DISCLAIMER: I don't own NCIS, gosh keep rubbing salt on my wounds.

This is a two-shot. :] I hope you enjoy it. I had lots of fun writing this. I will hopefully get the second part out soon. I have a lot of stuff I am working on, and that never seems to end, but I am not complaining.

She heard it often enough, "Life is not fair," she even lived it. Having her father treat her like just another heartless assassin was not fair, having her sister die at age sixteen was not fair having to kill her half brother, whom at that time she was closer to than anyone else, was definitely not fair. But this had to top all of that.

It had been a normal day, she'd gone to work, Tony got a phone call from the hospital around 1100h and left rather quickly and she and McGee had to fill in for him, again. Then Ziva had gotten up to file some paperwork and she'd been called up to Director Shepard's office. That was when she'd gotten the news that flipped her world upside down.

Ziva pushed open the doors of the Director's office once Cynthia had given her the okay; she made her way into the space that her longtime friend occupied.

"Jenny." She greeted with a small smile and a slight nod.

"David." Director Shepard stated, she held no pretenses of a friendly conversation in her expression, she obviously wanted to get down to business straight from the get go.

When Ziva noticed the expression on Jenny's face, hers dropped into a stoic mask, one she'd become accustomed to using.

Jenny took a deep breath. She wasn't sure how she was supposed to break the news. She knew Ziva would be able to handle it, she was strong, it was herself and the rest of the team she wasn't so sure about. "Officer David, we just received some news from Mossad." Ziva nodded, her expression still giving away nothing. "They've called you back to service."

Inside Ziva's body was screaming no, her was breaking and she felt like crying. But on the outside, her expression didn't change she simply nodded her head. "Of course, Director Shepard." She stated formally, "When do I leave?"

Jenny couldn't help but feel proud of the young woman she'd grown so fond of over the years, she just wished she could have hid the way this had affected her so well. She'd ended up in a shouting match with Director David, and she'd feared she might have made Ziva's possibility of returning slim to none. "You fly out tomorrow morning, at 0730h." She stated solemnly, "You may go home and begin packing once you've cleared out your desk."

With yet another nod, Ziva turned and made her way to the door for the last time. She wouldn't show how much this was affecting her, for this was just another point on the list of why she hated her father.

"Ziva." Jenny called out as Ziva twisted the handle, ready to leave her office. "They did not terminate your liaison position with NCIS, there is still a chance that you can return. I will see you again."

She couldn't stop the hope that blossomed in her chest, though she tried. She did not believe she would be coming back, she knew her father, and she knew Mossad, and she knew the chances of either letting her go back to NCIS were very low.

"Bye Director." She said as she left the office for the final time. She couldn't stop the bittersweet smile that rose to her lips as she remembered all her times at NCIS. She remembered the first hug she'd received from Abby, the way it had thrown her off guard, but she'd relished it all the same, because it was the first time someone had impulsively thrown themselves at her without any fear present. She wasn't used to that. She remembered the first time she'd received an infamous Gibbs' slap, and she'd laughed outright at it. She remembered the first time she and McGee had one of their talks, the way he'd attempted to make her feel better about being new. She remembered the way she and Tony bantered on a daily basis, and she also remembered how that had seemed to stop within the past few weeks. They still bantered, still playfully chided each other, but something was different, something was off about them, and now she'd never be able to figure it out because Mossad needed her back. Ziva walked down the stairs, the same smile on her lips. At least she would always have the memories to keep with her.

She walked straight to her desk without a word. She didn't know what to say to McGee or Gibbs, she didn't know how to say whatever it is she was supposed to say. She simply began to pile her stuff into the empty box she had sitting behind her desk. She had used it for shredded paper about a week ago, and she had not recycled it yet, she guessed that was a good thing, for now she would not have to make several trips to and from her car to get all of her stuff together. This would be easier, for all of them.

Only after she'd placed a couple items in the box had Gibbs stood in front of her, a glare present on his features, and his hand holding onto the item she was about to place inside the box. "Gibbs." She acknowledged softly, letting go of the item they had both been holding, in favor of pulling stuff out of her drawers.

"What do you think you're doing, Ziva?" He asked, his voice harsh yet soft at the same time.

