Author's Disclaimer: Hello pitiful humans. This is my first Invader Zim fan-fic. I've been a fan of the show for years now. I do not own Invader Zim nor it's characters. I wish I did own Zim & Dib but I don't. So Please Be Respectful. My character is an OC. The pairings are thus: Dib/OC now & Zim/OC later.

Chapter One

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It was night, sometime after nine-thirty. Just above the Earth's surface, a small glow, much like a shooting star, shot over the sky. Making a straight line and down into the Earth's atmosphere, nothing out of the ordinary to the many humans who may or may not be awake, though…it was small pod craft with an alien insignia on the side. The pod shot down to the ground, the back engines were on fire and were smoking. The crash landing hadn't been exactly quiet as the pod skid across a grassy field.

The pod finally stopped and the hatch on the front opened up. The color of the pod was two different color purples and the insignia was a dark red. The engines in the back had died and the smoke finally lifted and was no longer rising in the air. A human looking girl materialized out of the pod seconds later, crawling on her hands and knees, she coughed a couple of times before getting to her feet. Her dark red hair was shoulder length, her eyes a dark blue. Her outfit consisted of a dark pink jumper, a light pink long sleeved shirt underneath, purple leggings and black boots. She wore a black head band in her hair.

The girl knelt down and pushed a red button. A self-destruct sequence was initiated and the pod erupted into flames a moment later. The girl stood there and watched as the pod was engulfed by the fire. When nothing was left, she turned on her heel and walked away. The field she had landed in was actually the park. She gazed up at the moon and then decided to have a look around. This place was so…strange. But it was better than the place she had just escaped from. A yawn escaped her but she couldn't rest here, it was too out in the open.

Walking through the park and quickly leaving it, she found herself wandering the streets. Passing trash cans, several cars passed her, some adults who were holding hands passed her, she found all of this odd and yet, she was not frightened by it. She was rather curious but decided to spend tomorrow trying to figure everything out. She only knew she was on planet Earth, according to the pod she had just been in. Earth sounded better than her actual home. She walked until she found a yellow vehicle, which was a bus. It looked empty. She walked around to the other side and got on it. Going to the back of the bus, she curled up on of the seats and fell asleep. Unknowing to her that the bus she had fell asleep on, was in fact was the Skool bus.

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Dib and his sister, Gaz, were walking to skool as pure usual. Gaz was ignoring her "insane" brother, who was going on and on about aliens and what not. Dib of course talked the whole way to skool. Gaz broke away from her brother as soon as they got to the skool yard, leaving him to stand by himself. Zim, an Irken invader, poorly disguised in a black tope and contacts, rounded the corner to the skool a second later. Dib stuck out his foot and tripped him, making Zim fall onto his face.

"You filthy earth monkey", Zim replied lifting up his head and glaring up at Dib, "You shall pay for tripping Zim!"

"Oh, I am so scared", Dib spat back and walked away laughing.

Zim got to his feet and gritted his teeth, glaring after Dib. The bus pulled up a moment later. Dozens and dozens of students got off, including the red headed girl. Zim didn't notice her as she passed him. He just followed the crowed into the skool, thinking of ways to get back at Dib. Zim reached Ms. Bitters class room and sat at his desk. The rest of the class was filing in. Dib of course had already gotten to his seat. Zim just glared at him, not noticing that their teacher had gotten her hands on the red headed girl.

"Class, before we begin. I am unfortunately ashamed to say, we have a new student. What's your name again?" Ms. Bitters asked the red headed girl.

"Erin", the girl said in a shy manner.

"Whatever. You'll sit…" Ms. Bitters pointed a sharp looking vampire like finger at the seat next to Zim, which had been vacant for the past three days, "There, next to the green kid".

Erin took her seat next to Zim, she just placed her hands in her lap. As Ms. Bitters started talking about beavers building robots for the government, Erin looked over at Zim. He caught her glance and she stared back at her feet. She didn't look up until Ms. Bitters told the class to break into a group of three and she didn't care how they spent the rest of the class. This left Erin with Dib and Zim. Dib got up and walked over, standing between Erin and Zim's desks. Dib didn't even look at Zim and just turned to Erin.

"I'm Dib", He replied smiling casually.

