Well folks, it's happened. I, James Rodney O'Neill, have played and beaten Star Fox: Command! I feel disgusted with myself! I hate that game soooooo much as you know!! And yet, it was actually pretty fun! Gameplay wise only though. Damn Nintendo!!!! Anyway, still on writers block. Hopefully this chapter comes out alright!
Okay I'm done. Enjoy and, as always, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW!!!! tee hee. QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED IN, INT WITH JRO.
Chapter 7 Part A: The Escape Plan
Krystal awoke with a start as the doorbell buzzed. Krystal's eyes were heavy and her head was thickly knotted from lack of sleep. The vixen was still tired from the night's exertions, and had collapsed into bed only a few hours ago. She'd had to wait until all the other "guests" from Teera's party were asleep before tip-toeing out the door. Marcus slept peacefully beside her, undeterred by the loud noise. Krystal was amazed what her son could sleep through!
Rubbing her eyes and trying to swallow down the grumpiness she was feeling, Krystal stood uncertainly from the bed and began staggering towards the door. The buzzer sounded again with the same annoying static. "I'm coming!" Krystal yelled through the door fumbling with the controls. Somehow she managed to get the door to slide aside and glared at her unwanted visitor. He was a monkey with unruly hair and goatee. A regular Star Wolf grunt. The ape had a large bag over one shoulder and a PDA in his left hand. He stopped to admire the pajama clad vixen for a moment and Krystal had a hard time not kicking him and shutting the door in his face. "What do you want?" Krystal demanded impatiently. The ape seemed to come out of his daydreaming and looked at his PDA.
"Um...you..uh..Kursed?" he said uninterestedly. The disheveled head nodded curtly. Reaching into his bag he removed several envelopes and started sifting through them. At last he selected a long pink envelope and handed it to Krystal. The vixen looked at it in sleepy astonishment. She'd never gotten mail here before! The ape made a note on his PDA and nodded to Krystal. He turned and started down the hall.
Krystal ducked back inside and flipped the envelope over to look at the address. It had her name on it alright and her room number. The letter's return address informed her it was from Teera and Krystal tore it open with a slight feeling of elation. A plastic card fell from the hole and onto the floor at her feet. With an excited smile Krystal bent down and picked it up. At last! Not particularly caring but doing so as a matter of habit, Krystal read the note with which the card had been sent:
Dear Kursed,
You were amazing last night! I can't remember having that much fun in a long time! You're quite the hell cat! Or should I say hell vixen? I would've told you in person, but you left before I woke up. I usually don't like it when girls hit and run, but in light of your "skills" I'm willing to let it slide. At any rate, here's your payment: 1 detention center access card, as promised! I really hope to see you again at my next little get together! There might be more I could do for you!
Very Thankfully Your's
P.S. That thing's no good with out the code! 49625
At the bottom next to the signature, Teera had kissed the paper with lipstick. Krystal snickered to herself and tossed the letter in the wastebasket. She didn't need Teera's praise, just the card. Feeling extremely pleased with herself Krystal climbed back into bed with a yawn. She pulled the covers up under her chin and closed her eyes. Man, she was glad that this was her day off!
Krystal snuggled up closer to Fox. The morning sun smiled down on the two vulpines as they lay in the green grass of Corneria. Krystal couldn't recall ever being so happy and she sighed contentedly. In the distance, Krystal could see the spires of Corneria City, that world in which she'd found a new life. She was enjoying the feel of her husband's arms around her petite but muscular frame, his breath stirring her delicate face fur. They had been out here for who knows how long and still they lay. The whispering wind made her skirt rise a little, then fall. She would probably have grass stains all over her when they returned. Krystal didn't often wear dresses, but this was a special occasion. That was why they were out here in the first place. She and Fox had both agreed that they needed to get away from the city for their 2nd anniversary, away from the hustle and bustle, and the friends that annoyed them so much, but whom they still loved. And so, they'd walked all the way out here, to this field that stretched for miles. No communicators, no starfighters, no adoring masses following their every move, just Fox and her.
It was quiet moments like this that Krystal cherished most. Star Fox consumed most of their time, and it was just good to be with each other without the purpose being sex, though Krystal was having a hard time resisting the urge to jump her mate. Thoughtfulness turned her on.
Fox hugged Krystal a little closer to him, kissing her softly on the forehead. "This is nice." he sighed happily, looking up at the lazuline sky. Wispy clouds floated in the breeze, adding character to the blue canvas.
"Yes," Krystal agreed. "It's wonderful." The breeze was cool on her face and smelled of many wonderful things. Grass, flowers, trees, dirt, and most importantly, Fox. His smell was a little musty but with the lightest hint of aftershave. It enthralled her. She was so in love with him! After 2 whole years of marriage she still loved Fox McCloud as strongly as she did the day she married him! Krystal's smile widened even further and she propped herself up on one arm, looking down at her husband. Fox looked back and smiled as well.
"Happy Anniversary, Krystal."
"Happy Anniversary, Fox." Krystal leaned down and kissed her mate's lips, caressing each in turn with her own. Fox returned the kiss, and wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her into a warm embrace. This wasn't a sexual buildup, just pure love, shared by two foxes who adored one another. Krystal felt herself falling into a kind of trance. Some people say that love blinds people, and for Krystal McCloud that was a literal thing.
Krystal became aware that tiny hands were shaking her by the shoulder. Krystal groaned. The happy memory she'd been dreaming was slipping away, and she wanted nothing more than to return to that blissful state forever. How she hated her pitiful existence! She wasn't whole without Fox, with whom she had shared so much of herself. He had taken the best in her, and no matter how much she tried or how many members of Star Wolf she could kill or how many friends she regained, Krystal knew that she would still be empty. With these dreams of she and Fox's most cherished moments, she felt like herself again.
The hands continued their insistent shaking and Krystal pulled away and groaned again. "Mommy?" Marcus' voice cut sharply into her ear. "Mommy, wake up!"
Krystal curled tighter into the blankets. "Marcus, let Mommy sleep....!" Krystal didn't want to be up. She wanted more sleep. "Mommy was up very late last night and she needs her sleep!"
Marcus continued to shake her, much to her annoyance. "But Mommy!" the kit complained. "You promised to take me to lunch with Aunt Katt and Uncle Falco today!" Krystal grimaced. She did remember promising him that. Her son hadn't left this room for several weeks and was getting a little cabin fever. He had been so good and cooperative that Krystal thought he deserved a treat. But she had never expected to be this tired.
Krystal rolled over and opened her still sleepy eyes. "I know. And I will, but it can't be..." Krystal's voice trailed off as she saw the clock. 12:15 PM. She exhaled disappointedly. The world just wasn't fair today! Marcus' eyes were suddenly filled with concern.
"Mommy, are you crying?" Krystal blinked and put her hand to her cheek. Sure enough, tears were rolling down the silky fur. She was surprised at how they'd snuck up on her. She wasn't even feeling sad.
"Oh." Krystal chuckled, wiping up the water with her forearm. She looked apologetically up at Marcus and smiled. "It's okay, honey. I'm fine."
Marcus gave her a sympathetic stare. "Were you dreaming about Daddy again?" he enquired.
Krystal nodded thoughtfully. "Yes."
Marcus looked a little worried. "Was it bad?"
Krystal looked him in the eyes and shook her head. "No. It was a good dream."
"Why are you crying then?" Krystal shrugged.
"I don't know." Krystal leaned up and hugged Marcus. He was really all she had now. But what was wrong with that? He was kind, supportive, caring, cooperative, smart, and handsome, but most importantly Marcus was her son, and he was Fox's son.
"I love you, Marcus." Krystal said plainly. Marcus hugged his mother's neck, burying his face in her dark blue hair.
"I love you too, Mommy."
The only 2 surviving McClouds hugged for several more seconds, then parted. Krystal smiled and swung her legs over the bed. "Well, I'd better get showered and changed so we can go." Standing up, she helped Marcus down off the bed as well, and began walking towards the bathroom. "Marcus? Can you get dressed on your own?" she enquired of her kit. Marcus shrugged and looked sheepish. Krystal shook her head. "Is that a: "I do, but I want you to help" shrug, or is that a: "Yes, maybe" shrug. Marcus shrugged again, and Krystal chuckled. Her shower would have to wait.
The courtyard for Wolf's Place, the restaurant Katt was working that day, was packed. It may have been loud, crowded, and a shifty place, but Krystal barely noticed. She was enjoying lunch with her 3 favorite people: Falco, Katt, and Marcus. It felt almost like the old days again.
After the team's reformation, the members of Star Fox had begun spending more time with each other, going out to bars or dinner together, playing poker and pool, and sometimes a trip to the beach. In short, they had become better friends, and enjoyed each other's company. Many things may have changed, but Krystal found she could still take that same pleasure from being with her friends, even after 6 years of isolation.
To look at them now, one might think nothing bad had ever happened to them. They were the picture of contentment. Falco was telling Marcus about some adventure or another, while the little fox listened with eager ears, and Katt was just chit-chatting with Krystal about this and that. Now and then there'd be a silent moment, but this was normal. It was one such time now and the group sat chewing on their food in a sated manner.
Suddenly, Katt's face seemed to brighten with an idea. Turning to Krystal she began, "Hey Krystal? Isn't your...?" Katt's voice trailed off and a sad realization crossed her face. She looked apologetically at Krystal. "Sorry. Forget I said anything."
Krystal looked quizzically at her feline friend. "What? What were you going to say?"
Katt moved a piece of meat around on her plate, looking sheepish. "It was nothing. I just remembered something that's all."
"Remembered what?" Krystal prompted her hesitant friend. "Something about me?"
