I know I've been working on my story, The New Sonic Heroes. But lately, I haven't been getting that much good reviews, so that story is gonna have to wait until I'm done with this new story. Besides, no one likes to hear stories coming from someone named Valenor anyways.
And yes people, I'm a fan of Mermaids and what not. So this idea came to me a couple of months ago before I became an Author. You may notice, that there are a few parts in this story that maybe simliar to a few of the Mermaid shows or movies you've seen. I love Sonic characters and mermaids, so why don't I just put them all together then? By the way, I'm going to allow as many OC's in this new series. Doesn't matter if they're villian, heroes, or neutral. Just reveiw their info's and I'll see what I can do about it. Enjoy the story!!!!
(Please Read and for the love of Chaos...Reveiw!!!)
"Mobians...we've heard of them and have also seen them many times, they're sorta like animals, but they act like humans. We usually see them work at many places in not only our country, but the world also. They're all a real help and we all live peacefully together, but sometimes I wish there was something else out there, something...different. Sure, I could date a Mobian, but that would just seem wrong, I mean come on, a human and a Mobian? How would that work out?...What's that...Mermaids? I've heard of them in a few stories, but I've never actually seen them in real life before. Oh what am I saying? Of course they don't exist....But sometimes...I would always like to look out my window and stare out into the sea, dreaming of those magnificent creatures, thinking if they do live in another city somewhere...under the sea...."
Opening theme "Under the Sea" by A-Teens.
Episode 1: The Princess And The Merhog:
It all started at a country called Soleana, where everything there was beautiful. The forests, the city, the nice beaches, even the castle, which was at the far end of the city. There were always guards blocking the way into the castle, which was home to the rulers of Soleanna. The Duke of Soleanna always looked after his country and his people along with it. The Duke was once married, but unfortunatley, his wife became ill and...passed on. So it was just him and his daughter left, who by the way was named Elise. She was a sweet little girl, although she never left the castle, for her father feared that he'd lose her, just like how he lost his wife. So she was always home schooled, which meant that she never had any real friends. But there were those special occasions, where the Duke would take Elise out into the city, as they would go to resturaunts. Or sometimes he would take his daughter out into the sea, where he would like her to see how the fishermen would get fish for their seafood dinners.
And speaking of the sea, that was were they were right now. It was during the evening, and Elise just loved coming here, for she would stare out into the sea, always dreaming of merpeople, which of course no one believed in. Right now, the Duke and a couple of fishermen were focusing on fixing the engine, for it stopped working for some strange reason. Luckily they were all on a big fisherman's boat, so that way, there was enough room to move around. Elise was just walking around the boat, until she looked out at the sea again.
"It's so pretty," she said as she noticed something in the water. "Hmm?"
The little princess quickly ran to her father, while he was still figuring out why the engine couldn't get back to working again.
"Daddy," she said, as she tugged on the Duke's robe.
"Not now, my dear." he said. "We're a little busy, trying to get the engine running again. Why don't you go and look around some more?" he added as he gave his daughter a kiss on the forehead.
"But Daddy, I saw something in the water." she tried explaining.
"I'm sure it was just a fish, Elise." said the Duke, as he noticed a storm was about to come rolling in quickley.
"Elise, stay inside. You'll be safer in there." he said quickley, as Elise walked into the bridge and looked out the window, noticing that there was something moving in the water.
"I bet it's a mermaid." she said excitedly to herself, as she gazed out the window again.
The thing that Elise saw, was something beyond imagination, as it ducked into the ocean. It was hard to tell what it was, cause the thing was underneath the boat. When it got into the clearing, it was actually a mermaid, sort of. It had the same tail as a mermaid, but the most unusual thing was that it had the upper body of a blue hedgehog. It's tail was purple, as the upper part wore nothing but white gloves, and a necklace with a blue gem attached. This creature appeared to be something called a "Merhog", as all people would never believe in at all, not even Mobians believed in such things called "Mermobians". Right now, the merhog wasn't alone, for there was another one like him, except this one however, was a fox. It's tail was yellow, and its upper body was yellow as well, but it also had two namesakes in between the tail and the upper part, which seemed a little weird. And like the Merhog, it also wore white gloves, and an orange necklace. And judging by their looks, both of them were kids. The merhog seemed to be okay with whatever was going on, but the merfox felt really uneasy about this.
"Sonic, I'm not sure we should be doing this," the merfox said.
"Come on, where's your sense of adventure, Tails?" the merhog known as Sonic said.
