Wow, it's finally done. I think I've been dragging out this ending because I'll be sad to see this story end. I know I've been terrible in updating in this story so I just wanted to take a moment and thank all of you who have stuck with this story and been so patient with me. Thank you all. Thanks for all the reviews, story subscriptions, and favorties. You guys are the best :). Anyway, I fear this chapter was a little rushed but it's been haninging over my head and I want to move on to new stories.

On that note my next story will most likely be a Harry Potter one but any feedback or suggestions would be most welcome. However, don't worry this won't be the last BBXRob story i'll post. I think I sense some oneshots in the future. :) Anyway, if you are still reading this rather than jumping ahead to read the chapter I've made you wait so long for, please enjoy.

It had been barely a week since the end of the battle that had nearly consumed our team. When I had awoken, I had feared the worst. Why wouldn't I? For all I knew the shock wave of the power struggle between myself, Luka, and Raven had wiped out the whole team.

Present – BeastBoy's P.O.V.

"Uhhh…" I shifted my eyes fluttering as I tried to force them open.

"BB, you okay there?" That was Cyborg no doubt. Was Raven there? What about Ro…

I shot up in bed eyes snapping open. Cyborg pushed on my chest urging me to lie back down. Starfire put a hand to her mouth, her eyes wide.

"What happened?" I asked hastily, collapsing back on the bed, all my energy gone.

"Well…" Cyborg started hesitantly.

"Luka's gone." Raven's voice echoed through the empty clinic.

"Gone, like gone for good?"

"Gone as in dead." I stared at her for a moment. Her eyes were hard and cold like stones but I knew no matter what she wanted us to believe, she was hurting and she was hurting bad.

"I ripped him out of your soul, severing any bond you two ever had. With no life force attached to his own, Luka had no means to channel his power. We will no longer have any need to worry about him." There was more to that story, I was sure of it, but I knew better than to pry with any of my friends and especially not with Raven.

"Are you okay? I mean you were in that coma…" I bit my lip hesitating. What if she wasn't okay?

"Luckily when he forced me into that coma there was no lasting damage. I won't be doing much of anything for a while but I'll recover." I turned my gaze on Cyborg and Starfire hovering at the foot of my bed.

"What happened to you guys?"

"Luka generated some sort of force field around us to prevent us for aiding you." Starfire stepped forward, "It was much like the one Raven used while preventing us from interfering with the prophesy."

"When Raven finally got that bastard the force field fell and you collapsed. You looked pretty bad off." Cyborg fiddled with the clipboard in his hands.

"How do you feel?" Starfire ran her fingers gingerly over my hand.

"Well, I feel like I've just been hit by a bus then shoved through a meat grinder but it could be worse I suppose." There had been something. Something important that I needed to know. Now what was it…

"Robin!" I cried lurching up in bed again, "Where is he?" The entire team stilled as if I had pressed their pause button.

"He's dead isn't he?" I questioned harshly tears already welling at the corners of my eyes.

"No, he's still alive," My eyes met Raven's, "but just barely."

"I need to see him," I pushed up out of bed-then I collapsed.

"No you don't, not until you can stand on your own." Cyborg lifted me back up into bed as Starfire righted the IV I had knocked over in my haste.

"You can see him tomorrow, if you're feeling up to it." Cyborg's face softened, "He's fine for the moment, there's no use hurting yourself when you will be able to see him in a couple hours anyway."

Raven moved to my head, her face soft. Brushing hair away from my forehead she pressed her fingers to my temple. "I'm going to help you sleep now, ok."

"Thanks, Rae…" I smiled my eyes fluttering shut as I felt her magic slowly engulf me.

Raven's P.O.V.

"He'll be fine Raven. He just needs some sleep." I smiled at Cyborg as he clapped a hand on my shoulder.

"You both need some sleep as well." I nodded to Starfire and him. "I'll watch over them for a while."

"Are you sure?" Starfire hesitated at the door.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, you both go get some sleep. You can relieve me in a couple hours." She nodded and followed Cyborg out the door.

As it slid shut I turned back to the two, still, sleeping forms on the beds. Luka had been the only one to discover my secret and now he would take it to the grave with him. I knew now more clearly than ever that BeastBoy's heart would always belong to Robin. My feelings would never reach him but I knew now I never wanted my feeling to reach him.

