Ok well Under The Blood Red Sky has been put on hold for now until I can get together with my friend to get an idea for the chapter. I had major writers block so she offered to help. So that will hopefully be up asap and then I can continue with that, but until then I came up with a few one shots which I'll get around to putting up.

This is the first one.

This is a one shot/ Song fic to the song Over and Over By Three Days Grace.

Pairing: SasuSaku

Genre: Romance

Rating: K+

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor do I own this song, though I could flippin rich if I owned either….


-Her P.O.V-

Over and Over , You make me fall for you, Over and Over, you don't even try too.\

-His P.O.V-

Over and Over, I fall for you, Over and Over, I try not too.

Over and Over

( ) = Song Lyrics

* * = Thoughts

-Sakura's P.O.V-

I stood before him, blocking his only way out of Konaha.

*Why Sasuke?*

(I Feel It Everyday It's All The Same It Brings Me Down But I'm The One To Blame)

"It's late, go back to bed" he said.

I shook my head, gripping my hands into tight fists.

"Why Sasuke?" I asked, struggling to keep the tears from falling.

(I've Tried Everything To Get Away, So Here I Go Again, Chasing You Down Again, Why Do I Do This?)

"It's None Of Your business" He said walking around me.

I couldn't take this, tears streamed down my face.

"You don't have to be alone" I said and heard him stop walking.

(Over And Over, Over And Over, I Fall For You, Over and Over, Over And Over, I Try Not To)

"If you would just take the time to talk to me, you wouldn't feel alone or hurt" I said turning to face him.

"I know what happened to your clan, Sasuke, and I'm sorry for that, but maybe if you open up, It wouldn't hurt so badly"

(It Feels Like Everyday Stays The Same It's Dragging Me Down And I Can't Pull Away)

"I'm begging you, Please, Sasuke…Don't go" I yelled.

"You haven't changed a bit" He said turning to face me, " Your still annoying"

I gasped.

(So Here I Go Again Chasing You Dow, Why Do I Do This?)

He began walking again.

I wasn't going to let him leave just like that.

(Over And Over, Over And Over You Make Me Fall For You, Over And Over, Over And Over, You Don't Even Try)

He appeared in front of me, making me blush as I starred into his dark onyz eyes.

(So Many Thoughts That I Can't Get Out Of My Head, I Tey To Live Without You, Every Time I Do I Feel Dead, I Know What's Best For Me, Bu t I Want You Instead, I'll Keep Wasting All My Time…)

He leaned in and kissed me gently.

I stood there shocked and wide eyed as he pulled away.

(Over And Over, Over And Over, I Fall For You, Over And Over, Over And Over, I Try Not To)

He whispered a small "Thank you", but what his kiss really said was "I Lover You".

I looked up again, but he was gone.

I touched my lips, as tears rolled down my cheeks again.

(Over And Over, Over And Over, You Make Me Fall For You, Over And Over, Over And Over, You Don't Even Try)

*Your welcome Sasuke*

I starred at the moon and smiled.

"I Love You Too"