Author's Note: Hello readers! I'd like to thank fRANkiEGirL61. You gave me the added motivation to finish this! I'm pretty proud of this chapter. I worked hard on this one. Hopefully this one will be better than the original version. For those of you who have stuck with me since chapter one of the original; I don't know how you could stand it but thanks so much! You should know that I've added on to this chapter(and the others). The plot will stay basically the same. Anyway, here it is!

Chapter one:

It was weird of being in a muggle school- that is to say, a normal school. Forks High is just a small school in a small town. Nothing odd happens here. At least, that's what I heard. After…what happened, my parents thought that it would be best if we moved to a small town.

Now that I think about it, it might be nice to escape the chaos that magic can bring. Here there are no ghosts, no poltergeists, no pixies, no Bogart's, no cauldron explosions, or spells gone awry; Just students and staff who don't really want to be here. Here the worst thing that could happen is that I fail Algebra Two, where as in Hogwarts the worst thing that could happen is that I get killed by deatheaters or cauldron explosions-which by the way, aren't fun. They take hours to clean up and days to get the smell out of your robes.

Forks high is small, even for a muggle school. Then again, I am used to going to school in a castle. They aren't exactly small you know.

Looking at my map I made my way to the office. I looked around. The walls were white, white and grey speckled marbles reflect the light from the fixtures, and the air smelled of disinfectant. My heart rate started to speed up as I approach the secretary. It's not that she scared me, it's that, I don't know...I guess it's because muggle life is so different. Even the way people speak to each other is different. I mean, how often do you hear muggles say something that resembles "What in Merlin's baggy pants are going on here?" I have to keep reminding myself not to call the teachers professors while meeting with them in a conference before school began.

The secretary was a rather cheery woman named Mrs. Cope. She was a thin woman with graying brown hair. A smile was plastered onto her face. At least she seemed friendly.

"Hello. I'm Mrs. Cope. How can I help you hun?"

"Oh. Um, I'm Elena. Elena-"Recognition sparked in her eyes.

"Rosley. Elena Rosley right?" How did she know my name?

"Yeah. I'm Elena Rosley. It's nice to meet you Mrs. Cope." I was kind of weirder out that she knew my name before I told it to her.

She smiled. "I'm sorry if I frightened you Elena. It's just that we don't get many new students in these parts. Although it seems like we've been having quite the influx of new students lately. Two students in two years. How exiting! Her name is Isabella. Perhaps you'll have her in some of you classes."

I forced myself to smile. Mrs. Cope was nice, but it had an overly cheery smile that reminded me too much of Umbridge, the Defense against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts while I was fifteen. She annoyed me. "Is that so? I can imagine that you don't get many new people moving in."

"Yes, although I don't understand why. Forks is such a nice little town…anyway, here is your schedule, and a slip for your teachers to sign. There's some things that you should know, you see here?" She pointed to the corresponding class.


"It says H. H stands for Honors. S1 stands for semester one. S2 stands for semester 2. We are also implementing a new block schedule. Every class is an hour and twenty five minute block. Every day you have four blocks. On A days you'll have classes 1-4 and on B days you'll have classes 5-8. After a B day you'll switch back to A days and have those classes. Do you understand your schedule? It was explained to students last year as they were signing up for their schedules. I don't know if you did this sort of thing in…where did you go to school last year?"

I clenched my jaws. It wasn't her fault that I found her obnoxious. She didn't know that I had something like that block schedule at Hogwarts. "Yes, I understand. I had something like that in my last school."

The secretary frowned slightly. "Alright then, have a nice day! 'Sheesh. She sounds like one of those women from telemarketing companies.'

"You too ma'am."

"So polite…alright now. See you later hun."

I walked out of class, all previous annoyance forgotten, attempting to ignore the stares and make it to class. You'd think that in such a small school it would be easey to navigate the school. It's not. I had to break out the map in order to find my to class, which was Spanish three. The story was that I had started out taking French, but since I had learned it in Elementary school I thought that it was too easy and made the switch to Spanish.

