A/N: I do not own ANYTHING! Enjoy!


I opened my eyes to a warm light green room and warm cotton sheets, and a sweaty little hand on my chest. Brown hair was tickling my nose and the scent of flowers assaulted my senses. Bella. I turned on my side and found her sleeping deeply, the sunrise playing with her skin tone.

Her lips were pink and plump and I wanted to bite them.

"Bella." I whispered into her strawberry hair. I lazily hugged my arm around her naked frame, holding her back to my chest.

"Mmm…" she sighed and relaxed into my arms.

I continued breathing in and out, inhaling her scent. "Last night was…"

"Last night was pretty amazing, Edward."

"Yes. It was." I felt her arm reach out and pull the sheets around us. The cotton was unbearably warm, but I reveled in the heat. She laid her arm on top of the one hugging her; her fingers weaving their way with mine and I let my eyes close slowly.

Every morning should be like this. Warm and Strawberries. Flowers and Bella.

"What time?" Her sleepy voice cut through the perfect silence of the morning and I cracked my eyes open to see 9:57 on the morning dial.

"Almost ten." I sighed and my grip tightened around her.

She turned around to face me, my arm secure around her waist. I feel her tits press against my chest and I suppress a groan. She put her little hand on my pec and lightly closed her hand. Open, close, open close. Her fingernails lightly scratched the surface of my skin and I closed my eyes at the feeling. I leaned in and kissed her forehead, after which she kissed me square on the sternum.

"Bella…" I warned, feeling her leg hitch atop my hip. "Don't get me started unless you are willing to finish."

Her light laugh brought me down and I truly feel the exhaustion in my back, my legs, my arms, my dick.

"I don't think you could handle anymore big boy." She whispers into my chest, her warm lips leaving a slightly wet residue on my skin.

I laugh and wrap my arms around her tiny waist, dragging her up the bed and leveling her tits with my face. My neck strains, and my arms are still burning from last night but I do it anyway, a groan escaping my lips. "I think you broke me," I whisper as I bring my lips to her creamy skin. She was gorgeous and perfect, her pink nipples just waiting to be licked.

I meant it in the truest of senses. I feel vulnerable to her. Her warmth fuels me. She continuously gives me energy and takes it away in a viscous masochistic cycle. I cant escape her. She broke me into her and I didn't want it to change. I let my hands feel the creamy skin of her back, my fingertips playing with the ends of her hair. I sigh into her body. Perfect.

Just as the thought passed through my mind, I felt her body stiffen slightly beside me and I dragged my fingertips down her spine. The atmosphere in the room switching from relaxed to slightly tense. "Is something wrong?"

"Nope." Her tone was different from her light and easy whispering. She shifted out of my arms and away from my body. The warmth drained from my skin as she left the bed. She made no attempt to cover herself and walked, naked as the day she was born, to the bathroom across the hall; her perfect hips swaying from side to side; her chestnut brown hair falling just above the small of her back, curling slightly at the ends. Fucking gorgeous.

She stopped slightly, before closing the door. "You should get ready too." Her breathing paused slightly and I heard a hint of nervousness in her tone. Nervous? Bella Swan doesn't do nervous. I saw her back straighten and her chin lift as she shook off her feeling. "I'm late for a date." The door promptly shut behind her and I heard the streaming of her morning shower.

Her tone was confident and nonchalant. Cold. This was not my warm Bella. This was not who I woke up to this morning.

Damn it. I felt the anger boiling in my blood and I fought against every molecule of my body to rush over to the bathroom door and demand why the hell she was going on a date when she just spent the night with me. Not once, not twice; three times she had been mine and now she made it clear that she wasn't.

I shot up from her warm fucking bed, the heat scalding my skin and I snatched my pants up from off the floor, shoving them on. I was about to stalk towards the bathroom door when I caught a glimpse of a stranger in the mirror. I didn't even recognize myself and I resented her for having so much power over me. My eyes were darkened, almost black. Not the light green I was used to seeing. My nostrils were flaring and my fists were clenched. I looked like a monster.

I took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of my nose in an attempt to control my breathing. I heard her humming to herself in the shower. Ironically, her voice soothed my nerves. I looked around the room and threw on my shirt. It was cold against my skin and I felt comfortable and at home in the coolness of it all.

In the back of my mind I felt like I was reeling. Hot and Cold. So fast to change, so fickle, she was going to give me whiplash.

I remembered the thought I had the night before. I had no right. We did not label ourselves; we were not an official anything. She was not mine and yet I wondered if she knew that I was hers completely.

Coward. I thought to myself as her bathroom door opened. She was a beautiful fucking perfect coward. Why was she running away from me? What did she have to prove?

I quickly checked myself in the mirror and was relieved that I no longer looked like a raging jealous monster. I was calm, collected, cool. Two can play at this game dear Swan.

Her body was wrapped in a white plush towel as she made her way over to her dresser, her eyes not meeting mine. Her hair, darkened and damp was a deep rosewood color. She walked right past me as I sat on the edge of her bed and I clenched my fists into the sheets to prevent myself from reaching out and pulling her into my lap. I wanted to lick the water from the back of her neck, between her breasts. I wanted so badly to snatch that towel away from her body.

