A/N: Hello All!!! I promised I would eventually post this outtake, sorry I took so long. Everyone who reviewed and read this story – thank you! Also – This story has been nominated for the Indie TwiFic Awards. Please be sure to check it out and vote (Link is on my profile). Thanks again for the support on this story. Be sure to check out my other stories :)

Outtake – Caught in the Act

Emmett POV

I knew the house would be empty today – perfect day to kick back and play some video games uninterrupted. It has been too long since I have gotten to have just a day to my self. But no - of course Rosie says I have to get out of the house because everyone was leaving for the day. That was basically code word for "Bella and Alice want to get it on with no body home". I had gotten use to this and have about given up on trying to catch them in the act. Alice either always saw me coming or Rosie made sure that I couldn't. Dammit.

But today I was going to be determined to finally catch them come hell or high water. I knew the circumstances afterwards would by severe. I'm sure Rosie would hang her ever favorite 'no sex' punishment over my head. I would be fine with that as long as I finally get to catch them. I don't care that they are my 'little sisters'. We aren't blood. We aren't even the same venom. They were just two hot girls getting it on. Sweet.

So I followed Rosie's wish and went for a hunt with her, Jasper and Virgina. I come to like Virgina. She calls me out on my bullshit almost as much as Rosie does. I noticed as we left that Alice and Bella had declined to come with us and hung back at the house. Perfect.

We entered the clearing past the river by the house and split to go our separate ways. Rosie never did like watching me hunt because she couldn't understand my fascination with bears. Always accusing me that I was trying to prove my masculinity by taking them down instead of them taking me down. Instead of going off to the right like I normally do to head towards the east, I turned around and booked it back to the house.

As quietly as I possibly could I slipped in the front door. I could faintly hear them upstairs. I could hear moaning and a huge smile broke out across my face. I pray that Alice is too gone in the moment to see me coming. As I slowly walk up the steps towards their room they become louder. I can hear Bella the most.

"Oh right there." She moaned and I increased my pace. "Oh, don't stop." I heard Alice giggle and I all but sprinted to their door. I stopped just out side of it and just like a human would do I laid my ear up against it.

"Ohhhh...." Bella moaned again. It sounded like her voice was ragged. If I still had a beating heart it would be up in my throat with anticipation. I decided it would be now or never because I am sure Alice would see me before too long – or Rosie would catch me.

I flung open their bedroom door with a huge smile on my face expecting to catch two chicks getting it on. No. Instead I was met with Bella lying on her back fully clothed on the bed with one of her feet in Alice's lap. Alice, fully clothed too, was painting Bella's toenails. I looked around perplexed. We were fast but not that fast that they could be doing that one second and next be painting toenails.

"What the hell?" Bella and Alice just sat there laughing.

Alice looked behind me and Rosie was standing there. Oh hell.

"I saw this coming Emmett – come on." Alice just shook her head.

"So you decided to just fuck with me?" All the girls laughed and Bella turned her head to look at me.

"It was Rose's idea..." I turned around and looked at her. She smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

"You wanted to catch them in the act each time they started moaning. You just never clarified what you'd be catching."

"Oh this is not fair. One day ladies....I will get you back for this...." I turned around to storm downstairs. I could hear them laughing at me the entire way down. Laugh it up ladies....one day....Just wait....one day....

A/N: Hope you enjoyed it! :)