I was afraid that I would be late for class. I was nervous enough as it is. I mean, I hadn't been to a muggle high school before. The last thing I needed was the added stress of getting into trouble on my first day. I made it to class just as the bell rang. I took my seat and looked around the class room. It was so different from the lecture style classrooms of Hogwarts.

Señora Garmy walked in five minutes late.

"Lo siento estoy tarde clase. Oh! Clase̕, Tenemos una estudiante Nuevo. Se llama Elena."

"I am sorry I'm late class. Oh! Class, we have a new student! Her name is Elena."

I sank in my seat. I closed my eyes and thought, 'Please don't call me up. Please don't call me up.'

"Elena, por favor nos dice acerca de usted mismo!"

"Elena please tell us about yourself."

Taking a deep breath I walked up to the front of the class room. To avoid my nervousness I stared at the snow white walls and began. Spanish isn't my best subject so I didn't want to make a fool of myself before the year had really begun.

"Me llamo Elena. Soy de Virginia. Tengo dies y siete años. Durante tres años yo fui a la escuela en Gran Bretaña. Yo aprende̕ español para tres años y hablo francés fluido porque̕ me abuela vive en Francia."

"My name is Elena. I am 17 years old. For three years I went to school in Britain. I have been learning Spanish for three years and I speak fluent French because my Grandmother lives in France." As quickly as I could I walked back over to my seat. I sat there blushing. I hated being called up to the front of the class. What can I say. The spot light isn't my thing. Some of us are meant for it and some us aren't. Most definatley I am not one of those that are meant for the spotlight.

A boy with a camera around his neck started taking a picture of me, but I stopped him by putting the palm of my hand over his camera lens. Did they have a school newspaper? I assumed they did because I saw two or three other people with cameras taking pictures around the school, even before classes started.

"Please refrain from taking pictures of me. I don't want my face all over the school newspaper." He persisted anyway.

"Please. Just one for the paper. Smile." Once again he started for his camera, but I was faster.

Holding up the camera, dangling it by the string he used to hold it around his neck, I said, "If you keep my face-and my face off of the school paper you can have this back. "Come on! Pleassse. just one?" Shaking my head I thought, 'Some guys just can't understand the word no. He's like a cockroach. No matter how much I say, he keeps coming back for more.'

"No." I tried to make my voice firm and authoritative. I wasn't sure exactly how well it would work but it was worth a shot.

After a sigh he relented. "Alright. Sorry." He muttered.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I forgot to ask for your name." I couldn't believe that I forgot to ask. I made it a habit to know the name of everyone I meet. I just felt safer that way.

"I'm Matt. It's nice to meet you."

I smiled. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Maybe he wasn't as annoying as he first came off to be.

Besides the the class staring at me, the rest of the day went by at a snail's pace. Sra. (Señora) Garmy gave explained the rules and expectations. The rules are the one thing that remain consistent between schools. You would not believe how exited I was to finally feel normal. Yet, it was still indescribably boring. I think I'd rather watch grass grow. When the bell rang for the lunch I almost ran to the cafeteria. Lunch turned out to be so much more interesting than I ever could have hoped.

Walking around the nearly freezing cafeteria brought back memories of the horrid cafeteria food. Only a lunch lady could make burnt rice. How do you make burnt rice anyway? If you overcook it it's supposed to get soft and mushy, not blackened and hard as rock. But as soon as I saw the pizza I totally forgot all of that. Having been going to school in the wizarding world, I had been totally deprived of pizza for way to long.

After buying my pizza I looked around for any empty seat. Among the sea of unfamiliar faces were two people who I recognized as Angela and Ben. I had some classes with Angela, and she said that she had a boyfriend so I figured that was him. They waved at me and motioned next to them.

"Hi!" I managed to squeak, despite my shyness.

"Hi. It's Elena right?" Ben greeted me.