"I am packing." She stated simply, dropping stuff in her box. Pictures she kept locked within her drawer, and other desk items.

"Why are you packing, David?" All traces of softness gone from his tone, as all of his patience was lost.

"I am going back to Mossad Gibbs." With much effort, her voice did not crack once. Gibbs merely raised an eyebrow in her direction, and she knew why. She had purposely made it sound as if it was her choice to leave, figuring it would be easier that way. "I have been recalled." She said softly, her hair falling over her face. She placed the last of her items in her box, her hair still obstructing Gibbs' view of her face.

She sucked in a breath, and reached for her box as she lifted her gaze once more. "Ziver," Gibbs stated softly again, his hands covering hers. "This isn't goodbye." He stated as he pulled her into a hug, "This is merely parting words between friends who will see each other soon." He patted her back affectionately. Both he and the woman in his arms trying hard to keep their emotion's in check, for they had grown to view the other as family.

"Of course Gibbs." Ziva smiled a genuine smile, her lips slightly quivering but other than that her tears remained unseen. She didn't tell him Jenny had pretty much stated that they would see each other again in the same way, they both had a way of making it seem as if it wasn't wishful thinking, but fact.

Gibbs nodded to her, and she made her way over to McGee who had stood up sometime during her and Gibbs' exchange. "Timothy." Ziva stated, "It has been a real pleasure to work with you." She smiled, "Do not let Tony make you do extra work either, stand up for yourself." She gave shook his hand, surprised when he pulled her into a hug.

"Bye Ziva." He stated sadly. "Come back home soon, okay?" He stated, and she smiled.

Ziva pulled away, and the next thing she knew she was practically tackled to the ground by Abby. "Oh my god Ziva. Gibbs just called me he told me Mossad has called you back. That's so dumb, I can't believe they would do such a thing. Can't they see that we need you, don't they understand that you are our butt-kicking ninja chick. What are we supposed to do without you? Lee will be on the team again, and she's all right and all, but she's no you Ziva. It just won't be the same. When will you be back? Hopefully soon-"

"Abby!" Ziva gasped out, for throughout the Goth's rant her grip had gotten tighter and tighter until it was nearly impossible for the Israeli to breath.

"Sorry," Abby loosened her grip but still clung to Ziva like her life depended on it.

"It is alright Abby." She stated, returning the hug. "I will miss you." She whispered quietly.

"Don't leave Ziva." Tears began to fill Abby's eyes. "There is so much we haven't done Ziva. You've been here for over a year and we haven't even took you on a tour of Washington." The tears began to fall, as Abby thought about. "Why didn't I show you around Ziva?" She wailed into the shoulder of the smaller woman.

"Abby it will be fine. We were both busy with work." Ziva stated.

"No Ziva, its not fine. I wasted too much time being angry with you over something you had no control over." Self-remorse filled Abby at that thought, why had she ever held Kate's death against Ziva.

"When I get back Abby. When I get back." With that she stepped out of Abby's grasp and headed towards Ducky, who had come up shortly after Abby had. "Dr. Mallard." She smiled softly at him. "I rather enjoyed all of your stories Ducky. I just regret not being able to hear more of them." She wondered if he realized how much he had helped her.

"Oh my dear." Ducky stated solemnly, pulling the poor girl into his arms. "You will hear more. Don't you worry." He smiled sadly at her as she sad her goodbyes to Palmer.

"Jimmy." She turned to him. "I wish you well, with school and your life." She nodded towards him with a smile. He didn't pull her into a hug like everyone else had, and she wouldn't initiate it.

"Bye Ziva." He stated, lifting his hand in an awkward wave.

Ziva walked over to her desk, picking up her box with little effort. "Goodbye everyone. I will miss you all." She said loudly, and began her walk to the elevator. She pushed the button, and looked back at Tony's empty desk. She made a mental note to call him later, so she could tell him goodbye as well.

She smiled at the people she'd grown to love over the past year, she glanced up at Jenny as she stood on the stairs, the look of determination on the older woman's face let Ziva know she wasn't going to give up on getting her back. The elevator dinged when it arrived, and then it opened, Ziva stepped into the steel box. The door closed, and Ziva couldn't help but to chuckle at the symbolic gesture of it all. The doors also were now closed on her time at NCIS.