Katt's thoughts were regretful. She had clearly remembered something she thought would be painful for friend to discuss. Yet, still Krystal was curious. Katt gave Krystal a long look then said, "I was going to say that your anniversary is next week." The table suddenly went silent as all eyes turned to the 2 ladies.
Krystal's brain clicked. Katt was right! She and Fox would have been married 9 years from that next Tuesday! Katt looked at Krystal like she might attack her. Krystal could understand why. Her 6 years dead husband was a touchy subject, and Katt was worried about hurting Krystal by bringing it up. Krystal wasn't sure how she felt about this reminder. Her anniversary had always been a sacred day for her. There were in fact several days in the year that she'd set aside to honor Fox. Holidays mostly, though some were simply days that she and Fox had done something special. Her first meeting with Fox, the night they'd defeated the Anglars, Fox's proposal even, and high on her list was her anniversary.
Krystal gave a small smile and the entire table relaxed. "It's okay, Katt." Krystal assured her placing a blue hand on the feline's shoulder. "Thank you for reminding me. Yes, our anniversary is next week, on Tuesday in fact." Krystal's eyes took on a bemused glaze as she leaned back in her chair. "We would have been married 9 years."
Katt smiled sadly at her friend. "I'm sorry, Krystal. I know how much you miss, Fox."
Krystal nodded her thanks and sighed."Thanks, Katt." Katt nodded as well and the table was silent again.
Falco rubbed the back of his neck, looking awkward. "So...uh..do you...have any plans for that night?" Krystal shook her head no. Not knowing how to proceed Falco pressed on. "Well...maybe...if your not too busy...we could...do something that night. You know...a special occasion deal?"
Krystal gave her former teammate a sad smile. "Sorry Falco. I usually take that day for myself."
Falco's face fell a little. "Oh, sorry."
Krystal gave him an apologetic grin and reached down to pet the top of her son's head. Marcus looked up at his mother with concern in his eyes. He was truly worried about her well being, and was trying to be sympathetic to her plight. Krystal gave him a small smile too. "It's okay. I'm fine, Marcus." The kit nodded, not entirely content with his mother's answer.
The thing Katt had feared was out. The very mention of Fox had killed the conversation and soon Katt and Falco began to check their watches. "Well, it's about time for me to get back to work." Katt sighed standing up.
Falco stood up as well. "Yeah, hate to say it, but I have to go, too." The avian gave a distasteful look. "After all, that garbage isn't going to haul itself." The look on his face clearly stated he wished that were the case.
Krystal nodded reaching into her jeans pocket. She produced several credit chips with which to pay for the meal. Katt and Falco would have protested, but the fact was that they had no money with which to pay. Krystal placed the chips on the table and gave them a reassuring smile. "It's alright guys. I really don't need the money that badly." Her reassurance did little to alleviate her friends' discomfort, but they nodded sheepishly.
"Aw! Do you guys have to go?" Marcus complained disappointedly.
Falco bent down and put a feathered hand on the pups shoulders. "Afraid so, kiddo." Marcus hung his head in disappointment, looking crestfallen. Falco took pity on the lonely kit; however, and pointed his muzzle up to look him in the eyes. "Hey, hey! Don't worry, Marcus! We'll come to see you, real soon!" The avian flashed a reassuring smirk, one Krystal thought reminiscent of the old Falco.
Marcus's ears raised slightly and his tail twitched a little. "Promise?" he asked, a look of desperation in his eyes.
Falco nodded and put a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Promise." Marcus hugged the blue-feathered avian around the waist, and in turn, Falco gave the boy's head a reassuring rub, letting slip some small manner of affection for his best friend's son.
Katt bent down and hugged Marcus too, tenderly kissing his forehead. "Bye bye, Marcus."
"Bye, Aunt Katt." Marcus replied with a small smile.
Katt hugged Krystal as well, not forgetting her blue-furred friend. "See you later, Krystal."
"Later." Krystal replied flatly. Falco and Katt gave each other a good-bye kiss and they both walked back to their respective jobs, Falco walking towards the down ramps, and Katt walking behind the bar of the restaurant.
Krystal watched her friends with a sad expression. When she saw them, it was almost like looking at her and Fox. Falco and Katt had gone through many of the things Fox and her had. They had both hid their feelings from the other, they had worked together, they had had fights! But they had also gone through more, more than Krystal could imagine! Growing up on the streets, gang fights, poverty! They had similar pasts, were part of the same gang, they were both incredible pilots, and cocky to boot, with stubborn streaks as long as Lylat's gravitational pull! They were perfect for each other!
Krystal and Fox had been extremely similar. They both had traumatic pasts, they had both been good pilots, and they were each too stubborn for their own good. They had loved each other secretly, flown as a team, and had a fight that had almost ended their relationship! There were many differences between the romantic history of their friends' and teammates' and their own, but the fundamental structure was the same. And yet, her friends were more or less happy, they had each other even if they had nothing else. Krystal was a 31-year old widow with a 5-year old kit, and Fox was dead. Her life was anything but happy.
The Cerinian vixen was just a little resentful of her friends' happiness, and secretly jealous. Why was it that they got to be happy, and she didn't? Why should they get a chance at a happy future? Why was it that her husband was dead? Why had Andross won? Why did Star Wolf get the winner's chair for murdering millions of innocent people, while the rightful heroes rotted in the dirt on Katina or on this god-forsaken space station? It just wasn't fair!
Krystal felt tears welling up in her eyes and quickly wiped them away, trying to hide her despair from her son. Marcus' eyes caught his mother's expression, and he rushed to his mother's side, climbing on top of a chair to give her a hug. Krystal sighed and embraced her wonderfully sweet offspring. "Thank you, Marcus."
"I don't like it when you cry." Marcus said. Krystal's mind flew back to a time when Fox had said those exact words to her. It had been the 10th anniversary of Cerinia's destruction, and the fox couple had been having a quiet dinner in their quarters. Fox was keeping the talk to a minimum, out of respect for Krystal's grief, waiting patiently for an opportunity to provide his wife with some comfort. It had been during one of the brief intervals of conversation that Krystal had broken down, sobbing into her hands. Fox had instantly been at her side, wrapping his strong arms around her shaking form. For the rest of the night he'd just held her while she cried, not speaking a word, letting his wife's sorrow wash out of her system. Krystal had finally cried herself dry and fell asleep in Fox's warm embrace, her husband following suit soon after her.
When they'd awoken the next morning, Krystal had thanked Fox for his understanding and love, kissing him deeply. Fox had work to do that morning, so he couldn't stay longer for any other kind of reward, and he'd changed quickly and prepared to leave. However, just before he left, he'd turned to Krystal in the door way and said: "Krystal, I want you to promise me something," he'd began quietly.
Krystal was all attention and asked, "What is it?"
Turning back to her in the doorway of their apartment on Corneria, Fox said very seriously, "Krystal, I want you to promise me that from now on, you'll only cry 1 day a year."
Krystal's eyes widened in confusion and she walked over to take her husband's hands. "You want me to what?"
"Promise me, no matter what happens, that you won't cry more than 1 day a year." Fox's eyes were pleading, but dead serious. "Can you do that, Krystal?" His eyes were locked with hers and his grip tightened on her hands in earnest. "Please Krystal. For my sake?"
Krystal sighed resignedly, dropping her gaze for a moment before returning to her husband. "Okay, if it'll make you happy, Fox. I promise I won't cry more than once a year."
Fox heaved a sigh of relief and kissed her softly. "Thank you." he said turning to leave again.
"Fox," Krystal stopped him.
Fox looked quizzically in her direction. "Hm?"
"Why did you ask me to promise that?"
Fox smiled and gently rubbed her arm with his hand. "I don't like it when you cry."
Krystal smiled at the happy memory. She had broken that promise so many times in the past 6 years, she'd forgotten she'd even made it. If he were alive, would Fox be disappointed in her for not keeping her promise? She didn't think so. Fox was never the type to hold a grudge over something so trivial. Besides, if he was alive she would have kept that promise without any trouble.
Krystal pulled out of her son's tiny embrace and rubbed his arm in a motherly fashion. "Come on, sweetheart," she said standing up. "It's time to head back."
"But Mommy!" Marcus complained as she picked him up and walked out of the restaurant. "I don't wanna go back to that room! It's boring!"
"Oh come on," she tempted with a small smile. "I'll tell you a sto-ry–!"
Marcus's ears twitched slightly. He always loved his mother's stories. "Well..." he said hesitantly. "I don't know..."
Krystal gave her son a astonished look, opening her mouth slightly. "You mean you... Don't want to hear a story?" She made a disappointed face, letting an air of hurt creep into her voice. "I don't know what to say."
"Wait, Mommy!" Marcus exclaimed, putting his tiny hands on his mother's shoulders. "I do want to hear a story! I do, I do! I'll listen!"
Krystal laughed and kissed his cheek. "Whew, you had me worried for a second." As they walked down the ramps leading to the lower level, Krystal smelled a familiar stench wafting up to her nose. Marcus sniffed and wrinkled his nose in disgust, covering it with both hands. "Ew–! What's that smell?" Krystal immediately recognized the odor, it was the same one she'd smelled the day of her arrival on Sargasso Space Station! Quickening her pace as best she could, she peered down into the empty gloom of the lower levels. Rasper was trudging slowly but surely towards the detention center. Behind him, 2 bulky guards carrying assault rifles were muttering to each other. Krystal couldn't make out what they were saying, but the thought patterns she sensed told her they were griping about their assignment as Rasper's escort.
Marcus looked down over the railing as well, nearly falling out of his mother's arms in the process. "Who's that Mo–?" Krystal clamped a blue-furred hand on his muzzle, silencing the young pup before he could finish his thought.