And fuck if she could read my mind.

She stood in front of her dresser. Her skin was still hot and glistening from the water. He cheeks were an adorable shade of rose. Her hair was still slightly damp from her morning shower and she just stood there contemplating into space what she would wear that day to her damn date.

It seemed as though she had made up her mind as a smile grin appeared on her lips. With conviction in her eyes, she looked straight ahead as she fucking dropped the towel, not wasting a breath or a moment's thought. The white damp cotton fell into a puddle around her feet as she reached out and opened a drawer and pulled out an outfit: jeans, t-shirt, red lace panties, red lace bra.

Aaand fuck me now.

Her breasts bounced and jiggled in all their glory, the curve of her hips taunting me. And if only I could inspect more closely, I swear there was a hand print of mine on her thighs. Yes. Score.

My breathing hitched and her eyes found mine twinkling and evil. Bitch My heart was pounding in my fucking ears again. I tried so hard, SO fucking hard to keep my composure and not just walk over there and take her standing, her arms braced against the dresser as my dick pounded into her wet damp clean ass pussy.

I could smell her strawberry shampoo from here.

"You alright there Edward?" she walked over to the bed with her neat pile of clothing.

Just get dressed. Just get dressed. My mind screamed as I nodded tersely in reply. My fingers were numb from gripping the sheets.

She set the clothing next to my white knuckles and I could feel the lace of her panties skim against the back of my hand. Her scent was intensified times a million as she leaned over me, her tits almost grazing my mouth as she leaned over me to reach into her bedside table to grab her lotion.

Damn it. Lotion too?! Images of her hands rubbing along her body and touching herself invaded my mind and I stopped breathing. I opened my eyes and realized that she was still getting her lotion, not even two seconds had passed and she was driving me insane.

She was so close, her hair dripped right onto my cock, seeping through my flannel pajama pants. I saw the water beads on her back. And through everything; through the strawberries, soap, and flowers; I smelled that slight hint of summer day freshness that alerted me to her wet pussy.

Slightly confused by her arousal, I looked to her neck and saw her pulse point beating rapidly. I heard her breathing quick and shallow. Oh, she was good, but not good enough. She wanted me. She wanted this too. And would I give her the satisfaction (no pun intended)?

A grin played on my lips.

No I would not.

Go on your date Bitch.

I exhaled and made sure my breath chilled her skin. She was cool and collected too. It seemed as if I didn't faze her one bit, but I knew. She was a horrible liar, but she was getting better.

I sat there in what seemed to be calm indifference as she slowly soothed the lotion into her skin. I say soothed because her hands massaged her muscles, her fingertips rubbed every point in her body to ensure that she was smooth and moisturized. Sexy as fuck.

She continued dressing, the red lace playing off of her porcelain skin like fire. This fiery woman here was my hot Bella who wanted me just as much as I wanted her. I saw her skin flushing pink and her lips plump and red. Should I just… God I want to kiss her so badly.

I gathered my conviction and settled on not acting. Damn pride. I would regret this later, I was almost positive.

She slowly drew up her jeans and t-shirt, which was a little too tight for my liking and brushed her hair. Her anticipatory demeanor changed to one of anger and frustration. Was she disappointed? Her brow furrowed slightly and I wished I could read her mind.

"Who's your date with?" I asked her from the bedroom as I watched her apply her lip gloss in the bathroom mirror.

And speak of the devil. A sharp rapping on her front door brought our eyes towards the sound. "Well," she sighed, a small evil smile playing on her lips, "Why don't you let him in?" She returned her attention to her hair as I made my way down her hallway towards the knocking. "Oh, and Edward?" she called sweetly, "Be nice, I really like him."

My anger shot through my veins and I glared at her as I walked by the bathroom. Fuck. I'm such a dick. I should have just… She wanted… Damn It! Now she was going on a fucking date and I missed my chance to convince her otherwise. My neck was already hurting from the whiplash.

Another sharp rap on the door had me calling out, "Hold the fuck on!" And I threw the door open to see the sorry son of a bitch who was gonna take my girl out on a date.

"Well good fucking morning to you," a southern drawl hit my ears as the scent of his cologne burned my nostrils. Jasper. Fuck.

"Howdy do dah." I replied fighting not to shut the door in his face.

"And a good morning to you too little lady. " His gaze zooming passed mine and landing on something that dilated his pupils.

I turned around, not letting him step foot inside of her apartment, and glared at her cute little figure in her low cut jeans and her technicolor 3oh!3 t-shirt. Somehow, in the minutes that I left her in the bathroom to answer the door, she dried her hair into something that resembled sex. She was blushing at the sight of two grown men staring down her cute little figure.

Two grown men.

"Hi Jasper." Her sweet little voice caught me off guard and my gut wrenched at the thought of her actually liking this prick. This asshole who uses and discards women like yesterday's paper.

