Hi, I didn't think I'd be posting anything today, as i sort of wasn't feeling well (I'm better now), but I thought the least i could do was make a start while i was on a roll. I ended up finishing the chapter by accident. So wups :)

Thank you to rosemariontyler08 for being such a dedicated reviewer, love the name by the way - i decided to go with something more obscure...go figure.

Posted: 22nd of February 2009

"...ion particles? Iron bars? Incense?" The Doctor guessed.

Rose shook her head. The Doctor pursed his lips and thought really hard.

"Invisible elephant?" he asked, frustrated, "Fine you win, I give up" he admitted turning to look down at Rose who was curled up at his side. "What was it?"

"Ice" she said pointing up at the ice forming on the window high above them in their cell. "and if I'd known you'd keep guessing for half an hour – and not just the normal stuff but all sorts of obscure stuff I would have chosen somethin' easier" she sighed tiredly.

The Doctor pulled her a little closer, "You can sleep if you want, I'll be alright."

Rose sighed, "Sorry, but no. Last time I was unconscious you convinced them to throw us in jail. I'm not waking up to find that we've been sentenced to work the mines for the next fifty years because you thought you'd say something clever."

The Doctor grinned down at her, "But Rose everything I say is clever. You don't want me to say anything? Nothing at all?" Rose smiled and closed her eyes.

The Doctor sighed, "It'll be a long week if you won't play with me, and I'm not allowed to talk."

Rose shivered pulling his coat tighter around her, "Why don't you calibrate sumthin'?" she mumbled into his shirt.

They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, The Doctor 'calibrating' the amount of time it would take Rose to pick up on what he'd just said. They'd arrived on this planet just over two hours ago, add a couple of tranquilliser darts, and possibly an unkind word about the weather – which incidentally insulted the local god and here they were. It was partly Rose's fault for getting tranq'd first and being unable to stop him from digging himself a hole. She could have been more considerate and ducked when he'd yelled "duck!" instead of looking around for a bird – humans.

He felt Rose stiffen at his side, and grinned here we go. Her eyes flew open and her neck craned up, her startled eyes meeting his, "Week?" she questioned disbelievingly.

"Well we insulted their god...and I may have uh... accidentally landed us on sacred land – you know how it is, no-one but the best of the best get the honour, just the once mind you to tread the holy ground – and there we were uh oh no invite." he frowned, "It's the darndest thing Rose, but I can't seem to find my psychic paper."

Rose gave him a few minutes to mull that over before elbowing him in the side, "So?..."

The Doctor's focus snapped back, "So my dear Rose, as far as I can recall about the legal system here – it takes a week to process us. Long enough for us to consider our actions and possibly confess to some other things (which will actually get us sentenced faster if you want to try it) and fill out the paper work, then we move on to a final judgement from the council."

"Can we appeal?" Rose asked starting to get a headache.

"Hmmm...depends on the sentence. Pretty sure the death sentence is the only one we can appeal – and we certainly don't want to get that now do we?" he asked cheerfully, giving her a squeeze.

Rose rubbed her eyes, carefully – she didn't want to be trapped in a freezing cell on a alien planet waiting to be sentenced for trespassing with 'panda eyes', now did she? "I asked you if we could go skiing some time, yeah? Well that was B.I.L, so I don't understand why we're here now."

"B.I.L?" the Doctor asked puzzled.

"Before I Left" Rose replied, her hand fluttering in the air as she continued "at Torchwood we shortened a lot of terms to save time, it becomes a bit of a habit." she explained.

The Doctor scrunched up his nose, "Yes, I'm sure they taught you lots of horrible habits." Rose stared at him, unimpressed "What? Oh, right well Rose don't be silly we're not here to ski. I landed in the wrong month, well the wrong season...it's nothing really, just a tiney tiny mistake."

Rose settled her head against his chest and listened to his heartbeats, "How much were you off by?" she asked.

The Doctor reached up to rub his nose with the arm not around his companion, "Ooh it's hard to say"

Rose's mouth quirked up at the side."I'll bet it is. You hate admitting when your wrong."

"Oi, do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do not! times infinity" Replied the Doctor ending the 'discussion'.

"Well what kind of things could we be sentenced with as punishment for our crimes?" Rose asked, deciding to let him have his victory.

"Now that Rose Tyler is a very good question."

Rose waited, and frowned when he didn't say any more. "And are you going to answer my very good question?" Rose prompted, impatiently. It had better not be anything to do with tar and feathers. Travelling with the Doctor, Rose had been able to find out a whole lot about the various disgusting, vicious, painful and humiliating punishments that a person could be sentenced with. Oh, if he thought she was getting painted blue again – Well he was in for trouble.

"Well, no need to go into that right now. We have all week." he assured her, staring down at his sneakers.