"Shh!" she ordered him, watching the melancholy procession nearing the entrance to the detention center. Rasper put a hand on the blast door to steady himself. As far as she could tell, the enigmatic creature was exhausted from the days work. In his mind she heard only the dull voice of instinct calling him to rest. Before the guard could pull his key card through the scanner, Rasper collapsed onto the floor and began to curl up to sleep.
"Get up!" the guard spat, kicking Rasper in the exposed back. Rasper yelped in pain and catching the guard in the meaty stomach with his own slime-crusted boot. The large-gutted guard grunted in pain, but didn't seem overly disturbed by the blow. "Why you!" he exclaimed hauling Rasper off the deck before slamming him back down. This evoked another yelp from the masked figure, and he tried to back away. "I'll teach you to kick me!" the guard barked cracking the butt of his assault rifle into Rasper's forehead. "Come on, Morty!" the first guard said to the second. "Let's show Rasper here a few things in discipline!" The other guard grinned maliciously, raising the butt of his own gun. Krystal watched as the 2 guards beat the poor animal on the ground. His strangled sobs hurt Krystal's ears, made all the more heartwrenching when the sedation collar administered its smokey dose. The yelping became coughing, and the guards backed away for a moment to avoid the smoke. Krystal surveyed the wretched thing on the ground, revolted by the cruel treatment of the guards. His mask had turned a darker shade of black, the blood from his unseen wounds seeping through the fabric. She pulled away from the railing, shielding Marcus from the blatant cruelty below them. She was tearing slightly, feeling for Rasper and his plight. He was treated so unfairly!
"Come on." Said the first guard again. "I think that does it. He won't be trying anything like that again, now that we've given him a firm thrashing!" Krystal heard the woosh as the blast door drew aside to let them pass. "I can't believe he'd do this twice in one day!" She heard Rasper's labored breathing, and the friction as they dragged him through. He gave one final rail and the blast door closed again, blocking out any sound from within the detention center.
Krystal breathed an inward sigh of relief, glad that the ordeal was over. Of course for Rasper that nightmare would continue. It would continue until the day he died unless she could find a way to help him! She felt a sort of kinship towards him. They'd both suffered through a lot. They shared the pain Andross's return had wrought upon the Lylat System. They'd both lost everything at the hands of Star Wolf. Of course, they'd each suffered in different ways. Rasper's was more physical pain, rather than the constant emotional torment Krystal endured. Rasper however had the benefit of being unaware of his situation. He was drugged 24/7, and so was enjoying a peaceful slumber inside his own mind. All the things about his personality were hidden behind that grey curtain of sedation. If only she could get passed it!
Krystal was roused from her revelry by the sound of soft crying. Marcus was teary eyed, and mewling softly. Krystal nuzzled the back of his head as the vixen pulled her son into a tight hug, trying to soothe the anguish he was feeling. "It's okay..." she cooed, shifting her weight from one foot to the other in a rocking motion. "It's okay, Marcus. Just relax."
"I...I felt...." Marcus sniffed. "I felt them kicking me! I felt what he felt!" Marcus' cheeks were wet against her shoulder, and his tiny arms clung to his mother's neck with desperation.
"I know...I know.." Krystal shushed him, brushing his back with 1 hand. "I felt it too. But it's alright! Just try to block it out."
"I...I can't..." Marcus sobbed. "It hurts too much!"
"Focus on me." Krystal advised, trying to become the anchor her son needed by clearing her mind of all negative thought. "Focus on my feelings only, and let the rest of those thoughts fade into the background."
Marcus continued to cry but did as she asked, latching on to her mind like a man in the middle of the ocean holds on for dear life to a passing piece of driftwood. Krystal's serenity seemed to calm him because his crying soon began to soften into the sniffles, and soon he was sleeping peacefully on Krystal's shoulder. Krystal smiled as she felt her son slip into unconsciousness, continuing to walk down the hallways of the third floor. It didn't take long to reach her own door, and she opened it with a swipe of her key card, and a quick tapping on the input pad.
Once inside, she laid her slumbering son down on the bed. Despite having only awakened a short time before, Marcus had exhausted himself with all the sobbing and crying. Krystal pulled the still unmade blankets over his small form, kissing him softly as she would when she put him to bed at night.
Walking over to her computer, she slumped down into her chair and placed her head in her hands, sighing exhaustedly. Her long blue hair fell down over her like a curtain, obscuring her behind a tangle of shiny locks. Krystal pulled the hair out of her eyes and tucked it behind her ears. How she hated long hair! It was hard to deal with, it didn't do anything for her appearance, and it got in the way at the most inopportune times! And the color! Dark blue was so dull, boring, and unattractive! Krystal wished more than ever that she could let her fur return to its natural shade or rich sapphire! To no longer be Kursed, a bounty hunter from the planet Corneria with no past, but Krystal McCloud of the Star Fox Team, wife of Fox McCloud, hero of the Lylat system!
Her eyes were red-rimmed from all the tears she'd been rubbing away with her hands. She sniffed loudly and closed her eyes. She was so tired! She didn't think she'd ever been so tired! The exhaustion was partly due to not getting enough sleep the previous night, but mostly it was because of the horrendous amount of emotional baggage she was carrying. How she longed for things to go back to how they had been before all this mess started! She longed to be back aboard Great Fox III, listening to Falco making wise cracks at Slippy's expense, and watching the toad respond in kind. Studying ROB as he made numerous calculations, training with Lucy and Amanda, chatting idly with Katt in the feline's room, and most of all, being with Fox. Smelling the scent of his fur, feeling his touch on her skin, being in his presence, seeing him smile affectionately at her, or just looking out at the stars together! She missed everything about her old life! Whether it was flying missions, to hanging out with her friends, or making love with Fox in the small hours of morning. Her life today was garbage! A prisoner of Star Wolf, the very team that had caused her so much pain and suffering, local whore, and waitress at the various joints on Sargasso Space Colony. Her husband dead, all but 2 of her friends brutally murdered, and unwilling subject of a deranged dictator who she'd thought long dead! The only comfort she could take came from Marcus. All the love she had left was for him, but even that didn't satisfy her the way it should.
Krystal hadn't felt this empty since Fox forced her off the team, and left her on Corneria nearly 12 years ago! It had been so long, but Krystal still remembered how bad it'd felt to be all alone in the universe. It had nearly driven her insane! Those two years of separation from the only man she'd ever loved, and the only family she'd known since Cerinia's destruction, had been a living hell! Luckily, Peppy had been there to help, and, as much as she hated to admit it, so had Panther. He'd provided an outlet for her negative feelings, and he'd been there for her when she needed to have social interaction. She'd been terribly vulnerable, and she sometimes marveled at how close she'd come to giving in to her despair and joining Star Wolf. If Panther had been the slightest bit purer, she might have done something she would have regretted the rest of her life, whether it was having sex with Panther, or simply letting her revenge take precedence. Of course that would have screwed her for sure! She'd have never known how sweet Fox could be, how gentle his touch was, or how much he loved her. She wouldn't have Marcus now that was for sure! She'd been very lucky now that she thought about it. It was just a moment's hesitation that had caused all this to happen! If she'd just acted sooner! It was her own fault! Andross never would have returned if not for her!
Krystal got up from her chair and looked out of the viewport in the kitchenette. Lylat glared a bright shade of orange in the distance, illuminating the space outside in shadowed relief. Krystal adjusted the setting, and the glare softened. She would make amends somehow! She would undo all this if she could, but since she couldn't she'd have to atone for her sins. She would defeat Andross, have her revenge on Star Wolf, and live happily ever after with Marcus on Corneria, which she would make it her life's work to restore to its original beauty.
Just you wait Fox! Krystal thought. I'll make you proud. I'll be a good mother, and the savior you once were! And I'll start by getting Rasper off this station. I can't leave, but at least I can make sure he gets away safely. This'll be the beginning of my atonement.
Krystal turned away from the window and walked to the door. She slid on her overcoat, concealing the blaster pistol Rasper had tossed her nearly month ago in an inner pocket. She opened the door and walked out into the passageway, heading for the upper decks. As she left, she intensified her thought patterns to explosions of thought and images, leaving a message for Marcus when he woke up where she'd gone. She needed to spring Rasper as soon as possible, and for that she'd need a ship. And to get a ship, she'd need a pilot for Rasper to impersonate. When he came to his senses and she explained the situation, she'd give him the necessary instructions to fly the ship, imbedding them in his mind with her telepathy. It was a lot simpler than some people would have thought to get off Sargasso.
Krystal walked to the elevator, and selected the 5th floor as her destination, swiping her key card through and inputting her code. The elevator zoomed to life, speeding its way to the 5th level with incredible ease. There was a slight pinging sound and the doors slid open, revealing a stretch of hallway identical to the third floor. As Krystal walked, hands in her pockets, she scanned the numbers on the doors, trying to find a certain one. It was a few minutes before she found it. 24567. She took a deep breath and exhaled sharply. Reaching into her inner coat, Krystal withdrew her pistol and adjusted the setting, making sure it would kill on contact.
Krystal was more than a little nervous. She hadn't done this in 6 years, and even when she had, it'd never been face-to-face. She took a moment to calm herself, breathing deeply, her long blue cascading over her shoulders. When she finally felt ready, she reached over and buzzed the room. Inside there was loud rustling, and then footsteps approaching the door. Krystal quickly re-hid the pistol in her coat pocket and put on her sexiest smile.
The door opened, and there stood a gray avian, clad only in a pair of red briefs. His mug was somewhat urked at being disturbed at whatever he was doing, but when he saw who it was, a crafty smile split his beak. "Well, well..." the avian said, leaning up against the door frame. "What have we here?"
"It's been a few days Frionel." Krystal said sauntering a bit closer to the nearly nude avian. "I was beginning to think you'd forgotten me."
"Nah, Kursed!" The avian said smirking lustfully at the vixen. "I just needed some companionship, and well, you were a little bit expensive."