"I think it stayed back in the canyon, along with your sense of wisdom." Tails said sarcasticly. "Don't you know that we're not supposed to be up here in the first place?! What if we get caught doing this, or worse?!?!"
"Relax, buddy. We'll be alright." Sonic said, as he swam up to the surface again, to look at the fishermen's boat. "I've never seen a whale like that before." he said, as he gazed at the boat, unaware that the storm had finally arrived.
"That can't be good." Tails said, as he appeared next to Sonic. "Sonic, we should head back...NOW."
"I guess your ri--"
Before Sonic could finish his sentence, a huge wave came crashing down on the two mermobians, seperating them in the proccess. Sonic was lucky to get back up to the surface, until he noticed that it was raining hard, and there was even lighting shooting down into the ocean. All Sonic could do was watch the so called "whale" be punished by the storm. The boat wasn't taking the storm very well, as it was suffering from the waves that kept hitting it. The fishermen tried their best to get the engine running, but it was no avail. Sonic suddenly noticed a huge wave was starting to form, as it was charging for not only the merhog, but the people on the boat as well. Sonic tried his best to dive down into the ocean but unfortunatley, the wave picked him up and sent him flying over the boat, as the wave came crashing down on the poor fishermen, and the Duke along with his daughter Elise, as well. Sonic soon felt a little unconcieus, as he took one look at the boat before closing his eyes.
"2 hours later...."
Sonic slowley opened his eyes, as he noticed Tails was there with him.
"Sonic, your alive!" the merfox said cheerfully as a small tear came from his eyes. "I was so worried about you, that I tried searching, but I couldn't find you anywhere until 20 minutes ago." he said as Sonic didn't respond. "Sonic?"
The merhog didn't seem focused on his friend at all, for he noticed something odd up on the surface. He got up and swam to the surface, leaving Tails to float there confused.
"Sonic, where are you going?!" he called.
"I need to find out what happened to the whale!! Don't worry, I think the storm died out!" Sonic called, until he reached the surface.
When he reached the surface, all he could do was nothing but look around the area he was at. There were no signs of the "whale", but there were pieces of it scattered everywhere. Sonic was shocked by this, thinking that maybe it wasn't a whale after all. So he searched the remains, to see if he could find anything unusual. There wasn't that much to see, for there were only shattered boat remains. Luckily, something caught his eye. He looked over to find something very unusual, only to see it was the young princess, Elise. Her little white dress was ripped a little, and her shoes were missing, and her hair seemed a little messed up, as she was floating on a wooden door. She looked beautiful just laying on the wooden door, as it was still floating in the water. Sonic was actually suprised to see something he never saw before, as he slowley swam up to the poor little girl, and observed her very closely.
"What is it?" he said to himself, as he poked her.
"Mmm..." groaned the princess, while startling Sonic in the procces.
"She's still alive!" he said happily. "But what am I supposed to do now?" he said confused as he looked at her again. "I think she might be one of those so called Land Creatures I've heard about." he said as his face turned sad. "I gotta get back to the canyon, but I can't leave her here...she might die." he said, as he picked her up bridal style. "I think I saw land somewhere, not to far from here." he said as he swam quickly in the moonlight night.
After a long half hour of swimming, Sonic finally made it to the beachside of Soleanna. There he laid the princess down carefully on the sand, and sighed in relief.
"Wow, I've never swam that fast before. I'm pooped!" Sonic said, while breathing heavily as he looked up at the ocean, with the moon relfecting off of it. "I wonder what a creature like you, was doing all the way out in the ocean?" he said as he laid next to her. "It's a good thing you're not awake yet, otherwise if you saw me, I might scare you by accident."
He then looked at the ocean again, then to his left to see the castle not to far from where the merhog and the princess were.
"I wish I could see how life's like, as a land creature. Course the ocean is still nice and everything, but sometimes I imagine I could live on land, and see all those things I've heard about." he said, as he was totally unaware that the princess was slowley opening her eyes.
"Mmm...Daddy?" she said quietly without Sonic and her noticing eachother.
She blinked again, and then opened her eyes more. When she was fully awake, she looked around to find herself laying on the beach.
"What am I doing all the way here? Where's Daddy and he others?" she asked, as Sonic just noticed she was awake.
When Elise looked to her right, she was absolutley suprised by noticing the Merhog was right next to her.
"A...a mermaid?!" she gasped as she quickly stood up.
"Oh no, she's awake!" he thought to himself as he noticed her sea grey eyes. "I've gotta get oughta here!!" he thought again, as he quickly made his way into the sea again.
"Wait, come back!!" she called for the merhog, but unfortunatley he got away. "I'm not gonna hurt you!! Please come back!!"
