Making a Deal with Death

Shinji has a prophetic dream and makes a deal with Death to change it. Set after 9/5 and before 10/4. Prompt: Shinji and Ken shota. Some spoilers.

Chapter 1: Cold

He sits bolt upright, his hair and pajamas clinging, drenched in sweat. His heart still racing from the terror the dream had instilled in him. He can still see Ken's lifeless eyes, still smell the thick copper smell of the boy's blood oozing from the single gunshot wound in his chest. Shinji takes a few shaky breathes and slides out of bed. Before he realizes it he is standing in front of Ken's door wishing to make sure the boy was okay. He slowly turns the handle and is surprised to find it unlocked. Peering inside he sees the small form on the bed roll over and is relieved to hear a small sigh escape Ken. He's just about to close the door when Ken speaks so softly that Shinji isn't sure he heard it.

"Shinjiro-senpai? What's wrong?" Ken asks.

"Nothing. Go back to sleep." Shinji says softly.

"I'm thirsty." Ken says climbing out of bed.

"Alright. Come on." Shinji says holding his hand out. Ken scrambles over and takes Shinji's hand. They head downstairs and Shinji pours Ken a glass of water. He watches as the boy gulps it down.

"Thanks Shinjiro-sempai." Ken says handing him the glass back. Shinji sets it in the sink and pats the boy on the head.

"Yeah, now go back to bed." Shinji says gently. He just couldn't shake the dream off.

"Um, can I sleep with you?" Ken asks sheepishly.

"Huh?" Shinji asks giving the boy an incredulous look.

"I can't seem to sleep lately unless someone's with me. Akihiko-senpai and Junpei-senpai said I kick so I can't stay with them anymore and Minato doesn't like having someone cling to him." Ken says shrugging.

"You slept with Aki. He never let's anyone sleep in his bed." Shinji says frowning.

"He said I looked so pitiful so…" Ken says with another little shrug.

"Alright. I guess." Shinji says sighing. He didn't want to admit to why he was letting the boy sleep in his room. Some indescribable feeling of being responsible for the boy, that was it, he just felt bad for killing the kid's mother. That was all.

TBC Read and Review please. I hope you like it and there's more to come.