Krystal plastered on a hurt face. "Oh, you poor man." she said drawing even closer. "Well, how bout I give you one on the house? For old times' sake?"
Frionel grinned more impishly than before. "Well, maybe..." he teased as he pretended to consider it. "If you wouldn't mind sharing me with another girl?"
Krystal's resolve wavered for a moment. She hadn't planned on 2 people! It was one thing to kill a ruffian who had little to no regard for women as anything but sexual gratification, but quite another to murder an innocent girl just trying to make a living. Krystal didn't want to, but it was what was necessary. "No problem." She purred walking past the grinning avian into the room.
Danni was laying under the covers in the shabby little apartment's queen-size, her fur a little rumpled from the previous minutes' activities. Krystal felt another twang on her heart strings. This was one of the girls she worked with, one that she understood, not a stranger who she could kill at a moment's notice. The door swished closed behind them and Frionel came up behind Krystal to look at the brown-furred vixen staring up at them, trying her best to hide her exposed front from Krystal's eyes.
"Kursed?!" Danni's eyes were wide with a sort of panic. Krystal's presence clearly seemed to affect her. "What the hell are you doing here?!"
"She's gonna join the fun!" Frionel greedily explained, pulling his briefs off again and revealing his stiff rod to both girls. He walked over to the bed and pulled the covers away from the slightly more timid vixen, exposing her perky breasts. Krystal had the urge to look away, but resisted, staring the other girl full in the chest. She had to keep up appearances.
"But I–!" Danni began covering herself with her arms.
"Don't worry!" Frionel crooned, rubbing his meat against her thigh. "I'm gonna double your money for this!"
Danni struggled with that for a few moments, teetering on the edge of flat out refusal. Her mind was confused by Krystal's sudden appearance, and the younger vixen wanted nothing more than to bolt. She gave a few mewls of indecision, but ultimately she resigned herself to her fate and spread her legs to allow Frionel entry.
The avian chuckled maliciously and dove forward, digging himself into her velvety fur, making her moan loudly. Krystal tried not to let her revulsion show, but she really hated seeing her co-worker violated in such a manner. It was consensual, but Danni was obviously not enjoying herself. Her emotions were not even remotely akin to what Krystal felt when she made love to Fox. Instead of ecstasy, Danni received only pain from each thrust, regret pervaded her every thought, and her tail was tucked beneath her in shame of what she was participating in.
Krystal's heart bled for her. There were so many girls on the station in similar straights. Hell, by all appearances, Krystal was in that same situation! Except Krystal's was only an act she'd invented to achieve her own goals, she put her patrons to sleep and made them dream sex with her while she walked away with the profit. Danni had to go through every second of violation every time, just to earn her way!
Frionel looked back at Krystal with a greedy glint in his eyes. "What're you waiting for Kursed? Come join the party!"
That's an excellent idea. Krystal thought. What am I waiting for? Walking swiftly over to the bed, Krystal placed a hand on Danni's head. The brown vixen's eyes turned to meet Krystal's. For a brief moment they shared eye contact, then Krystal released her telepathic jolt. Danni's eyes rolled into the back of her head and she stopped moaning, going limp beneath Frionel's raging cock.
The avian gave a gasp of displeasure as the girl lay unconscious on his bed. "What the hell–!" He never finished the thought. Krystal had placed a hand on his head, and closing her eyes in concentration, she flung herself at the bird's mind. She was searching for his access code. Being a pilot, he'd have access to the flight deck, and a ship to fly, and those were things she'd need to get Rasper off the station. The process could have been painless, if she'd gone a little bit slower. As it was, the excruciating pain in his head caused the avian to cry out, unable to clutch his head in pain because of Krystal's hold on him. Krystal ignored the shrieks, and continued her search, peeling layer upon layer of memory like an onion. It didn't take as long as she'd anticipated, and she withdrew her hand from Frionel's skull. The avian began clutching his head, collapsing into the fetal position on the bed beside Danni.
"Kursed! What the fuck are you—?" He never finished that either. There was a loud blasting sound as the green laser fire from Krystal's gun connected with the avian's head. With a short cry, Frionel relaxed, his eyes blank and staring. Krystal collapsed into a chair. She had just killed someone! And not just in an Arwing's pilot seat, but face to face! Krystal was a little shaken, but she soon forced it to pass. Turning her attention to the 2 figures on the bed, Krystal noticed that Frionel had ejaculated all over Danni's brown-fur. Krystal rushed into the bathroom and retrieved a towel that was hanging on the rack. It was still wet, but that was what mattered. Krystal bent down to the young vixen and began cleaning the dead avian's semen out of Danni's fur.
Once that was done, Krystal redressed the young girl, retrieving the clothes that had been cast onto the floor. She then proceeded to wipe the whole thing from Danni's memory, having compassion on the young girl instead of just killing her. Having finished that, Krystal began rummaging through Frionel's discarded pants, searching for his wallet. She soon found it, and made sure that the card she needed was inclosed. It was. Satisfied, Krystal stuffed it into her overcoat, and searched out the things that would connect her to the crime, items with her finger prints and footprints in the carpet.
When she had completed her work, Krystal was quite tired. She knew she couldn't afford to be so, and did her best to swallow it down. The blue vixen picked up the brown, and hit the door release. She walked out into the corridor, hefting Danni with ease, the door swishing closed behind her. Krystal breathed deeply, her mind swimming at what she'd just done. Her moral side, the old Krystal, was bugging her immensely. It had been wrong to kill Frionel like that! Whatever he'd done, he hadn't deserved to be gunned down in cold blood.
Krystal tried to shake those thoughts. She knew if she allowed them to get control of her, it might cause her mission to fail, and that was not an option. Krystal told herself that it was for the greater good, that Frionel's sudden and violent death would help things in the long run. Still, it wouldn't stop gnawing at the back of her mind, and that made it difficult to concentrate. Krystal focused on each step of her foot to distract herself, listening to each footfall echo through the long hall way as she walked back toward the elevator. Each sound was cast into sharp relief in her keen fox's ears. The heightened noise made her feel nervous as each sound was like a trumpet in her ear, but it did its job. The little moral voice in the back of her mind was drowned out, which gave Krystal the clear thinking she needed. She boarded the elevator, already formulating her next move.
Krystal made a slight detour before heading down to the detention center. She dropped Danni by her room on the 6th floor, using her telepathy to retrieve the unconscious vixen's pass code. She laid the brown furred girl down on her mattress, pulling the blankets over Danni's unconscious form. Her apartment was less extravagant than Krystal's, but it was nice enough. The rooms were set up in exactly the same manner, only Krystal's had a window, as Danni's did not. The girl obviously had few visitors, as the floor was strewn with unwashed uniforms and empty carry-out bags. On the desk beside the dresser, there was a list of clients Danni did business with, much like Krystal's. Names and figures peppered the notepaper in organized little roles. Business must have been slow for the brown furred vixen lately, because the profit numbers were low. What caught Krystal's eye however, was a picture beside the computer. Krystal picked it up, and her mouth dropped open slightly.
The picture was set in a church, and light was shining down on two smiling vulpines. One was a handsome looking male fox, dressed in a traditional wedding tuxedo, who was beaming at none other than Danni. Krystal gave a small gasp as she beheld the photo, putting her hand to her mouth. Danni looked happier than Krystal had ever seen her! She was giggling into the camera, her smile spread from ear to pointed ear. The brown vixen was attired in a white wedding dress, much more traditional than Krystal's own.
Krystal was more than a little shocked. She would never have guessed that Danni had been married! Krystal looked back over to the bed, her jade eyes zeroing in on Danni's left hand. There was a gold ring on it alright. The younger vixen didn't seem like the type marriage was made for. She was a prostitute for crying out load! Danni must have had one devoted husband to let her do that! Of course, that picture could have been taken before the war. It was possible that Danni had once been happy, and this stage of her life had arrived with Andross' takeover. Krystal sighed sadly. Yet another person she owed big time.
Krystal slipped quietly out if Danni's room and re-boarded the elevator. She hit the button that led to the detention center, and slid the key card Teera had provided her with through the reader, typing in her access code. With a surge of adrenaline, Krystal felt the lift zoom to life beneath her feet. The floor numbers began to get small and smaller as the detention center was on the 2nd level. She tightened her grip on the blaster pistol in her coat pocket, squeezing the handle inside her fist. Here we go. Krystal thought as the lift halted and the doors opened.
The guard at the check-point looked at Krystal lustfully as she approached. The dog's dark blue eyes raked over what he could make out of Krystal's figure, thinking the most disgusting things. Krystal knew this guy. Barkram was one of the men she'd "serviced." She had liked this one least of all the people she'd randomly selected. Trying not to seem put out by his presence, Krystal put on that seductive smile she'd used so much lately. "Afternoon, Bark." She addressed the brute by his nickname.
Bark grinned, exposing his large yellow teeth. "Hi Kursed. What can I do you for?" The brute quietly chuckled at his own joke, thinking the vixen too stupid to pick up on the sexual meaning. Krystal understood all to well; however, and resisted the urge to roll her eyes. The simple idea that Bark thought himself smarter than her was ludicrous!
"I'm just here visiting Falco and Katt Lombardi. Are they in?"
Bark scratched his head and typed in the names on the computer in front of him. "Felcoh is." he informed Krystal thickly, showing his complete incompetence by mispronouncing her friend's name.
"Good, I'm off." Krystal ran a hand through the dog's head fur as she passed. "Give me a call sometime." She felt Bark shiver pleasurably under her palm, chuckling to himself.
As Krystal started down the hall; however, Bark remembered something and called after her retreating flank. "Hey! You've gotta sign the register!"
