"I can't believe my baby's finally home!" Lorelei squealed as she swept Rory up in a bone-crushing hug.

"It's good to see you mom. You know, when I started following Obama's campaign, I never would have guessed he would become president. Its been forever since we've seen each other! And its been ages since I've been back in the Hollow."

It was true that Rory's career hadn't turned out the way she had planned. It was becoming great though—after her outstanding work reporting on Obama's campaign, she had gotten dozens of promising job offers.

"I know, hon, and I've missed you. That's why I've prepared a list of super fun Lorelei—Rory activities for today. First on the list—"

"Coffee at Luke's?"

"You know me well," laughed Lorelei.

At Luke's, everything was how Rory remembered. It still smelled like the best coffee she'd ever had, and there, behind the counter like always, was Luke.

"Look! There's my hubby!" said Lorelei as she bounced up to the counter.

"You have got to stop calling me that," Luke replied in his familiar gruff voice. Rory noticed that he was wearing a new baseball cap.

"I will not stop calling you hubby…unless you want to start calling me wifey," Lorelei said. "Coffee please!" she continued before Luke could reply.

Luke rolled his eyes and kissed Lorelei before pouring two cups of coffee.

Rory was just about to take her first sip of hot coffee when she heard a familiar voice at the door.


That voice. It brought back so many memories it made her head spin. It had said her name so many times before, sometimes laughing, sometimes pleading. That voice brought back so much love and pain that Rory's heart hurt.

Rory didn't want to turn around. She didn't know if she could handle it. But she wanted to see that face so much.

Rory turned around slowly until her eyes met his.

"Jess? What are you doing here?"

"I've missed you too, Rory. I'm glad you're back," Jess joked. He flashed that crooked smile that always made Rory's heart race. She stared at him, realizing how strange it was to see him so many years later, in the very town where they had first met.

Rory's silence made Jess uneasy, though he didn't show it. "Uh…actually I'm doing research for my second book. It's kind of a sequel, but not in a cheesy way."

Rory blinked. "Um…okay. Wow. That's really great."

"Thanks," Jess couldn't stop looking at Rory. They stared at each other silently.

"Ahem," Luke coughed awkwardly.

Rory and Jess jumped, and Lorelei gave Luke a worried glance.

"Well…I'll see you around Rory," Jess said reluctantly.

Rory nodded as she watched the guy she'd never fallen out of love with walk away as he had so many times before