"I'm guessing that you know I'm-"

"That you're new?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah. How did you…?"

He laughed. "New travels fast in such a small town." No kidding. I had been in town for only three days and the news had already gotten around.

"Yeah. Thanks for letting me sit with you. I know that it's not exactly the coolest thing to do."

Angela shook her head. "New kids aren't exactly a common occurrence around here. You should see how the guys are looking at you." Out of curiosity I looked around. She was right. Blushing, I suddenly found my pizza very interesting. I went back to nibbling my pizza and we ate in silence.

Suddenly Angela gasped. "I can't believe I've been so rude. I've forgotten to introduce you introduce you to my friends.

She stood up. The person to Bens left is Mike Newton. He waved. "Hi Elena."


"This is Eric Yorki."She pointed in his direction.

"I remember you. You're the guy with the camera." The annoying guy with the camera. Great. He's one of her friends. Then again, maybe I'm judging him too soon.

"You sure you haven't changed your mind about the picture?"

"I'm sure." I tried to be forceful yet polite in my tone.

"I see you've met." Ben sounded like he was really trying not to laugh. He didn't succeed.

I did my best not to offend anyone. "Yes. During Spanish. He…He's made an interesting first impression."

"That's a nice way of putting it. I would've thought that you'd go for something like obnoxious or stubborn."

Eric faked hurt. "That's low man. That's low." Angela rolled her eyes.

"That's Jessica." She stopped mid-conversation and waved before continuing her conversation. I think it was about some boy.

Almost whispering she said, "And over there are the Cullens and Bella." She pointed to the next table over. After taking a deep breath she listed the Cullens. " The one with the Bronze hair is Edward. The pixie like girl is Alice, next to her is Jasper, the big one is Emmett, the blonde next to him is Rosalie. Bella is the one with auburn hair and brown eyes. She's the one next to Edward. "It was kind of creepy. The whole table turned at the exact same time and looked at me. My instincts were telling me to run. I shook my head in hopes of clearing it. It didn't work.

'Hm…There's something odd about the Cullens. I can't put my finger on it.' Then recited a few rules that I learned to abide by. 'Think about what you see. It may only be small part of the big picture, but it'll give a hint as to what you're looking at. Then observe your surroundings. Next collect data. Find out what others know. Lastly put the pieces together to form a hypothesis. Now what do I see…' I chewed my pizza slowly as I was thinking. 'Let's see…they're pale. All of them have the same golden eyes. Their features are just too perfect to be human. I wonder if they're part veela…' Once again I looked at them. But this time It was more closely.

'They're all picking at their food, with the exeption of Bella. The one who's name that I think is Edward slid his tray-which was nearly completely full of food to Bella. Jasper looked like he was in pain. I don't have enough evidence make an assumption. I still think that there's something odd about them.'

"Earth to Elena." I gasped and turned towards Angela.

"Sorry. I just got caught up in own thoughts."

"That's cool. We all do it sometimes. There's no need to apologize." Ben shrugged. Just as he finished the word apologize the bell rang. I stood up grabbed my tray, threw it away, I walked towards the door.

"Come on guys. We're gonna be late!" In my haste to get out the door I tripped. They laughed. I heard another chuckle next to me. I turned to see Edward Cullen. He offered me his hand.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, thanks. Unfortunatley I never grew out of my clumsiness."

"That's alright. My girlfriend is the same way."

Glancing up at the clock I was reminded that I was running late for class. "I don't mean to be rude, but I'm running late for Chemistry. I've got to go."

"It was nice meeting you Elena." Man I'll never get over how creepy it is that everyone knows my name before meeting me.

"You too." With a quick wave I ran off to class.

Author's Note#2: Hey readers! I hope you liked this chapter. I'm sorry for the lack of updates. I've been working on a research project for school so I've had little time for much else. On top of that I've been trying to make my chapters longer so my chapters are gonna take longer to type, hopefully it'll be worth it. Please review. The more reviews I get the faster the updates will be.