Erin just smiled back and kind of blushed at the same time. Zim was glaring at the both of them. Though more at Dib then the human girl, something about her was familiar but he couldn't quite place her. But he really didn't care and she would distract him from crushing Dib, so he let it go, for now. Zim stood up and held out his hand to Erin.

"I am Zim. A completely normal earth worm baby with a mild skin condition", Zim said as happily as he could muster.

"Hi", Erin replied shaking his hand.

Though, Dib and Zim had noticed that Zim's skin hadn't smoked or melted or did anything out of the ordinary. In fact, her touch didn't burn him. Zim found this fascinating and made a mental note to check up on this later, perhaps get a skin sample from her. Zim let go of her hand and then crossed his arms.

"Anyway", Dib continued turning back to Erin, "Since you're new, I could show you around the skool". He put his hand up and scratched the back of his head as he spoke, his eyes staring down at the ground.

"Okay", Erin said smiling.

"Ms. Bitters, can I take Erin on a tour of the skool?" Dib asked.

"Fine but you have to take Zim with you", Ms. Bitters replied.

Dib groaned but when he turned to his right, Erin was beside him, her arm around his. Dib just smiled. They left the class room, closely followed by Zim, who still had his arms crossed.

"Just pretend I'm not here", Zim said in a loud voice, even though the two in front of him weren't paying any attention.

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The tour only took a good two hours but when the lunch bell rang, the three were one of the first ones to go in. Dib sighed as Zim finally went ahead of them to get his lunch tray. Dib and Erin waited until Gaz appeared in the lunch room.

"Gaz, this is Erin. Erin, this is my sister", Dib exclaimed.

"Finally, someone who will put up with you", Gaz muttered and just walked away from them.

Erin didn't dishearten and just smiled at her new friend. Though, her eyes wandered idily over to where Zim sat down and was now contending with his lunch by glaring at it and poking it with his fork. Dib had led her to the lunch line, so she followed, letting her eyes drift away from Zim for the time being. Dib started explaining what the differnt colored foods were. Erin just grabbed a muffin and put it on her tray, figuring that the muffin looked more decent than the glop that Dib called food.

"Good choice", Dib said nodding.

After grabbing a juice box, Erin followed Dib to a table. She stopped and noticed that Zim was by himself. Dib raised an eyebrow, wondering if she was going to follow him or not. Dib set his tray down on the table and sat next to Gaze, who was playing her game slave hand-held game. Erin turned and sat down across from Dib and his sister. She took bites of her muffin, chewing them every so slowly. Dib noticed that Erin wasn't yacking or smoking from the taste of human food, which meant she was definately a human.

"So, are you doing anything after school?" Dib asked.

"Uh..not that I know of", Erin said.

"Great. Do you want to come over and...I don't know...hang out?" Dib asked.

"That sounds fun, I guess", Erin exclaimed, smiling a little.

She didn't know what he meant by "hanging out" but then again, she was new to this place and to these people. Dib seemed to be the only human male who she found interesting. More than that, even though he was much a child as she was. He was like her, same height and same fit. His hair was black and stuck out at the top, like a scyth. He wore glasses too. His clothing was dark. A black jacket, a blue t-shirt with a face on it, black pants and black boots. Then of course, there was Zim but he held no interest to her other than she couldn't stop looking at him. There was something about him, other than his green skin, that she thought was familiar but she just decided to let it go.

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After skool, Erin followed Dib and Gaz to their house. Erin hadn't even mentioned that she didn't have anywhere to go. But she was sure Dib would let her live with him. Gaz disappeared into the kitchen with her game. Erin just sat down on the couch as Dib turned on the television. She had learned from him that he liked "paranormal stuff", she had listened intently and nodded. There was nothing for her to tell him in exchange because if he found out who she was, he might not like her anymore and then they wouldn't be friends anymore. Dib sat on the couch beside her.

"Mysterious Mysteries won't be on until eight but there's still plenty of stuff for us to watch", Dib explained changing the station, "I hope your parents won't mind if your home late".

"Actually, I don't have any parents. I'm here by myself", Erin said, swinging her feet slowly.

"Oh", Dib replied quietly, he then smiled, "Hey, I have a great idea, you can live here with me".

"Are you sure?" She asked looking up at him.

"Yeah, we can walk to skool together, watch paranormal stuff, and do all sorts of things. You can even sleep in my room", Dib replied counting on his fingers as he spoke.

