Summary: "I find it rather disturbing that you think I'm a female dog." It was a good thing that Sai's idiocy was so lovable. SaiSaku.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.
WARNING: Explicit language.
Word Count: 403
There were few things a guy wanted to hear at five in the morning, and his girlfriend yelling at him was definitely not one of them. Sai stood staring as Sakura yelled at him and threw a lamp, narrowly missing his head, but leaving a big dent in the wall.
"Now, Hag, I thought we discussed that you wouldn't break any of my furniture, even during your "time of month"" Sai said calmly to his entirely too hormonal girlfriend.
"You painted a picture of me. Naked. And you were going to submit it to the Konoha Student Art Gallery." Sakura glared daggers at her poor, oblivious boyfriend.
"Well, obviously, I can't anymore, considering that you punched a hole in it and threw it into the fireplace. Doesn't that solve the problem? Besides, you looked beautiful." Sai said, putting on his best "sorry" face. Of course, it didn't look any different from all his other faces (though he did succeed in looking slightly more constipated than before), but it was the thought that counted.
"That's not the point, you bitch. Actually, no scratch that. You are a motherfucking bastard." Sakura's death glare was actually intensifying, if that was possible.
"Sakura, I find it rather disturbing that you think I'm a female dog, but even more disturbing that you think I slept with you mother."
Sakura's death glare was replaced by a blank stare and then all out giggles.
"That's not what that means! I was insulting you!" Sakura said, between giggles.
Sai looked over, very sternly. "Now Sakura, I don't think you mother will appreciate you insulting people by implying that they would have intercourse with her. That's just rude. Your mother is a very nice lady, even though she is in the wrong age group for me."
Sakura started to laugh harder. "Y'know, Sai? I can't stay mad at you. You're just too damn adorable." She pulled him to her in a warm hug.
"Does that mean you forgive me?"
"No more nude pictures, and sure," Sakura smiled up at the shinobi. He really wasn't as emotionless as everyone thought. And her certainly wasn't gay.
"Hag, did you really think I would cheat on you with your mother?"
Sakura groaned. Hey, at least his stupidity was lovable.