She walked over to the sea until the water reached her knees. She was thinking of actually following him into the sea, until all of a sudden the guards from the castle noticed her by the shorelines. They rushed over to the princess, as she noticed them coming. But something else caught her eyes, as she walked over to the sands, to find the blue necklace that Sonic was wearing. She picked it up and held it to her chest, as the guards finally reached her.
"Miss Elise, what are you doing here at such a late hour?" one of them said.
"Daddy and I went to the sea with fishermen again, until this nasty storm came and washed us away. Not only that, but a mermaid saved me." she said as she looked over to the sea.
"Uhh...sure, I'm sure those mermaids thought you needed land." one of them said as they escorted her back to the castle.
"1 hour later..."
Elise was in her bedroom all tidied up and into her pajamas, as she jumped into bed. One of the maids that worked at the castle tucked her in bed and left the room. Everyone who worked at the castle was wondering if the princess was here, then where was the Duke? Everyone started to begin worrying that if the Duke was gone, then how will Elise feel when she's all alone? Right now, the princess herself wasn't thinking of her father, for something else was bothering her. She soon got out of bed and walked over to the window, and looked out into the sea, still thinking of that merhog that saved her. She held the blue necklace to her chest, as a small tear ran down her cheek.
"I'll never forget you..." she said sadley as she took one last look at the sea, and then went back to bed.
"Someday, I'll see you again." Sonic said, who by the way, was outside near the castle walls, as he stared at it from a far distance, before he dived back down into the sea.
"8 years later..."
It was a beautiful day at the ocean near Soleanna, as there were many fishes just waiting to get caught by fishermen today. The fishermen always kept catching alot of fishes, and all other exotic under water creatures, and took them back to the castle. But today, something was bothering the fishermen, as they were struggling to reel the fish in.
"Man, are these fishes on steroids, or what??" asked one of the fishermen, who was a grey echidna by the way.
"I'm pretty sure that we're caught on something." said a human fisherman.
What neither of the fishermen knew was that under the boat, the fish were in the net, but something was pulling on the net. The thing that was pulling on the net, was none other than the Ocean's fastest thing alive, Sonic The Merhog! This time he looked like a 17 year old Merhog, as his tail was a little bigger, and his quills were a bit longer. Apperantley, what he was doing right now, was that he was trying to set the fish free, since all the other mermobians or merpeople wouldn't do a thing about it. These kind of things always kept getting Sonic mad, which always forces him to do this sort of thing.
"How many times, do we have to go through with this?!" he asked himself, as he was struggling by helping the fish.
"Okay we're gonna have to get the engine on full power." one of the fishermen up above said, as the grey echidna turned it on.
The machine started pulling up the fish, with Sonic along with them. But for some odd reason, all Sonic could do was nothing but grin to himself.
"So that's the way you want to do it then, huh?" he said to himself. "Okay I'll play your little game of tug and war."
He soon started to swim around the boat, while holding the net. The boat was spinning around and around, as Sonic was swimming around in circles really fast. Soon the cable that was holding the net was starting to let loose until finally, it snapped as it released all the fishes from the net. They all thanked Sonic, and started to swim back to their homes. Sonic let out a sigh of relief, as he grinned and went back up to the surface again. When he looked at the boat, he noticed that it was heading back to Soleanna as fast as it could.
"That's what happens if you mess with my turf!!" Sonic shouted at the fishermen, until they could be seen no more. "Well, now since all that's over, I think we can call it a day. Besides, I gotta meet up with the gang at the Reef."
Before Sonic was about to dive down into the ocean, he took one look last look at the city of Soleanna. He sighed to himself, and then disappeared into the ocean below.
It was about an hour later, that Sonic came across a canyon of some sort. It was hard to see the bottom, cause it was so dark, but that didn't stop the blue merhog. He quickley swam into the canyon, and went through nothing but darkness until there was light up ahead. The light grew bigger and bigger until finally, it showed a beautiful underwater city. It was just absolutley amazing there, as most of the houses and buildings were made of rocks and coral. What was even better, was that there were merpeople and mermobians everywhere.
Sonic quickly swam past by a few mermen and made his way through the city. It wasn't long, until Sonic made his way into a place that looked somewhat like an underwater mall. There was a huge sign on the top, and it said "The Reef." He swam inside the mall, as the place inside looked amazing as well, for it was covered in beautifully colored coral.
"I think my buds are at the food court right about now." he said to himself, as he swam.
