You wanted a second chapter, I'll give you a second chapter, you wanted a trip down memory lane with the team, and I'll give it to you! : )


"Gibbs?" he heard Abby's familiar voice and took a breath before he looked up his basement stairs and saw her standing in the doorway with Ziva and McGee. "Are you coming?" She asked.

He glanced over at his watch and cursed under his breath as he walked up the stairs and passed them.

'Can't believe I forgot my second in command's funeral' He thought as he entered his bedroom and found his suit, he didn't want to be in a suit right now, but he kind of had to.

He changed quietly as memories and thought ran through his head, it was hard enough to bury Kate, but this. This was like going to Kelly and Shannon's grave for the first time again, it hurt.

When he was done he could hear Ziva and McGee bicker around the corner.

"I'm not going to tell him to hurry up, you can do it"

"I don't think so, just call for him"

"No, I-"

"Is there a problem?" Gibbs asked and they all turned their attention to him and started buzzing around like insects.

"No, no problem boss" McGee said and Gibbs nodded and straightened his tie before he led them out the door, locked it and got into the car.


It was a dull ceremony and it was stupid, just stupid. Tony was a lot of things, but he was not dull and his funeral shouldn't be either. Gibbs glanced around himself, Tony's father was actually there, and Gibbs figured it was just so he wouldn't look like he didn't care. There were not many people he recognized, maybe a few of the hundred girls that was sitting there crying. They should realize that Tony hadn't been with just them after all the other girls there, but right now that wasn't the case.

The only thing that Gibbs liked about the funeral was the words spoken of him: "Anthony DiNozzo was a good agent and an even better man, that did his best to protect the one he loved and cared about" The team could hear the priest saying, Abby was sobbing quietly with McGee's arm stretched around her shoulders, Ziva was standing still like a rock, looking traumatized and Ducky and Gibbs was standing quietly and listened as the words entered their minds.

After his speech the team walked over to the coffin, Ziva looked down and thought that Tony was lying inside of it: Dead, she held onto her rose a little too hard and one of the thorns on it scraped her skin, causing her to bleed slightly. Only she probably wouldn't notice it until she got home, because her mind wandered elsewhere:

"Be a man Tony"

"She accused me of murder"

"Who is the bad guy? Be a man; go tell her what she needs to hear"

If only he'd told her what she needed to hear instead.

She laid the rose on the flag and sighed before walking away.

McGee was next; he laid the rose down at once and swallowed deeply.

Tony: You know the quicker you get this done the more quality time you have to spend with a certain tattooed forensic technician of the Goth persuasion.
McGee: What do you mean by that?
Tony: Oh, come on. Abby told me you closed the deal under some pretty hinky circumstances.
McGee: She told you that? The hinky thing, did she tell you that was her idea?
Tony: Stop.
McGee: Abby didn't tell you anything did she?
Tony: A well trained NCIS agent knows how to extract information, you'll learn.

He always hated how Tony joked around and irritated him, but in some unexplainable way: He appreciated and he missed it. He sighed once more before walking away, following Ziva's foothprints.

Ducky stepped forward and muttered a: "Oh dear boy" Under his breath.

Tony: Hey!
Ducky: Do you even know the difference between good and bad cholesterol, Tony?
Tony: No, but I'm assuming it has something to do with taste.
Ducky: Bad is what came back on your last blood test.

It was a lot of things he could remember with Tony, he could probably talk about it for hours, but for now. This was what he remembered as he trailed off after the others.

Abby had calmed down a bit, the sobbing had stopped and it was just tears falling down her cheeks now. She lifted the rose and looked at it.

"Just say that you don't hate me"

"I could never hate you"

She remembered buying him those flowers she gave him that day, after she'd 'gotten' him accused of murder, but he didn't blame her. Not once, she wiped away another tear that escaped her eyes.

Abby: You're not listening to a word I'm saying. I'm pregnant McGee. Twins. Haven't told the father yet. It's Gibbs. I know it's wrong, but something about his silver hair gets me all tingly inside.
Tony: Excuse me for a second. I think I'm gonna vomit.
Abby: I'm joking Tony. Except for the part about his silver hair. It's hot. McGee's ignoring me again.
Tony: Easily fixed.

She smiled as she remembered Tony smacking McGee's head.
McGee: Hey!
Tony: Stop ignoring Abby. She's sensitive.

He was like a big brother that always had her back, he was Tony. She sniffed and looked back at Gibbs before walking after the team.

"Tony" Gibbs muttered as he looked down at the flag, the stripes and stars kind of escaping his vision as all he could think about was finding Tony unconscious down in the sewer.

Tony: I'd like to speak to Special Agent Gibbs.
Gibbs: Everybody's okay,
Tony: Well, that's good to hear
Special Agent Gibbs.
Kody: Your agent says he's a negotiator.
Tony: Well, that's right. He's my best man.
Kody: Your negotiator is a moron for getting caught in here.
Tony: He always had an attitude problem.

Gibbs smiled, Tony had always liked being in charge, that little glow he got in his cheek whenever he was 'the boss' or was rewarded. He would have been a damn fine team leader.

"Take care of yourself."
"Miss you too, Dad."

The way he had irritated the director to get Tony back from that stupid agent Afloat thing, it didn't matter if he'd gotten permission or not, Tony was his second in command and he would have dragged his ass back to DC either way, he remembered the talk he had with director Vance about it.

"You didn't read these files did you?"

"Like I said. Two good men"
"Your choice?"

He sighed and dropped the rose onto the coffin, and letting a small smile escape his dry lips.

"Semper Fi" He whispered as he walked away and met his team, Abby playing Jazz music, Tony's father was already gone and everything was quiet.

He led the way with Abby next to him and the rest of the team behind him.

"He left this for you" Abby said and handed him a key.

Gibbs looked at the key "What?"

"The second drawer in his desk, there's a box that's opened by that key, all your awards is in thereā€¦ He kept them, in case you wanted them"

It was quiet for a while before Gibbs looked up to see the path in front of him.

"You're not allowed to forget him" Gibbs stated and they nodded.

"We won't boss"