the sun. She was sweet and genuine and caring and sincere. She wore her heart on her sleeve and it drove him crazy. Around her, he became unhinged. Since the moment they met, his reputation was at stake because everyone knows that all he cares about besides ratings and acting, is himself. And it was true, acting was like breathing for him, he could have won twenty gold statuettes in his sleep. Being stuck up and arrogant- that, he was good at. Lying and pretending? That was easy.

He was a very good actor after all.

But being honest and coming to terms with the real things, the ones that mattered? Not being afraid to let go or look like a fool? It was too hard. He didn't know how to be anyone else.

It's the reason why he stole her yogurt and made that stupid egg salad video. It's why he always manages to ruin a moment or make her mad. And why he lied about losing faith in himself and about doubting his acting abilities. Its because he knows he can't mess up his film. He can't step out of character. Even when he can't get her out of his head.

That's why there have been times when he slipped up. Like when he ended up on the floor while playing musical chairs because he thought she sprained her ankle. Or when he spent two hours in his dressing room removing scraps of itchy beard from his face because he has glued it on seconds before the show to make sure it wouldn't fall off when he was saving her. Truth was, he cared a lot. And he wanted to be her knight in an expensive shiny prep school blazer. But like he said, just because you wish for something doesn't make it so. And the show must go on.