Tegan was sulking. They were on their way back to the hotel after some random interview, which, Sara reflected, had actually been quite enjoyable. Until, of course, they'd wrapped it up and Tegan had immediately marched back to their vehicle without so much as a second glace at her sister. Now she wasn't speaking to anyone, just staring out the window with her music blaring.

Sara put up with it until they were back in their room, when she finally snapped at Tegan, "Jesus Christ, what's got your panties in a twist?"

Tegan stayed silent for a few more moments, picking at a loose thread in her jeans, before finally mumbling,

"You wouldn't really rather room with the chick from the Exorcist instead of me, right?"

Immediately, Sara's face softened, and in a few quick strides she crossed the room to where Tegan was sitting on the bed.

"Hey," she said softly, tilting up Tegan's chin, "of course not." And then she kissed her, softly and sweetly. Sara knew it was risky, that any moment Rob and the others would be coming in for a band meeting.

But really, it was worth it to see that goofy grin on her twin's face.