Yuuri: This is a new story, chu~
Hidan: This fucking worthless story is-OW!
Yuuri: HIDAN-chu! Explain nicely or no romance!
Hidan: Ugh... Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto
Yuuri: Okay! GO!

Boys Are Full Of Surprises

Chapter 1: A Meeting to Remember

Sakura' POV

"But, Hana…" I whined. My stepmom is sending me to boarding school. Right before I become a freshman. How cool is that? Not.
I have to leave my besties! We were bestfriends since, like, forever! Suigetsu, Juugo and TenTen were the best. They cried for
me and begged me not to leave- well, Juugo and TenTen did; Sui-kun played it cool, but I swore I saw his eyes glaze with tears
before I left. He is, no doubt mui macho and tres tres yummy-o! They get to go to a prom! Ugh, no fair! No doubt Hinata is going
to get asked by my Sui-kun; she's like a total goodie-goodie sweetie around him. That little bitch.

Back to the problem at hand. I was supposed to go to boarding school and stay there until my mom comes home from Hawaii-
which will be, like, NEVER. She called me last month to keep the secret that she'll be staying there for good because she has a
new boyfriend there and they're so into each other. So, I can't even tell my dad and stepmom THAT and so, I have no excuse.
Nada. Zero. "You have to, sweetie! It would be tons of fun! We have to go and stay California for a whole year because of business
plans" she explains, interrupting my thoughts. Hana is a beautiful woman- curves, breasts, tanned skin, brown locks, hazel eyes,
and legs of a supermodel- she's very nice, too. No wonder my dad fell in love with her and dumped mom. My mom, on the other
hand, has pink hair, pale skin, cerulean eyes and a nice body (although I'm pretty sure Hana's is curvier). My dad is a chick magnet-
wavy, dark brown hair, emerald eyes, muscular body and a perfect smile. "But Hana, I don't want to go to boarding school! What
about my friends? I'm fully responsible to stay!" I exclaimed. "Mmm-hmm… and what happened when I left you at home the last time?"
Did she have to bring that up? So, who knew marshmallows are flammable? Not everyone! They should put that in a safety book! Do
not cook marshmallows in ovens at home
. Geez!

Oh. My. God. "T-They make you wear…those?!" I stuttered. Hana was holding my uniform. It was white and long sleeved, has green
collar and red necktie. That isn't the bad part it has a-a-a… "MINISKIRT!?!" I screamed. I'm boyish and skater-y! What's wrong with
them?! Oh no, oh no, oh no. The last time I wore a miniskirt is when I was in Grade 6. I got my skirt caught up in a revolving door
and it ripped. So I lived the whole day with boys whistling at me. Suigetsu always brings those things up and laughs and I ALWAYS
turn red whenever he mentions it. "I am not wearing that! You won't even catch me dead in one of those! Not even Snoopy can make
me!" Yes, not even Snoopy, my favorite dog, can make me! Muahahahahahaha! Two minutes later… I'm in it. I know, I know, that was
cheap. Well, they bribed me a fifty to use it and I really need a new board. To the mall!

Hidan's POV

"Come on guys! You fucking promised!" I yelled. We were supposed to go to this kick-ass movie: Death of the Vampires. Yeah, yeah,
so I love vampire movies, so what? "We're really sorry, Hidan. Really. It's just that Sasori and I have a double date and we can't ditch
them." Deidara explained. "Girls, pfeh, who needs 'em? I just kiss them and they melt. They're pathetic and annoying. I can't believe
you guys have girlfriends and can actually stand they're shopping and whining. And you have STEADY girlfriends." I said, stressing on
the 'steady' part. "One day you'll see your match Hidan. One day soon, hopefully." Sasori teased. And with that, they're gone. I'm
aloooone. What to do, what to do? Without Sasori and Deidara, my bestfriends in the gang (Scarlet Clouds), I'm bored! I certainly can't
ask Itachi, I mean he's cool and all but he's just too serious about dating and paying too much attention to his girlfriend. I'm the only one
in the gang that doesn't have one, that's why girls flirt with me a lot. Even the weed, Zetsu, has one. "Hidan-senpai!" called a familiar
childish voice. Ugh. Tobi. Why, oh why? "Senpai, Pein-senpai broke your skateboard because Konan-senpai got mad" he announced. "HE

"Sorry, Hidan. You know how wild my girlfriend can be" he smiled and kissed his suckish girlfriend, they're just waiting for me to go out
before they throw themselves into each other. Ugh! Now I got the Pein-Konan incident in my head. Gross! Get out mental images! "Here's
the money for replacement of your no-good board, so get out" Pein ordered. I groaned. Well, at least I have something to do. Like spend
the next 2 hours or so looking for the perfect board. To the mall for another replacement board…Groan.