"I'll sign in on my way out!" Krystal called back, turning the corner without making eye contact. "Ta!" Krystal heard Bark grumble and return to his chair, propping his feet up on the desk in order to take a quick snooze. Idiot. Krystal thought to herself. Now to take out the surveillance on this level. Krystal approached the directory on the wall of a fork in the corridor, checking the names printed over each. She located Security Control on the map, and plotted her course. She started to sprint down the many corridors, passing glowing shield after glowing cell shield. Most were empty, Star Wolf's business being in a sort of slump where prisoners were concerned. The cells that were occupied held some of the most vial looking people Krystal had ever seen.
At last she located a small door that led off from the main passage. A keypad was embedded in the wall next to it, as well as a keycard reader. Krystal took out her card and swiped it through, using Panther's stolen ID number to gain access to the enclosure. The pad flashed green, and the door slid aside for the blue vixen as she walked through. Inside was only a dim lighting that cast a pale light over Krystal's fur. In front of her was a short flight of stairs that led into the Security Control Center, where more pale blue light poured from. Caustiously, Krystal crept up the stairs, removing her blaster from her overcoat. Her boots made a soft clunking as she slowly hoisted herself up, taking the stairs two at a time. Her tail whipped around behind her in anticipation, undulating too and fro in random patterns.
When she reached the top, Krystal pressed her back against the wall, crouching down and expanding her mind into the next room. There was only one person on guard, which was a bit surprising to Krystal as this was one of the most important rooms on this level. An ape with brown fur was snoozing in a chair at one of the glowing consoles. She couldn't just kill him, so she decided on stealth rather than exerting herself further. Getting up from her position by the door, Krystal glided silently into the control room. She checked the guard to make sure was asleep, noting the empty gyn bottle beside his chair. She smiled evilly to herself. This man was going to get it when Wolf found out that Rasper had escaped while he was in a drunken slumber.
Krystal approached the console, locating the touch pads and necessary screens she'd need for her search. She had no parameters to give the search engine, so instead Krystal brought up a complete list of prisoners. There number of files she received was off the charts, and Krystal realized she hadn't filtered the results to accommodate only current prisoners. She narrowed her search and the numbers diminished significantly. Feeling much more confident, Krystal began scrolling through every file, searching for any file that could have been Raspers. Beside each name was a picture, and below that, prisoner information. It listed species, gender, height and weight, and was accompanied by a overall description of the prisoner in question. After searching through several pages of profiles, Krystal was becoming fet up. It was taking longer than she'd anticipated to locate Rasper. She'd have to narrow the search more. Returning to the search page, Krystal considered what she knew about Rasper. She'd need something more specific to tighten the parameters. Well, Krystal considered. He's got... brown fur. She added that to the color box. He's about... an inch shorter than me so... Krystal entered her own height into the computer. I think it's a he. Her fingers slid across the typing pad, making loud taps on the screen.
Krystal then came to the Species space and paused. She knew he had to be a lupine, vulpine, or canine. But which one to try? Since he wasn't quite tall enough to be lupine, and his tail was much too long to be canine, Krystal tried vulpine. The terminal flashed again and 4 names scrolled across the screen. Krystal read the first three, looking at each in turn and trying to judge if it might be him or not. It didn't seem likely. None of these men had a mask over their face, and there was nothing in their profiles to suggest why they would be made to. Nonetheless, Krystal decided to bring up the cameras in their cells to make sure. As she looked, the brown furred fox's paced up and down their rooms, stopping at their sinks and staring at themselves in the mirrors, using the bathroom, or just sleeping. There was no hint that any of them had ever been sedated. They all looked perfectly alert.
Krystal sighed and sat back in her chair. This was going no where fast. The guard next to her began to snore loudly and Krystal frowned at him annoyed. He was interrupting her train of thought! She considered stunning him to keep him quiet, but decided against it and looked back at the computer screen. She focused on her own thoughts, blocking out the noise around her so she could think clearly. Before long she was in a sort of trance, and was pondering how best to proceed. She could try the last name on the list, but that didn't seem likely. She had met Kenneth Lorny a long time ago. She didn't remember him exactly, but she knew he had been the leader of a gang Star Fox had taken down. Still, it couldn't hurt to look. She brought up the cell feed with a click of a button. Disappoint filled her as the feed came up. Lorny looked the same as the others.
Krystal smashed her fist against the terminal, swearing under her breath. The panel made a loud beeping sound and brought up a new search. This one had the heading: P6KE. The only result under it was a prisoner ID. Krystal considered it for a moment and shrugged. "What the hell." Krystal hit the key that opened the file. There was no information at all! No height, no weight, no name, no description! Just the prisoner ID and cell number. Krystal found this oddly intriguing. A file with no data? That was strange! A hunch suddenly struck her and Krystal brought up the cell's camera. There was Rasper! His face was still covered by the black mask, and his uniform had been changed. An IV ran down from his arm, and the collar seemed to be in a shut down mode. Krystal couldn't believe her luck! She quickly deactivated the camera in Rasper's cell, using the sleeping guard's key card. The screen turned to static, and Krystal dropped the shield that barred entry or exit from the stuffy little cell. Adrenaline coursed through her body and a exited grin cracked her face as she worked. Printing a map to the cell, which was at the very back of the level, Krystal planned her route and deactivated the cameras accordingly. Clearing the consoles of her fingerprints, Krystal gave the guard a quick pat on the head and turned towards the stairs. Before she left; however, Krystal removed the blaster from her coat pocket and aimed it at the guard. She loathed to do it, but if she was discovered, there couldn't be anyone here to track her, or sound the alarm to the rest of the base. Krystal gulped, averted her eyes and pulled the trigger. There was a slight gasp, then a thud as the guard's body hit the floor. Krystal sighed, replacing the pistol in her pocket. Feeling horrible at what she'd just done, Krystal skipped down the stairs, and sped out into the corridor.
Krystal's heart was pumping as she stopped in front of the open doorway to Rasper's cell. She entered with caution, sniffing the air and curling her nose at the horrid smell. Being a garbage shoveler was a tough job, and the smells were overpowering. But as bad as the stench was, here it wasn't as foul as when she'd first met him. In fact, there was a strange scent, which Krystal assumed was Rasper's natural scent, that mixed with that of the garbage. As she sniffed, Krystal was startled by a sudden fluttering in her stomach. Giddiness threatened to overtake her and Krystal put a hand on the cell's sink to steady herself. The feelings subsided as quick as they'd come, and Krystal stood up again with a puzzled look on her face. "Where did that come from?" Krystal asked herself rubbing the fingers that had touched the sink together and glancing at them disgustedly.
Shaking her head a little to clear it, Krystal turned her attention back to Rasper. The mask on the unconscious creature's face rose in fell with its breathing, the droplets of water from his recent shower dribbling down the water tight fibers. Krystal's stomach began to flutter again from anticipation and she breathed deeply to quell her rapidly beating heart. She approached the single bed and bent down, bringing her eye level with Rasper. She withdrew the blaster pistol from her coat pocket and increased the intensity of the setting. The pistol vibrated slightly in her palm, and she placed the tip of the muzzle on the control bulb of the collar surrounding Rasper's throat. Krystal turned her head away so that the flash would not blind her, and pulled the trigger. There was a loud hollow blast, and a frizzing of electricity as the wires inside the collar were exposed to the open air, separated from the now disintegrated bulb. Krystal pulled the metal band from around Rasper's neck and threw it to the floor, where it made a loud clattering sound. The mask remained as it had been, the fabric having accustomed itself to the fit of its wearer. Krystal's hand reached forward and grasped the silky front of the mask in the place between Rasper's pointed ears.
Krystal knew she had to hurry, but for some reason, she hesitated, fingering the cloth for several moments. She'd suddenly had a strange wave of nervousness wash over her, and her hands were shaking with anxiety. Krystal was a little frightened by this inexplicable hesitance to unmask Rasper. She had been wanting to know for months what he looked like underneath the accursed thing! Why would her body react to the very thing she wanted in such a strange way? Krystal hadn't the slightest inkling of what she might find, but her brain was open to the possibilities. It was if some unseen person had whispered something frightening in her ear that made it impossible for her to achieve her goal. She clenched the muscles in her hand to try to get the shaking that had started to stop. She felt like she was at the climax of her journey, and concluded from this assumption that the nervousness she felt was only due to a subconscious desire for the mystery to continue. She swallowed, cracking her neck from side to side. The claws on her left hand again dug into the mask's fibers. Krystal gave the mask one firm yank, and it fluttered down to the floor, exposing Rasper's true face.
Okay. I here pause in my narrative for a moment to express my deepest apologies for being soooooo obvious about this. If you're smart, you must have figured this out a long, long, long, long, long......(Goes on like that for 5 or so days).....long, long, loooooooooooooooooong time ago! Most of the reviews stated that they knew where this was going from the start. Again, I apologize for not being more cryptic, and for not keeping this a mystery longer. I am so eager to get on with this story that I kinda rushed the unmasking of Rasper. (Also, I apologize for not giving him a better name.)
Chapter 7 Part B: Death of Kursed
Krystal nearly fainted as she looked in a galvanized stupor at a face she never thought or dreamed to behold again if she lived to see Lylat (Solar) go out. The male before her on the bed was vulpine. He was covered head to toe in chestnut colored fur, ears tipped with walnut. A long white streak ran from the base of his muzzle to the top of his head, and his muzzle was covered in white fur which trailed down his neck and, Krystal knew, to his chest and stomach. His fur was much shaggier than she remembered, and much less groomed, but she could never forget his face no matter how long she lived. It was carved into her brain and looked her in the face every morning with a cheerful "Good morning, Mommy!" Krystal collapsed onto her knees beside the bed, hands lying uselessly beside her. Her jade-eyes welled up with tears, obscuring her vision, still Krystal did not blink or move to brush them away. Instead, she let them roll in waterfalls down the matted fur on her cheeks. The vixen's breathing was quick and shallow, barely able to comprehend the figure before her. Her mouth was slightly agape and her eyes wide. All hints of drowsiness and exhaustion were gone, all that was left was a numb realization. Rasper, the enigmatic coughing creature forced into slavery to Star Wolf, was.....
