Warning: Itachi maybe be a little ooc but he IS in love in this fic and love makes everyone act a little crazy. I will do my best to keep him in character though. If you do not like yaoi then you really should not be on my account, for I LOVE yaoi.

Disclaimer: Itachi, Kisame and the rest of the Akatsuki belong to the genius Kishimoto... though it was not smart killing them all off

Ch 1- The Idea

Itachi sat in the kitchen of the Akatsuki lair, stuffing his face with sweet, sweet dango. He is not quite sure why the sugary sweets cheer him up, maybe they are just his comfort food. In the grand schemes of things, it does not matter. He mumbles stuff about how life is not fair and how it sucks majorly to be him.

Deidara walks into the kitchen and spots Itachi sitting there, moping. "Hey what's up Itachi un?"

Itachi glanced up at the blond, his onyx eyes narrow into a glare as he gulps down more of the dango. "Leave me alone. I'm not in the mood to be annoyed right now."

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. What's wrong with you?" Deidara sat on the opposite side of the Uchiha, matching his glare.

"It's nothing. I'm just a little tired Deidara." Itachi was a good lair, but no one can fool everyone, and Deidara was one of those people who could not be fooled.

Deidara's glare turns into a look of suspicion as he raises his thin blond eyebrow. Itachi only glared until sighing in defeat.

"All right I'll tell you," Deidara smirked victorious, waiting patiently for Itachi to continue. "I kind of have a crush on someone in Akatsuki and I don't know what to do about it."

Deidara's eyes lit up as his smirk widened. "I knew you were gay un! Who is it? Is it Kakuzu, Zetsu, Hidan? ...It better not be Sasori no Danna." He gave a dark glare as a warning, causing the Uchiha to shiver.

Itachi sweat dropped placing his hands in front of himself defensively. "No it's isn't anyone of them."

Again, Deidara raised an eyebrow signaling Itachi to continue his explanation. Itachi sighed taking in a deep breath.

"It's Kisame."

The kitchen was silent, Itachi's face had flushed to a deep scarlet as Deidara sat there, his jaw open and his eye wide.

Konan walked in a moment later, immediately sensing the awkward mood in the air. "What's up guys?"

Itachi was about to reply calmly when Deidara blurted out, "Itachi's in love with Kisame un!" That resulted in Itachi smacking the back of the blonde's head. "Ow un!"

Konan squealed a fan girly squeal before rushing over to Itachi's side. "Are you two together yet?! Does he love you back?! Are you going to do anything about this?!"

Deidara and Itachi stared frightened as Konan asked questions a mile a minute, trying to decode the message she was asking of the poor weasel. Itachi raised his hand to silence the yaoi fangirl and to try to answer her questions.

"We're not together, I don't know if he even likes me, and I don't know what to do." Itachi still had a light blush over his cheeks but it was ignored.

Konan stared in disbelief as she tried to process the information she was given. "You mean to tell me that you're in love and you haven't done anything about it yet?!"

Itachi merely nodded his head having Konan sigh with irritation. Deidara just shook his head and smirked, remembering what it was like to crush and stay silent. "Well why don't you tell him un?"

"ARE YOU NUTS?!" Itachi shouted causing Deidara and Konan to jump. The cold emotionless Uchiha just shouted at them... this is such an odd day. "Why would I want to ruin the bond we have already? What if he is straight? Most straight guys freak out when they learn some GUY has a crush on HIM!"

"Whoa, that's the most emotion I've ever seen you use un." Deidara said completely off topic. "Though you have a good point; I thought the exact same things you did when I was only crushing on Danna... but look how we turned out!"

"Actually I have an idea for you to find out Itachi, but it's risky." Konan said thinking hard about how she can see more yaoi.

Itachi seemed hesitant at first but finally asked, "What is it?" He sweat dropped once he saw the evil look in Konan's fiery eyes.

"You can turn into let's say a kitty and bond with the shark, seeing if he opens up to you about well you." Konan suggested a smile spreading wide across her face.

"That's... that's not such a horrible idea." Itachi thought about the plan, picturing the worst thing that could happen... not his best idea. "But I highly doubt I could handle a genjutsu for that long. What if I get caught?!"

"Silly a little transformation jutsu is not needed. I know the perfect jutsu for this." Konan said her smile turning into an evil grin.

"Konan, what's with the face un?" Deidara asked a little freaked out.

Konan just ignored the question and stared back at Itachi. "Now this jutsu will turn you into a cat for seven days. Nothing can undo it and it will turn you back by the end of the seventh day. You will act, sound, and appear as an actual cat, but your mind will stay the same. You will not be able to talk, only meow. It's a powerful jutsu but," Konan paused and waited to see if Itachi would reject. He remained silent so she continued. "The only catch is that it might have some side effects once the week is up."

"What kind of side effects?" Itachi dreaded the answer but he needed to know.

"You may act a little more on the feline side," She saw a confused look on both of the shinobi's faces. "You may purr when happy, have a love for milk, stalk things smaller then you, have a love for string/yarn, ect... can you see where I'm going with this?"

Itachi's face was blank while Deidara burst out laughing. "You mean the emo would purr and stuff from this?! You have to do this un!"

Itachi only glared at the blond, whacking him on the head again. Deidara glared, rubbing his head angerly at the Uchiha. Konan watched both amused but needed to know Itachi's plan.

"So are you going to do it?"

Itachi looked down, pondering what to do. 'Should I do this even if the risk is embarrassing? Hmph I am an Uchiha I can take it! But what if Kisame finds out and hates me? … I can do it'

Itachi looked Konan straight in the eye, a look of pure determination covering his expressions. "I'll do it."