Sakura's POV

La, la, la, la. Woohoo! Free money! For a skateboard! Wheee! I went straight to the skateboard store. Okay, so I did stop by Starbucks
since I was low on caffeine. And Nike for some skater shirts. And… oh, you get my point. So I went in there. The place is called Blazin'
Skates. Rocking! I went shuffling there in the skateboards section when I noticed that only boys were there and they were staring at me.
Stereotypes. "Mind your own worthless businesses" I yelled and they went shuffling in the posters. I can feel their eyes on me, it was
very uncomfortable. A brunette dude with chocolate eyes and red marks on his face, a blonde hyperactive boy with cerulean eyes and one
coffee colored hair dude with violet or ivory eyes, I can't tell. Definitely contacts. When I saw the perfect board. It was black with a red
dragon and flames as the design. I reached out when another hand grabbed it at the same time. "Fuck off! This board is mine!" we yelled
simultaneously. I looked up to see who it was. A silver haired man with lilac eyes, a purple necklace, plain black shirt and black khakis. At
that moment, I felt my heart beat ten times faster. I think I'm in love.

Hidan's POV

This is the greatest day ever! Pein just gave me a hundred! For a skateboard! And those things only cost twenty in Blazin' Skates. Woohoo!
Well, the fifty was in the other fifty, so Pein-ass probably didn't notice. Hey, at least he did something damned good for a change. I was
almost ready to quit. Almost. First stop, the Music Mania store. Time for some good old Linkin Park tunes. "Hidan, Hidan!" I heard. Ugh. And
I thought nothing could ruin this day. Fabulous. "What do you want, Ino?" I grumbled. Ino is Deidara's stepsister. They look almost exactly
alike. "Do you want to go out with me? I have these awesome tickets for the Jonas Brother's concert on Friday! Wanna come?" Ino offered.
She's so annoying, and she's going to be a freshman next week, and I'm a sophomore. Dammit, our classrooms are in the same hallway.
Crap. "Sorry… Uh… I'm busy" I replied. "Oh" Ino's face dropped. As much as I hate girls, I can't stand seeing them cry. And Ino was about to.
"Oh, uh, maybe next time" I added. "Promise?" "Promise." She grinned and walked away. Oh crap! I then slapped myself. I forgot how Ino
rubs promises in. Ugh. I'll just go buy a board and get outta here before another annoying girl wants to get in my pants. I went to the
backroom of Blazin' Skates since I got access. My aunt's boyfriend owns the store. I looked at the skateboard rack and instantly grabbed a
board. Not just any board, a dragon board. With flames. And black. Then, another hand grabs it. "Fuck off! This board is mine!" we yelled
simultaneously. I wanted to jinx but I know now isn't the time, especially with a board on stake. And I think I heard a girl's voice. I blinked
and looked up. Then, I saw the most beautiful goddess. Her hair was baby pink-like a cherry blossom, emerald eyes and a hawt body. She
was wearing a red blouse and faded jeans. Then I noticed she also has a Jashin necklace on. Whoa. It seems like all the girls I've kissed are
nothing even when put together for this lady. Hidan's won the jackpot! Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! Suddenly, I felt my heart race. My heart
has never raced before in amazement. Is this what they call love at first sight? If so then, I think I'm in fucking love.

Yuuri:Tell me what you think, kay?!
Hidan: Or she'll cry and then you asses will die. The End
Yuuri: Hidan-chu! Don't make me send you to attitude classes like Tobi!!!
Hidan: Is that why the knucklehead is crazy saying 'Tobi's a good boy?'
Yuuri: ...Maybe
Hidan: Ahh! I'll be good! I'll be good!
Yuuri: Teehee

~Hidan-machoman out~!!!
~Yuu-chu out~!!!