"...F-F-Fox....?" Krystal's voice whispered, barely audible but loud in her own ears. Her husband did not respond, still deep in a chemically induced sleep. His face was bruised and bits of dry blood clung to his fur, which was still wet from the shower he'd taken unconsciously. The black mask that had obscured his face was lying forgotten on the floor behind Krystal, the silky black cords draped over the chinks in the deck. "Fox?" Krystal said again, a little louder this time. She barely wanted to say his name, lest he be spirited away from her again. The dumbfounded vixen lifted her hands off the floor and extended them gingerly towards Fox's face. They grasped the side's of the unconscious vulpine's head, shifting its weight from palm to palm in order to see the entirety of it. Still just as handsome, though older and worn out from the long years of working as a garbage shoveler on Sargasso.
Krystal's limbs were trembling as she pressed one ear to her husband's chest. She had to be sure that even if he was here, he wasn't dead. The second her head connected, Krystal heard the slow steady patterns of his heart. Krystal gave a gasp of pleasure, suddenly feeling the doubt that had been holding back the flood waters of her joy crumbling away. Her gasps became laughing sobs as the joyful revelation washed over her. Fox was alive!
Krystal was steeped in emotions she couldn't make sense of. Her mind was too distracted with the simple fact that Fox was here, alive and well, not dead as she'd thought for so many years. All the pain she'd endured had no cause, no meaning. If she'd been thinking clearly Krystal might have blamed herself for not searching for him when he'd disappeared, or even rushed out to confront Wolf about what her long lost husband was doing on Sargasso. But Krystal's mind was too bound in her own joyful reunion with her lover and husband, to put 2 and 2 together to make 4.
"Fox...Fox...Fox...." she sobbed over and over again in hushed tones. Her arms wrapped his limp body in a tight embrace, never wanting to release him from her arms again. After being separated for 6 years, it felt wrong that they should ever have to part in any way again. Fox lay still beneath her, his breathing deep and slow, totally unaware that his wife was sobbing just a few inches from his nose.
For several minutes, all Krystal did was sob, all too eager to let out her pent up loneliness and refill it with togetherness. But as always, her tears eventually ran dry, and she lay on Fox's chest sniffling and breathing heavily. The exhaustion from before had come back, strengthened by the sobbing she'd just finished. Her body was heavy with fatigue and she wanted nothing more than to fall asleep and not wake up for a very long time. It felt so good to be at Fox's side again, her head laid atop his chest, his heartbeat loud in her ears, and his chest rising and falling with every breath he took. How she had missed it all! Her jade-eyes began to drift closed and her breathing slowed to match Fox's. Alarms blaring in her head, Krystal gradually drifted off to sleep, feeling more at peace than she had in 6 years.
Krystal felt herself being shaken by a rough pair of hands. "Krystal! Krystal! What the hell's the matter with you!? Wake up!"'
Krystal's mind was working at a slower pace than usual, and it took her a few moments to translate what was happening. Then her eyes shot open as she remembered the horrible situation she was in. Instinctively, she threw a sharp punch, nailing her, for lack of a better term, "assailant" sharply in the beak. Falco gave a yell of surprise and pain and staggered back towards the cell door. Realizing her mistake, Krystal jumped to her feet and ran over to the injured avian.
"Falco! I'm so sorry! I thought you were one of the guards!"
Falco rubbed his beak where the vixen's blow had struck him and said, "No, it's fine, it's fine! Just what the hell are you doing here?!"
"How'd you find me?" Krystal asked afraid there might be guards not far behind. "I mean, how'd you know I was here?"
"I heard the blaster go off!" Falco replied. "I thought someone was making a jailbreak and I was gonna help 'em out!"
"How'd you hear my blaster?" Krystal asked.
"My room's not too far from here," Falco replied looking impatient. "Now what the hell are you doing in here?"
Krystal was about to reply when a strange glee spread over her face. Falco looked at her confused at the self-satisfied smile that had broken over his friends lips. Krystal gave out a soft giggle, causing Falco's curiosity to deepen. He hadn't heard Krystal giggle in 6 years. Sure she laughed, chuckled, snickered, things like that, but she never giggled!
"What?" he asked as she continued to look at him. Krystal hugged herself around the waist and her head shifted down to the bed behind her, turning as she did so. Falco looked too and his jaw dropped open in shocked realization. Krystal giggled again and did a slight twirl on her heel. However, her giddiness was no longer a mystery to Falco.
"You've gotta be kidding me..." Falco said drawing closer to the bed. His best friend's body lay before him, still and peaceful. Falco couldn't believe what his eyes were telling him! "Krystal," Falco's voice was hoarse. "This is..."
"I know!" Krystal giggled.
Falco just stood there taking deep breaths as he tried to take it all in. Krystal stood next to him, staring lovingly down at her husband, as if he were a sleeping kit. "How long....?" Falco asked distantly.
"Just now," Krystal replied. "I came down to spring Rasper out of here, and I found out Rasper was Fox."
"Son of a bitch," Falco said amazed. "But, why is he here? How'd he get here? I mean, he was supposed to have been shot down––"
Falco's question was interrupted by Krystal's hand over his mouth. "Shh! Listen!" Both friends listened for a moment. Footsteps were echoing down the passageway! Krystal released Falco's beak and said, "The guards!"
"C'mon we gotta get outta here!" Falco said starting for the exit. Krystal remained where she was, staring down at Fox with determination in her eyes. Falco stopped outside the door and looked back at Krystal's erect figure. "Krystal? Let's go!"
Krystal bent down and removed the IV from Fox's arm, hooking her own arm around his back and hefting his weight so that he sat up.
"Krystal! There's no time!" Falco hissed checking the passageway for guards.
"I won't leave him." Krystal said matter-of-factly.
"You've got to!" Falco exclaimed beginning to get impatient. "Look, I know what you're going throu—"
"No you don't!" Krystal snarled, glaring daggers at the avian. "You don't have any fucking idea! I am not going to lose Fox again! I need him! Marcus needs him! Lylat needs him! If and when we get out of here, if we're going to have any hope of defeating Andross we're going to need Fox!" Krystal's eyes were ablaze with anger and passion and Falco quailed beneath their fire. "And even if Andross didn't rule the Lylat system, I have been empty all these years without Fox! Right now, I want to chain myself, body and soul to Fox and never let him leave again! He would never abandon me, and I won't abandon him! I made that mistake 6 years ago and I paid for it!" Krystal's eyes were becoming tearful as she continued. "He's my husband, my mate, my child's father for God's sake! I can't live without him! So either he comes with us, or I stay right here and fight! Either way, I won't leave him again!"
Falco looked at Krystal. Her eyes were round and tearful, but the ferocity of her resolve was unshakable. The avian sighed. "You're right Krystal." He said hanging his head in shame. "I shouldn't have asked you to leave Fox. I was thinking about my own interests, and I didn't consider your feelings." Falco looked at Fox's unconscious face with regret in his eyes. "Some friend I am."
Krystal stood up from where she'd been, Fox draped around her like a coat. "Thanks, Falco. Now take this." Krystal removed the blaster pistol from her pocket and tossed it to Falco, who caught it expertly. "Watch my back while I get Fox to the elevator."
Falco nodded, gripping the handle between his fist. "Leave it to me!" He crowed, flashing his trademark smirk at Krystal. "I'll keep those guys off your tail!"
Krystal shifted Fox's weight on her shoulders, and smiled confidently at her friend. "Excellent. Let's go." Hefting Fox's unconscious body, Krystal dashed forward, surprising Falco with her speed and agility, even when carrying such weight. The avian shrugged, then darted after her, checking behind him for any sign of the guards.
It wasn't long before the shouts of a search party began echoing through the corridors of the prison block, filling the feet of Krystal and Falco with haste. Fox, head lolling over Krystal's shoulder, groaned slightly in his sleep, causing his wife to look at him, worried he might wake up. It wasn't that she didn't want him to, it was just not the right time. When Fox awoke, Krystal wanted to be sure it was in controlled conditions and that the first thing he saw was her. And not the her that everyone else saw now, but the her she had been when he'd last seen her. Natural sapphire fur, short hair, jewelry, and clothes.
As they emerged from corridor leading from the elevator, Falco and Krystal stopped dead in their tracks. Two guards with blasters stood by the shiny lift door. The avian and vixen didn't have time to flee before the guards spotted them. The two grunts leveled their weapons at the pair, charging up 2 shots. Falco raised his own pistol and Krystal ducked behind him to shield herself and Fox from the deadly bolts.
One of the guards, Bark, spoke in a rough voice. "Halt! Set down your arms and surrender or we will shoot you!"
"How do you want to play this?" Krystal asked Falco telepathically. Falco gave a little jump at her voice in his head then answered.
"Can't run away. They'd shoot at us and call for back-up. We need a distraction that will give me enough time to nail 'em."
"Like what?" Krystal asked.
Falco thought for a moment. "You could–" he began.
"No!" Krystal practically shouted inside her head. "Absolutely not, Falco Lombardi! I am not flashing my breasts!"
Falco jumped again as Krystal's voice echoed through his head. "How the hell did you— "
"I read your mind!" Krystal snarled.
"Sorry! I was just trying to come up with something!"
"Well try again!" Krystal growled. "And this time, keep your mind where it belongs!"