He swam around the place until he found the food court, noticing there were a few mermobians at one of the tables. One of them was Tails, except he looked a little older than he did before, and the other one looked like a red merchidna, that had a white crescent moon shape on his chest. He also wore nothing but white mittens with spikes on the end, and a red necklace. He looked like someone you wouldn't want to mess with. And there was also a pink female merhog, and a light purple mercat, along with another merhog, except this one was white. The pink merhog wore nothing but white gloves, a red hair band, a red top, and a pink necklace. The mercat wore white gloves and a purple top, with a light purple necklace. And finally the white merhog wore a pair of white gloves with blue markings on each one, and a white necklace. They all seemed to be wearing necklaces, except Sonic.
"Hey guys, sorry I'm late! You wouldn't beleive what I had to do, to get here!" he said as he sat next to them.
"What were you doing THIS time, Sonic?" the merchidna asked irritated.
"Come on Knuckles, lighten up." the white merhog said.
"Oh Sonic, we were all worried about you! Especially me!" the pink merhog said.
"Uh...Amy, I think it was just you who was worried instead." said Tails as he sweat dropped, along with Sonic.
"So how've you been, Silver ol' buddy?" Sonic asked the white merhog known as Silver.
"Everything's been going pretty well, isn't that right Blaze?" he asked the mercat.
"Yeah, everything's going pretty well, the usual." Blaze said.
"The usual...that's always the one I always get tired of." Sonic said as he looked down.
"Come on Sonic, it's not that bad!" Tails said.
"Yes it is Tails, it's boring around here, which why I always like to make things fun." Sonic said, as he grinned at all the others.
"Listen Sonic, you can't keep doing these things," Silver said.
"You always leave the canyon, you pick up and collect weird junk, always stopping those weird whales from taking the fishes, and what's worse is that you always head up to the surface world!" Knuckles explained, while no one else heard that last part.
"What is it with you and the surface world?" Blaze asked. "One of these days, you might get caught doing these things, and we won't be there to bail you out."
"Relax guys, I'm too fast to catch anyways." Sonic said as he smirked.
"Sonic, please stop doing these things." Amy said as her eyes started to glitter. "Do it for me?"
"Uh...I'll think about that." he lied as he sweat dropped.
"What is it that makes you interested in the surface world anyway?" Knuckles asked.
This question left Sonic silent for a moment, leaving everyone else silent also. The reason Sonic was quiet, because he remembered that night that happened 8 years ago, the time when he saved a human from dying at sea. Sonic quickley shook his head and came back to reality, as he noticed his friends were still staring at him.
"It's...nothing really..." Sonic lied. "It's just that I've got nothing else to do, so this thing is sorta like a hobbie. Look, why don't we just drop the subject, I gotta go anyways." he said as he swam away, leaving the others worried.
Meanwhile, on the surface world, the fishermen boat from earlier made its way back Soleanna, as the fishermen were heading there way into the castle. They made their way into the kitchen to explain to the chefs why they didn't come back with any fishes...again.
"Look, everytime we catch alot of fishes, something strange is always releasing the fishes." the grey echidna explained.
"It's been going on like this for over 2 years now." the master chef said. "How am I supposed to make my famous seafood dinners for not only the Princess, but everyone else as well?!"
And speaking of the princess, up on the balcony was the princess herself. She looked alot older and more prettier than she did before. She wore a white dress, a pair of long white gloves, a small crown with feathers on it, orange stalkings, and a pair of red high heels. She was the last royal heir to the throne, ever since she lost her father that day, that happened over 8 years ago. Everyone always wondered how she felt about losing her father that day. But it wasn't her father that was bothering her right now, as she was wearing the blue necklace that Sonic wore back then. She couldn't help herself but think about that merhog that saved her when she was a little girl. Small tears started forming in her eyes, when she kept thinking about that merhog.
"Miss Elise?" asked one of the maids, as Elise turned around. "Are you alright?"
"No, everything's fine." she said as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "There's no need to worry about me."
"Understood, Miss Elise." the maid said as she left the balcony.
Elise then turned back to the city, until she finally looked over to the sea, still thinking of Sonic.
"I want to see you again someday, but I can't leave my people." she said to herself sadley, as she turned around and walked back inside the castle.
For the rest of the day, neither Elise or Sonic ever said a word, leaving everyone else worried.
Ending Theme: "His World" by ZebraHead.
Well there you have it!!! Episode 1 should probably get you readers interested!! By the way, the OCs you want to be in this story, will have to have special abilities that aren't so complicated, otherwise I'd be confusing the readers, and myself. (Please Reveiw!!!)