Erin just smiled at him. Even though she had been here a short amount of time, she was sure her stay here would be fun. Dib seemed like a nice person and even though she had known him for a short amount of hours, she liked him. He seemed like an intelligent boy and for someone who claimed to have seen big foot in the garage, he was kinda cute.

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Zim, out of his disguise, paced his lab. His robot side kick/helper, GIR, was sitting in front of several monitors, each monitors showing a different television show. GIR was happily pressing the buttons of the remote, chaning the channels every second.

"That human girl is a good distraction on Dib. He didn't even try to follow me back to my base this afternoon, he's usually out there, doin' stuff. But I can't let my guard down, not for one second", Zim said to himself out loud.

"OOOooo, TACOS!", GIR squealed happily pointing at one of the monitors that showed a man dressed as a taco shell.

"GIR! Stop messing around. I'm trying to think and I can't do that if your being", Zim spat.

GIR ignored him and started dancing like the guy on the monitor. Zim rolled his eyes and walked over to the main computer, which was a giant computer screen. Zim stood in front of it and typed on the key board. He then placed his arms behind his back and looked up at the monitor.

"Computer, show me the location of the human girl, Erin", Zim ordered.

"Processing..", the computer complied, a minute or so later the screen showed the location of Dib's house and then it analyzed the inside, showing Dib and Erin sitting on a couch, "Erin found".

Zim crossed his arms and rubbed his chin with his right hand, watching the screen. There was only way to get a closer look and that was to spy on Dib. Zim turned away from the computer and walked towards the elevator, "GIR!" Zim yelled.

GIR stopped dancing and followed Zim to the elevator. They rode up the elevator, which intionally was the trash can in the kitchen. Zim put his disquise back on and GIR got into his dog-suite. Zim turned to GIR.

"Time to see what that pathetic human is up to. Plus, I want to get a hair sample from that girl", Zim exclaimed.

"Aww", GIR cooed happily as he followed him.

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Erin just sat on Dib's bed as Dib sat on his computer. There was no sign of Zim running amock, which meant that he didn't have to save the earth right now. Dib found that this was a good sign but it wouldn't matter, Zim was probably planning something right now. Dib wheeled himself in his computer chair, turning to face Erin.

"So, what do you think of me so far?" Dib asked.

"Your not crazy", Erin replied.

"Finally, someone who doesn't think-" but Dib trailed off.

The voot runner that Zim was driving, landed on the front lawn. Dib and Erin rushed down stairs and out the front door. Zim got out of the voot runner, GIR followed. But since GIR was in his dog-suite, he looked like a dog...sort of. Erin went over and patted GIR's head.

"This is my dog, you can pat him if you want", Zim offered to Erin, pushing GIR towards her.

"That's not a dog, it's a robot dressed as a dog", Dib explained folding his arms.

Zim pushed a button on the voot runner and it became invisible. Zim smirked at Dib because Dib was the only one to notice it had disappeared from sight. Erin was too busy playing with GIR to really pay attention. Dib just glared at Zim.

"Whatever your up to Zim, you won't get away with it", Dib replied.

"Oh, I'm so sure I will", Zim commented placing his hands on his hips.

Erin looked at the two of them, she didn't know what was going on. GIR was now rolling around on the ground and Erin had lost interest in playing with him. She looked at Zim for a moment. Odd, he had a pak on his back. It was white with pink spots. She went to walk past him when Zim reached out and grabbed her arm.

"Hey! Leave her alone", Dib cried angerily.

Zim plucked a loose hair from Erin's head. His pak opened up and a metal hand took it and then disappeared once more. Zim shoved Erin at Dib, causing them to fall to the ground. Zim grabbed GIR and got back into the voot runner. They were gone when Erin helped Dib up from the ground.

"You okay?" Erin asked.

"I'm fine. He didn't hurt you did he?" Dib asked.

"No", Erin replied shaking her head.

- -

Back in his lab, Zim had put the strained of red hair in a test tube. He just stared at it.

"I'll wait to experiment on this tomorrow", He said in an undertone placing the test tube in a glass case on one of the tables.

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Author's Note: There it is ladies and gentlemen, chapter one. This is my own story, so I hope you don't mind. The plot will develop slowly and I will try and update as much as possible. All I need are reviews to continue!