Falco thought again, this time taking longer. Krystal allowed his mind to do its own work and focused on the guards. They were both nervous, realizing who Falco was and fearing his reputation. Their fingers were clutched tightly over the blasters' triggers, a fierce red light glowing at the tip of the guns' muzzle. Hurry up Falco! Krystal hurried.
I'm thinking! I'm thinking! Falco thought back.
Well, "I'm thinking" that we don't have all day! If those others catch up with us, we'll never get Fox off this level!
Suddenly, something in Falco's mind seemed to click, and inspiration flooded his mind. "I've got it!" he exclaimed. "Krystal? How much money you got?"
Krystal thought for a moment. "200 sp?"
"Outstanding! Give it here!"
Krystal hurriedly reached into her inner pocket and removed her wallet, handing the chips to Falco. Falco waved the handful of currency at the guards, his expression cautious. "Hey! You two like money?" The question was a stupid one, but it got the guards attention. "Well, I got 200 sp here for you if you let us through!"
The guards seemed to take a moment to deliberate, taking their eyes off the avian for a split second. That was all Falco needed. He tossed the currency chips at the guards, causing them to drop their weapons, whose charged shots tore holes in the entrance walls, sending the guards flying off their feet. All Krystal heard was 2 quick shots, and the guards on the floor lay still.
"C'mon!" Falco exclaimed, grabbing Krystal by the arm. "We need to move before the rest of those goons show up!"
Krystal hefted the unconscious vulpine again and stumbled into the elevator, Falco sliding his card through and entering his access code. He hit the 3rd floor button and the elevator began to rise away from the search party.
Falco breathed a sigh of relief. "Whew! That could've been hairy!" The blue-feathered avian wiped his brow, pocketing the pistol, and looking at Krystal. "You hurt?"
Krystal shook her head. "Nope."
Falco nodded. "Fox?"
"Still asleep, but no injuries." Falco nodded again.
The lift doors opened, and the familiar corridors of the third floor were revealed to them. They walked in a quick march down the hall, heading straight for Krystal's room. It wasn't the best place to hide. When Wolf discovered who'd escaped, he'd know immediately where to go. Still, it was the only place they had for now. And there was still the fighter Krystal had "arranged" for. They could send that on its way and hope that Wolf would be fooled. It wasn't likely but it was their only plan.
When the trio finally reached Krystal's own door, Krystal turned to Falco and handed him Frionel's stolen access card. "Go down to the hanger bay," she instructed him. "Find Frionel's fighter and set the auto-pilot to take it to Corneria. That way, they might think Fox is headed there, to help with the war."
Falco nodded his understanding and Krystal shared the access code with him. "Good luck, Krystal." Falco bid her as he turned to go.
"And to you, Falco." Krystal returned swiping her key through the reader. "And thanks."
"Any time!" Falco grinned. "Just name your next kid after me, and we'll call it square!"
Krystal snorted at his joke and entered her access code, bracing herself for her son's flurry of questions. The door opened, and Krystal walked through, Fox still draped over her shoulders.
Marcus came running from the kitchenette, where he'd apparently been looking for something to eat. "Mommy! Where'd you go...?" Marcus' voice trailed off as he beheld the stranger his mother was laying down on the bed. "Mommy?" Marcus said running over to get a better look. "Who's that?"
Krystal smiled down at her son, tears in her jade eyes. Marcus looked back at her quizzically, not comprehending the emotions his mother was exuding. "Marcus, come here." Krystal said, squatting down, and holding out her arms to her offspring. Marcus complied and hugged his mother about the neck. Krystal clasped Marcus to her in a deep hug, rising to her feet as she did so. She swivelled to face the figure on the bed, she and Marcus looking down at Fox.
"Marcus," Krystal began, pride and joy in her voice.
"I'd like you to meet your father."
Marcus looked at Krystal with a disbelieving gape. "My..." His tiny voice trailed off as he looked back down on the man he'd never thought he'd meet. "Daddy?" Marcus' reactions were not like Krystal's, he did not cry or collapse against his mother's shoulder. Instead, he let out a squeaky laugh and tried to wriggle free of Krystal's grasp, trying to hug his father about the neck and wake him up.
Krystal understood his eagerness, but clamped a hand over his muzzle. "Shh, Marcus! Your daddy is sleeping!"
"Why?" Marcus asked, trying to understand. "Doesn't he want to see me?"
"Of course he will!" Krystal assured him. "He just needs to find out that you're here too. I have a plan. It includes Uncle Falco and Aunt Katt, and you, and me, and it'll be fun, I promise." Krystal began walking towards the bathroom, smiling deviously to herself. "And the first thing," She began. "Is to give you a bath!"
Marcus let out a groan as the bathroom door slid closed.
The next several hours for Krystal were spent in the bathroom. She had a lot of work to do to prepare for Fox's awakening, which she knew was only a few hours away. She wanted to look normal for Fox, not wanting to show him Kursed, but Krystal McCloud, the vixen he'd fallen ears-over-tail in love with, and married. To achieve this, Krystal showered with dye remover, scrubbing herself raw to purge the ugly navy color from her tawny fur. It took a while, but the dye finally yielded to her sponge, streaming like blood from her body down into the tub's drain. After that, Krystal gave herself a rigorous shampooing, conditioning, and overall grooming, making her fur bounce and shine with silky luster.
After finishing her time in the shower, Krystal used a pair of scissors to cut her hair short in the bathroom. It wasn't the work of a master, but it was still passable by Krystal's standards, and it made her look like herself again. She dried off and made herself up in her finest make-up and jewelry, that is, the silver tiara and neckless from the years before her isolation. She opted to go with the black formal dress she'd worn the night before, ironing the wrinkles out.
Marcus did not escape grooming either, and Krystal soon had him scrubbed from head to toe, dressed in his best clothing, such as it was. He was not at all happy about it, and put up several fusses, all of which Krystal handled expertly with one story or another.
After her own preparations were complete, Krystal took Marcus, and ventured out to look for Katt and Falco, whom she found in deep conversation at Wolf's Place.
Upon seeing them, Katt jumped to her feet and ran over to hug them both, tears of joy in her eyes. Krystal explained what had happened, but didn't stay long after that. She knew Katt had questions, but for now, she didn't want to give answers. Krystal then cordially invited Katt and Falco to her home that evening if they were free. "I want everyone to be there to welcome Fox back." Krystal explained. Falco and Katt both agreed in the strongest terms, and promised their attendance. Krystal told them to "dress nice" and then walked back to her room with Marcus, not wanting to leave Fox alone for too long, lest he wake up.
It was 7:00 before they arrived, dressed in what they considered their finest garments. Falco sported his flight jacket and flight suit, the only piece of clothing he had other than his garbage uniform, which he flatly refused to wear. Katt wore a pink blouse that was cut across the chest and shoulders, the straps plainly visible, and a pair of tight black jeans that showed off her legs. Krystal outlined her plan for them, and gave them each an assignment to carry out. She knew that the half bag of IV Fox had been given would be wearing off soon, and she wished everything to be in readiness.
Katt did as she was instructed, and took Marcus out into the hall to wait for Krystal's signal, and to instruct Marcus in what he should and should not do. It was a little frustrating for the blue-furred kit, but he struggled through it, happy to be with everyone he loved. It was, after all, better to be uncomfortable with friends than comfortable and alone.
Falco took a seat at Krystal's desk chair, swinging his feet up on the desk and playing solitaire on the computer. Krystal moved one of the chairs from the kitchenette and placed it beside the bed. She took a seat and began her wait. It won't be long now. She thought.
Krystal sighed and fingered her wedding ring, sliding the silver band up and down the shaft of her finger. The newly polished ring glittered in the lamp light, looking almost like it was smiling with shiny silver teeth. Krystal smiled and replaced it on her finger, sighing and inspecting the white filed and polished nails on her left hand. She found no mar in the coating of white paint, and looked at the clock for the third time in 5 minutes. The clock read: 8:21 PM. Krystal groaned slightly and hid her face in her hands. It had been nearly an hour and a half since Falco and Katt had arrived and Fox still hadn't awoken!
Krystal pulled on her fingers, popping them one by one, then cracking her knuckles to pass the time. Falco was now in his third game of solitaire, and the seemed nearly as restless as she was. From the hallway, she could feel Marcus beginning to tire, and Katt's impatience to get this over with. Krystal was inclined to do the same, but she had little say in the matter. Fox woke up when Fox woke up. She had no drugs to counteract the ones already inhabiting his system.
As she waited, Krystal pondered what Fox's reactions would be to this new world, in which Andross was supreme ruler of the Lylat system, most of the people he'd known were dead, they were all prisoners of Star Wolf, and he was a father. Most of the scenes she imagined were happy, full of tears and laughter at being reunited after so long! But for every good dream, there was one that was not so good. Scenarios where Fox would become distraught over what had become of the Lylat system, and blame himself, withdrawing so far into himself that he became a stranger to his own friends and family. Then there were those where Fox could not accept Marcus, and abandoned them because of his inability to cope with the pressures of fatherhood. All of them perfectly ridiculous, but none the less scary. Krystal subconsciously fingered her ring again, sliding the band up and down her finger.
Krystal scanned Fox's mind with her telepathy. His mind had been closed to her since she'd sprung him from prison, and she had been waiting for the opportunity to join her mind to Fox's and visit him in his dreams. To her joy, she found that the drugs had finally worn off, and Fox was sleeping a natural, dream filled sleep.
Krystal moved her chair closer to the bed, and put one hand on Fox's head. "Falco," She whispered.
Falco's head turned to face her. "What's up?" he said a little loudly.
Krystal put a finger to her lips and whispered. "I'm going to visit Fox in his dreams. Don't wake him. Be quiet until I come out of it, okay?"
Falco nodded and turned back to his game. "Make it fast."