Rose scowled and twisted around so he couldn't avoid her face, "Is that so?" she asked calmly. "You think I'm going to spend a week in a freezing jail cell with you, on an alien planet, waiting to be sentenced - possibly to our deaths , or to some other thing you won't even want to mention it's so horrible?"

"Rose I hardly think we have a choice, since they took my screwdriver" the Doctor pointed out, "and then there's the thick heavy bar doors, thick stone walls..." he said pointing out the obvious.

"Thick guards" Rose argued back. Sighing, she put her hand over his - she figured he was less likely to argue if he remembered exactly who he was dealing with. "And you still haven't said what we were doing here." she added quietly.

The Doctor pulled his hand out from under hers and linked their fingers together – joining them, and just looked down at them trying to think of what to say. "Rose don't get mad, okay?" She closed her eyes to prepare herself and gave a small nod for him to continue "I meant to bring you here in at the beginning of summer, just before dusk" he took a deep breath " at sunset with their dual suns it...it looks like...it looks like home, my home...just for a minute, and I wanted you to see."

Rose opened her eyes, soft brown eyes glistened looking up at despairing dark ones – she didn't know what to say. She couldn't breathe. She held his hand tighter and leaned closer. While she was here she would never allow him to feel alone again...she refused to think about how long they'd have this time.

She reached up and stroked his face (noticing that the sunburn was almost gone now), "Why would I be mad?" she asked, a small smile lit her face "and how am I ever supposed to be able to get mad at you when your being so sweet?"

He shook his head, "But Rose I got it wrong – wrong time, wrong season, wrong words, and now here we are stuck, waiting to be punished. You left your whole family and for what? For this?" he asked angrily.

"Your wrong" she replied, keeping a tight rein on her emotions – it was easier with only one of them out of control at a time.

"Which part? Is this what you expected when you said good-bye to your mother forever?!" the Doctor scoffed.

Rose held tightly to his hand and let her other one scrunch into an angry ball, he could really pick some great times to lose faith in himself. "Your wrong about me leaving my whole family behind, I only left half – Mum, Dad and Tony, because right here on this side I have You, Jack and Mickey – and that's enough!" she let out a harsh laugh "and you know what? This is exactly what I left for – I love travelling with you, I love the running, the chaos, the adrenaline, the arguments, the hugs, bringing down dictatorships, starting the riots – This is what I'm meant to be doing with my life, this is when everything makes sense...with you." she took a deep breath "and I thought it was the same for you, you used to enjoy this life. What happened?" she asked softly.

"It's lonely life to live." the Doctor replied.

"Not with two." Rose said looking intently at him "and not with this great big family you've managed to create around yourself" she smiled "there's me, Jack, Sarah Jane, Martha, Mickey...and there only the ones I know about!" she laughed. "Your stuck with us, forever and ever." she shook her head, "and there's nothing you can do. No escape. So deal with it."

The Doctor smiled ruefully at her, "You never let me have a proper sulk. Always have to bring me round to reason, ugh what's reason ever done for me?"

Rose sniffed, and rolled her sore neck – she was going to sleep in a bed tonight no matter what. "Is it still my turn?" she asked wearily.

The Doctor looked confused for a second and then understood, "Yep, but only because you keep choosing really hard things."

"Fine, we'll have one more game, then we're breaking out. So you'd better be working on a plan while you guess." she rolled her eyes "and I'll try and pick something really obvious, so we're not here for another couple of days." she paused "And thank you for bringing me here, there's no one else I'd rather be trapped with. And it's probably a good thing they confiscated my camera, Mum doesn't need to know just how many times we've ended up in jail." Rose grinned "She'd probably rip open the rift and drag me back." she added giggling.

"I'll get it right next time, you'll see." the Doctor assured her.

The smile on Rose's face dropped away to be replaced with shock, "What? You want to try again?" she asked doubtfully. The Doctor pouted at her- oh no not the puppy dog eyes. Rose sighed, "Fine, but you only get two more shots at it. Two more and then we're out of here." she warned.

The Doctor bumped her with his shoulder and she glared at him, "I'm thinking okay. Just give me a minute!" she bit her lip and then came up with the perfect answer – it was SO obvious he'd have to get it almost straight away. Sure she'd thought that about the last one, but this time it was a sure thing. Then they could get out of here, jump into the TARDIS and...return here. She hoped he'd get it right on the second go, maybe she'd silently ask the TARDIS to help him – it couldn't hurt.

The Doctor bopped impatiently beside her so Rose put him out of his misery, "I spy with my little eye something beginning with 'D'", she smiled up at him hopefully.

Can you guess what Rose came up with? Yeah pretty obvious, so i doubt he'll guess it as soon as she'd like him to :) (at least in my head).

Review anonymously if you want, it's just knowing what ya'll are thinking would be nice. This fic is about as large as my second one but with less chapters, so you have to tell me if I'm just letting the characters blab on about stupid stuff. Also notice how there's less fighting...but not no fighting- that would be boring!