Feelings-love, friendship, desire could help you, illuminate your life, save you from the deepest depth of despair-that's what my friends had taught me. But what my brother had taught me was that feeling could become a terrible burden-smothering and suffocating. If BeastBoy knew what I felt for him he would no doubt change his relationship with Robin, for my sake.

No, at this moment the world was in its perfect working order. Everything was as it should be. The team was safe and my feelings still secret. In time, these feelings I had come to identify as love could be spirited away and buried just like everything else.

BeastBoy's P.O.V. – The Next Day

When I had woken in the morning I had been strong enough to get myself out of bed and so Cyborg, kindly, helped me into a chair by Robin's bedside.

I looked down at his motionless form on the bed before me. His broken ribs, the torn jugular, bruised lung, and concussion had all been given to him by me. True, it hadn't been me doing it to him technically, but it had been my body that had torn his to shreds.

I was always thankful for Raven's healing abilities but now more so than ever. No one had wanted to say anything but without the quick healing she performed on him, Robin wouldn't have even made it to the Tower, let alone the infirmary. She had stopped the bleeding but she was too weak herself to do anything else.

Cyborg had Robin on round the clock monitors that would alert him if Robin so much as twitched but it didn't look like he'd be doing that anytime soon. Raven had put Robin into a coma to allow his body to heal faster. They had all assured me that this was Robin; and the Boy Wonder couldn't die, could he?

Still, Robin was only human, and these injuries might have finally proven his mortality.

Three Hours Later

"BeastBoy," my head shot up and I saw Robin smile weakly as he turned to face me. His voice was low and barely audible but that didn't matter to me. He was awake. He was alive.

"Hey," I murmured as I moved my chair closer to the bed, taking his hand in my own.

"Are you okay?" he breathed out heavily, squeezing my hand. Typical Robin, he's the one lying in a bed, hooked up to dozens of tubes, and he wants to know if I'm OK.

"Yeah, I'm fine. We all are actually." I hesitated. I hadn't allowed myself to think about it but now that he was awake the worries and doubts surfaced in my mind once again.

I knew that it hadn't been me who had hurt, nearly killed him, but it had still been my body. I knew that Robin wouldn't blame me for any of this but still I couldn't help but wonder if things could really go back to the way they had been before.

"I'm sorry," I muttered unable to meet his eyes. I knew what he would say before he said it but I had to apologize. Without me none of this would have happened.

"You have nothing to be sorry for."

"I know," I bit my lip eyeing his sheets. He was too kind, too perfect. I didn't deserve him at all.

"I want to tell you something, BeastBoy." He struggled to sit up in bed despite my protests. "Do you remember that day, weeks and weeks ago when you first kissed me?" I nodded flushing at the memory. He continued on, almost urgently now. "Well, the truth is, I purposely tripped over that treadmill."

"What?" My head shot up and I met his gaze as he stared at me with such emotion that I felt my heart stutter.

"I lied when I said that you'd made me realize my feelings that day. I didn't need any help realizing them. I had already known for some time that I had feelings for you."

I stared into his face for a moment before I let out a laugh I hadn't realized I had been holding in. "What's so funny?" he asked trying to sound offended but a small smile gave him away.

"Well, I guess that's a good thing. After all, I wouldn't want to think where the city would be if we had a clumsy Boy Wonder." He reached out running a hand through my hair. That's when I remembered the last words that had come out of his mouth before he had passed out. Those three little words that had saved us all.

"Did you mean what you said before?" I asked brushing his damp hair from his face. His eyes widened.

"Of course. Why would I lie about that?" His voice was weak and a hoarse whisper. It pained me to know that I had done that to him.

"I just thought you had said that to break his hold on me." I murmured, blushing deeply.

"It was a convenient way to wake you up but that doesn't mean it wasn't true." He turned towards me "I love you."

My heart began to pound. Those three words sounded so good coming from his lips.

Maybe it wasn't hopeless. Maybe things could go back to the way they had been. No, no they would be better than they had been.

"I love you, too." I murmured as I leaned in and let our lips connect. His lips were hard and chapped but that didn't matter, I had finally said it. I finally meant it, too. Yes, I most defiantly meant it. I loved him and I always would no matter what obstacles lay before us. I knew then, in that moment everything wasn't OK, everything was perfect.

I'm always a sucker for happy endings. Although I did manage a little angst in there with Raven I guess. Anyway as I said before, review and after telling me what you thought about this chapter shoot me some ideas about a new story. I can't gaurentee I'll use any of them but you never know. Thanks again. TTFN :)