Krystal nodded and closed her eyes, focusing her mind on Fox's. She felt a familiar feeling wash over her, and Krystal breathed deeply as she entered Fox's mind for the first time in 6 years.
Krystal became aware that she was in the same field as before. This wasn't a MMG so she found herself clothed, this time in a white dress that fluttered in the breeze. In the distance, she could see the spires of Corneria city jutting out of the ground in dark towers. The wind felt good on her face, and the grass soft beneath her bare feet. The clouds rolled by in wisps, doing little to hide the vast blue expanse above her head.
Krystal glanced about for Fox, and was greatly joyed to see him a little ways off, lying in the grass, hands laced behind his head. She called out, but no response came. Krystal walked over to his relaxed form, beaming at his closed eyelids. She lay down on his right side, and wrapped her arms around his waist laying her head against his chest.
"Hey," Fox greeted her, his eyes still closed.
"Hey," Krystal replied.
"What took you so long?" Fox enquired.
"Sorry. I was unavoidably delayed."
"Autograph hounds?"
Krystal didn't know how to answer the question. "No." She replied.
"Slippy? Falco?"
Krystal giggled. "No."
Fox thought for a moment. "Buying an exquisite anniversary present for your handsome studdly husband?"
Krystal giggled again. "You might say that."
"Aw, what'd get me?" Fox asked wrapping his own arms around her shoulders.
"Why don't you open your eyes and find out?" Krystal replied.
Fox's head shifted to look down at her, and Krystal's looked at him. His emerald eyes locked with her jade ones, his face like the sweetest candy to her eyes. It had been so long since he'd looked at her!
Fox tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. "I must be dreaming." He said. Then a smile spread across his muzzle. "You look more beautiful than the day I met you."
Krystal giggled again and kissed him. It was a long kiss which she dragged out as long as she possibly could, passionate and loving. As pulled away, she looked down into Fox's smiling face. "As a matter of fact..." She teased. "You are dreaming."
"Ah." Fox laughed. "And you felt the need to visit me?"
"You might say that." Krystal smiled sadly. "To prepare you."
Fox gave his wife a quizzical look. "What do you mean by that?"
Krystal sighed and kissed him again, this time only lingering a few seconds. "You'll see. Now, wake up...wake up....wake up....wake up......."
The field around Krystal and Fox began to fade, the sky above them darkened to the blackest pitch, and the spires of Corneria City crumbled into the background as Fox truly woke up for the first time in almost 6 years.
The first image to greet Fox's eyes, was Krystal's smiling face. There was something different about his wife from what he could remember though. She looked much older than he'd ever seen her, and her hair was somehow shorter. However, the Cerinian vixen had lost none of her beauty, and Fox was overjoyed to see his wife after so long.
"Krystal!" He croaked, astonished by the hoarseness of his own voice.
"Hello, Fox." Krystal's eyes had tears in them, and she wrapped her arms around Fox's shoulders as he leaned up to give her a hug. For several moments the couple just sat there hugging and caressing each other, happy to be reunited again.
When they finally broke apart, Fox pushed himself up into a sitting position on the wonderfully soft queen-sized mattress beneath him. The only bed he'd known for the past few month's had been a hard prison cot. Krystal smiled at him with so much joy in her expression Fox began to be a little worried. "You okay?" he asked his mate.
Krystal nodded. "I'm fine. How're you?"
Fox shrugged. "Alright, I guess." There was movement off to Fox's right, and the vulpine's head turned to see Falco getting up from his chair. "Falco!" Fox exclaimed trying to rise from the bed, but prevented by Krystal's arm.
"Hey, Fox." Falco replied. To Fox's amazement, Falco seemed to be almost crying.
"Falco!" Fox said smirking at the cocky avian pilot. "Keep it together man! There's no reason to cry!"
Falco gave Fox a half-quizzical look, and chuckled, wiping the tears from his eyes. "Oh, sorry Fox. I just..." Falco paused and gave a short sniff. "I'm just really glad to see ya, buddy." The avian walked over and actually hugged Fox, his tears wetting the shoulder of the vulpine's uniform.
Fox was more than a little weirded out by the whole situation. His wife and friend were both in tears. Understandable, since they had thought him dead, but weird nonetheless. "Hey, hey. Falco, buddy, it's okay man, really."
Falco backed off with a loud sniff. A little of his old swagger returning to his face. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just, uh, got something in my eye is all." Falco wiped his eyes and returned his gaze to Fox.
"So, Falco," Fox asked. "How was Katina?"
Falco gave Fox a quizzical look. "Huh?"
"When you got shot down. Wolf told me you and Katt weren't captured with the rest of us. Katina is heavily guarded you must've had a hell of a time getting back to Corneria."
Falco exchanged looks with Krystal. "Uh, we, uh, survived."
"Didn't lose your temper too much did you?" Fox teased.
Falco seemed very confused and turned to Krystal for escape. The vixen looked like she was going to say something, but Fox cut her off. "Okay, Krystal. How's the baby?"
Krystal nearly choked on her own spit. She hadn't expected that. "You know?" she said dumbfoundedly.
"Yeah," Fox replied taking her arms. "Wolf told me that's why you haven't been flying with Star Vixen." He looked her up and down. "Well, you don't look pregnant. Did you have the baby yet? What is it, a boy or a girl? I am so sorry I couldn't be there. I wanted to, its just Wolf said it was too dangerous!"
"What else did Wolf tell you?" Krystal enquired.
Fox was a little put off by the question. He wanted to know about his newborn son and/or daughter more than recounting what little information Wolf had been supplying him with over the last few months. "Nothing really. He's just been keeping me updated on how the war's going!"
"What's the last thing you remember?" Krystal asked.
Fox sighed impatiently. "I was in my cell and Wolf was giving me a drug that would keep me asleep for as long as it took for him to round you guys up!"
Falco and Krystal looked at each other and then at Fox. Fox looked from one to the other of them with a confused impatience. "What?"
"Fox..." Krystal began hesitantly. "The wars been over for almost 6 years now!"
Fox's mouth opened slightly, frowning in a disbelieving way. "What? That's impossible! Wolf swore to me that..."
"Fox," Krystal said putting a hand on his shoulder. "I need to know, when did yo go to sleep?"
Fox thought for a moment. "I...I...it was just after the war ended. I was having trouble just standing by while Lylat fell to Andross. Wolf convinced me that I couldn't beat Andross the way things were right then. He gave me a drug that would stop me thinking about all the things that were happening, sorta like being asleep. He swore he'd find you and Falco and Katt and the rest of the team and then wake me up! I– Where are we anyway?"
"Sargasso." Krystal replied. "We've been here for almost 3 months."
Fox shook his head disbelievingly. "Wolf, he swore to me that—"
"O'Donnell screwed you over, Fox." Falco said
Krystal tried to look Fox in the face. His emerald eyes were confused and angry and he looked at them both. "What's been happening while I was asleep?"
And so Falco and Krystal outlined the events of the past 6 years as best they could, Krystal explaining about her isolation, and Falco about Star Falco and his marriage to Katt. They outlined Krystal's return to Lylat, and both's capture by Star Wolf, as well as the 3 months they'd been imprisoned here, and his own pitiful existence as Rasper.
Through it all Fox seemed to maintain a cool head, reverting to the rather normal military persona he adopted for combat. At the end of their narrative, Fox sighed and looked at them. "It's a lot to take in." The other 2 nodded in agreement. "I can tell you one piece of good news." Fox said, drawing the attention of Falco and Krystal. "Slippy and Amanda and Lucy are all alive."
Krystal's face became brighter at the news, and she grasped Fox's hand more firmly. "Really?"
Fox nodded. "Really. Wolf told me they were captured by Venom's patrols trying to hide in the foothills on Katina. Andross was holding them on Venom last I heard. Of course my information may be inaccurate now."
Krystal shook her head. This day just kept getting better and better! "No, Fox. That is the best news I've had all day. Aside from you being alive."
Fox sighed again, rubbing his forehead between thumb and forefinger. "I need to talk to Wolf. Give him a piece of my mind!"
"Yes," Krystal nodded understandingly. "We both will. Tomorrow though." Krystal got up from her chair, signaling Katt with her mind that it was time at last. "Tonight, we celebrate our reunion. And there's someone I think wants to meet you."
Krystal opened the door to her room and walked out into the hall for a few seconds. Fox peered after her, but he didn't have long to wait. Within seconds, Krystal was back, followed closely by Katt. The blue vixen was leading a nervous looking kit by the hand. He was about five years of age, and barely came up to Krystal's waist. His fur was sky blue, rather than sapphire like his mother's, and to Fox, it was like looking in a mirror. The kit's emerald eyes met Fox's and for a moment they just looked at each other. Krystal picked the kit up so that the two were now eye level. "Fox, I'd like you to meet our son, Marcus James McCloud."
Fox's eyes were still glued to Marcus' as she said this. Our son. He thought amazedly. My son. His son. Fox smiled and let out a little laugh. "Hey Marcus."
"Hi, Daddy." Marcus beamed.
Fox felt a surge of pride wash over him at that word. He loved it instantly. This time with no restraint he hopped out of bed and rushed over to his family, enclosing them in a warm embrace. The two parents had tears in their eyes, and Marcus hugged them both around the neck. Fox and Krystal exchanged a long look, then kissed, Their first real kiss in 6 whole years.
Whoowe! 28 pages! A personal best! I'm really sorry about the sloppy stuff in this chapter! I tried to make it perfect, but writer's block wouldn't let me. So I apologize for posting this chapter first, but I needed to get this done and over with. I will write the 6th chapter soon. But it won't be the first thing I put up. I HAVE to get some 2 Roses written! There's a new poll on my profile please vote. Reviews are encouraged and appreciated. I want to say so much more but exhaustion prevents my memory from functioning. Good night!