Then again, this was Bella Swan we were talking about. Only a select few are able to experience her. She is the diamond in the rough. The prize after the win. She was a rare commodity in the sea of loose puss and tired tongues. She was not an easy catch, which explains country boy's undivided attention and southern charm turned up to the max. He had yet to conquer her, and I was already in the elite club.

Fucking closed membership bitch.

My glare returned to the cowboy and I calculated that I could take him. I could easily throw him one square in the jaw and...

"Hey Edward," the southern accent made me want to bleed out of my ears, "We still meetin' at the pool house for a game?"

I cleared my head and tried to remember that despite all of his past conquests, despite his asshole attitude and shitty reputation, and despite his blonde curls that made me want to vomit in my mouth, I tried to remember that he was… no is my friend.

Jasper Whitlock was my childhood playmate since I was six years old. He was more like a brother in my earlier years, and we were close as could be. Now, we were different, experience has changed us and yet our lives just happened to lead in the same direction. And here I was, looking at this prick who wanted to get in Bella's pants. The anger I felt as he eye fucked her from across the room surprised even me.

The thought of him near her… Damn It. I just threw all our past history out the window. My guilt paled in comparison to the fury boiling in my veins at the thought of his lips defiling her perfect mouth.

Rarely did our paths cross, but it has been a while and as much as it pains me to admit, he knows me better than any other motherfucker here. He could read my actions and always knows the right thing to say to calm my mood. Time had no impact on our bond, and yet, when it came to Bella, that bond that we shared was fuzzy and broken and blurred. It wasn't her fault though; how could she know the effect she had on us.

"Yeah. Sure Jas, around seven o'clock ok?" My voice was strained and tight, but he didn't notice.

"Mm-hmm." He wasn't focused on me anymore, Bella curled herself under his arm and he was smiling down at her. Damn shirt was too tight.

"Move. It's time to go." I shoved passed his shoulder as he waited for Bella to exit and lock her door.

"I just have to pick up my mail from the main floor is that alright?" Her sweet voice echoed in the small elevator and I wasn't sure whom she was addressing.

"Sure thing sweet britches," answered Jasper, and I fought not to roll my eyes.

"Edward?" her voice taunted me. I turned to look at her and felt my retinas burning at the sight of her under his arm. "Wanna come along for the ride?"

"Sure Swan, ain't got nothing better to do." I emphasize her little nickname and saw a flash of hurt in her eyes before being replaced with anger and spite.

"Oh Jasper, I can't wait for tonight, we are going to have so much fun…" she cooed into his chest, her hand mimicking its motion on mine earlier in the bed. Damn it. Open, close, open close.

Finally the nineteen flight elevator ride to the first floor finished and the elevator doors opened sending a rush of cool air into the cab. I wasn't even able to take two full steps out of the cabin when I was pummeled to the cold tile floor of their dormitory lobby.

"Oh!" squealed a little voice as I opened my eyes to find a tiny, pixie-like creature on my chest, her black spiky hair contrasting her pale creamy skin. Her eyes were a mesmerizing shade of blue. She smiled sheepishly but made no attempt to move as I recovered from her tackle onto the floor.

"I am so sorry," she began explaining as we lay horizontal on the tile floor, her hands animatedly explaining while slapping my chest for emphasis. "you see yesterday was my first night here and I wasn't able to unpack fully and these elevators take so long, I have been back and forth to my car and its just so tiring. I need a big strong guy to help me carry up the big boxes, are you free right now…"

Her twinkling little voice caught me off guard as talked and talked and talked, my hands falling to her waist to in an attempt to shift her off slowly. She seemed like a big ball of energy and only stopped talking when a loud and annoyed throat was cleared next to us. "Oh!" the little pixie exclaimed as she realized that we were still on the floor. "So sorry, I'm Alice."

I got up and quickly shifted my gaze to Bella, who was red as a beet and Jasper, who was fighting back a laugh.

"Alice, do you normally meet people this way?" I laughed as I dusted off my pajama pants. I looked at her and was surprised by how tiny she was, "for such a small woman, you sure do pack a punch." I met her blue eyes and they widened in realization.

"You…" her little finger jutted into my chest. "You're push-up guy from last night!"

"Yeah…" I ran a hand nervously through my hair, "that's me."

Then, Alice shifted her gaze to see Bella and Jasper staring at her, Bella glaring from under Jasper's arm.

"Well, since your girlfriend is otherwise occupied," she smiled evilly her little hands playing with the edge of her skirt, "you wouldn't mind helping me move some boxes would you?" She asked sweetly and evilly and I couldn't help but return her grin. I liked her already.

"Why, of course not, lead the way." I followed her cute little butt out the front doors towards her car without a second thought. "Jasper. Swan." I said as I departed.

"See ya later bro," the country twang called out to my back.

"Cullen." She bit at me. I turned to look and found her glaring at me as I walked away.

I couldn't help but answer her glare with my crooked smile.

Game on Swan.

A/N: Ok. So I hope you like Alice, that evil little thang… hahaha.

Review!! Review!!