Ashley was on ECW the next night and went straight to Teddy Long and Tiffany's office.

Ashley: Hello all

Teddy: Mrs. McMahon-Helmsley

Ashley: Teddy I told you, call me Ashley. I hope you know why I'm here

Teddy: No, no one told me

Ashley: That's okay, I'm here for contract renewals

Teddy: Do we need to worry about any hostile ex employees?

Ashley: Not that I'm aware of. I've decided to renew everyone at the very least one year

Tiffany: That was very nice of you

Ashley: I hope they look at it like that. So shall we start with the two of you? Tiffany can you step out for a few moments?

Tiffany: Absolutely

Ashley found herself on Smackdown a few days later and barged into Vicki's office.

Vicki: Can I help you?

Ashley: I have business here tonight so I'll be taking over the show. I need you, Chavo, and Adam to leave this room immediately.

Vicki: You can't do that

Ashley: Oh but you'll find that I can and will. Please leave

Vicki and the other two nodded.

Ashley: Chavo do me a favor and find Taker and send him to me.

Chavo: Of course.

Taker was there within fifteen minutes

Taker: You of all people know better than anyone that I don't like to be summoned

Ashley smiled: Somehow I don't believe you'll be angry with me. How've you been Mark

Taker: Feel like I'm on a show run by a dictator

Ashley: I'll be having a talk with Vicki before I leave, now I have a reason for calling you here

Taker: That being….?

Ashley: Contract renewal

Taker: Lay it on me

Ashley smiled: Ten year contract at $25 million at $2.5 per year is that acceptable to you

Taker: It's a raise so yeah of course it is

Ashley: Well if you can sign here I'll let you be on your way

He signed and Ashley gave him a copy. She called him as he was exiting the room

Ashley: Mark?

Taker: Yes?

Ashley: Hunter's moving to Raw, like I told you earlier I will be having a talk with Vicki.

Taker: Okay, what's this got to do with me?

Ashley: Favorites have been played long enough, this show is going to need a new champion, a worthy champion. You have my word as a McMahon that come Wrestlemania you will be champion.

Taker: Thanks but you can't guarantee anything when it comes to those two.

Ashley smirked: How long have you known me?

Taker: Since you were an eight year old pain in the ass

Ashley: And when have I ever let anyone screw with my company or with it's employees

Taker grinned: Never

Ashley: If I have to be present at ringside to ensure a fair fight I will be. You know better than anyone that I can put up a hell of a fight when needed.

Taker: You're serious about this aren't you?

Ashley: Deadly, now take the rest of the week off, the championship match is next week. I'll see you then.

Taker: Bye Ashley

A/N: Sorry it's taken so long but this story is a work in progress and I will definitely try to write and update more often.