Ziva packed her apartment up, putting everything she needed into her suitcase and leaving anything else. She knew her father would be sending someone to pack her stuff up and ship it to Tel Aviv. She thought the whole idea of that was idiotic, but it couldn't be helped, that was the way her father did things.

Once everything was in her suitcase and it was all zipped and sitting by the door Ziva sat back on her heel and sighed, wiping her brow. She glanced at her phone sitting on the coffee table. She had called Tony when she had gotten back to her apartment, and like she had expected she hadn't gotten an answer. She simply hung up, not wanting to say goodbye in a voicemail. She'd called him again, before she started packing, still no answers. She'd even stopped in the middle of packing to see if she could reach him, but that was to no avail. She tried his apartment a few times as well, only for it to ring continuously before she finally gave up. She really wished he would get an answering machine for his apartment because she was never one to give up too easily and the way she always let his phone ring ten times before finally hanging up proved that fact.

Ziva walked over to her phone, and flipped it open. No calls had been missed, she had to admit she'd been hoping that maybe Tony had seen that she had called and called back, but that was not the case.

Ziva quickly held down the number one button and then put her phone to her ear when it went through. She listened to the ringing of the phone that noise was beginning to great on her nerves, but the click of the voicemail activating was getting to her even more. "You've reached Tony DiNozzo, leave a message." She hung up with a sigh. She'd just try him again before she went to bed that evening.


That night Ziva had takeout for dinner. She did not feel like making anything to eat that night, because she really didn't want to clean it up. She didn't eat much of her food at all, she ended up throwing most if it away, but she didn't mind she was beginning to feel numb.

Ziva took a shower, but she kept her phone in the bathroom on the counter, waiting for Tony to call back, she was beginning to loose hope that he would. Maybe she should leave a message, and then he would call back.

Ziva stepped out of the shower, dried off and immediately checked her phone. Nothing. She let out a breath of exasperation she was worried. Was he still at the hospital? She would have thought he would have called if it was something serious but now she was unsure.

As soon as Ziva was dressed she sat on her bed and hit send twice. The phone began to ring, and before Ziva knew it she got voicemail once again. "You've reached Tony DiNozzo. Leave a message." She sighed as the automated voice went through telling her to press five to leave her number, and then to leave a message after the beat. "Hi Tony. It is Ziva. Sorry I have called you so much today, I just had something to tell you, and I did not want to tell you over a message, but seeing as how I do not have much time left I will do just that. I have been recalled to Mossad. I will be leaving tomorrow morning. I just wanted to say goodbye. So, goodbye Tony, I am going to miss you and your absurd movie references. I wish you the best of luck Tony." A tear fell from her eye, streaking down her face. The single tear seemed to scorch her. "Shalom." She hung up, clutching the phone to her chest as she fell back onto the bed. She had wanted to tell Tony her feelings for him, but she figured it would just make everything harder.

She fell into a restless sleep soon after, clutching her phone tightly to her chest.

She woke up earlier than she usually did, which was saying something. She didn't go for a run; she simply sat there, staring at her phone. He did not call her back during the night.

At 0600h she left her apartment, rolling her suitcase behind her. She kept her phone in her coat pocket, thinking that maybe he would call on her drive there. He didn't. When she'd stepped into the airport she turned off her cell, she had given up hope of him calling within the last hour of her departure so there was no point in prolonging the agony of leaving her phone on only to have it not ring.

She went through the motions; getting her ticket from the counter, checking in her luggage, going through security, and waiting for them to announce her flight at the gate. She wasn't thinking about anything, she had to force herself not to. She didn't want to cry, not here.

"First class to Tel Aviv is now boarding." A nasally voice announced over the loud speaker.

"Well, that's me." Ziva muttered to herself as she stood up and began to head towards the line that had formed.


Oh, my. My cat is staring at me its kind of freaking me out. Lol. Well that was weird to tell you but I just thought you should know. I think she is going to lie on the keyboard soon. _ She tends to do that to me when I am typing.

Please, please, review. It would mean so much.