I was watching season 3 of NCIS with my sister and I kept on thinking how Tony is my favorite character and that if he dies I will stop watching the show and then this idea with killing off Tony popped into my head. Yes, my mind works in mysterious ways. So here it is Gibbs/Tony friendship and father/son relationship only. No slash. And I got the idea of the way he was going to get killed from a supernatural episode sooo x) Set during season 6.
Gibbs was pacing impatiently in the waiting room of the hospital; he had already had three cups of coffee and was no way near calm yet. The team had been working on a rapist case where three female marines had been kidnapped, one of them was able to escape and contact NCIS. The team was sent down to the sewage on the outside of the town where the rapist had held his victims. After they had arrested the man and gotten the women out and Tony was just finishing up the crime scene, while Ziva and McGee was taking statements, the accomplice of the rapist (Which the team didn't know off) had shown up and shot at a power box that was attached to one of the walls, the wires had hit the water and given Tony a powerful electric shock, the accomplice was either really stupid or had a death wish because he had also gotten a shock and they were both rushed to the hospital.
"Gibbs, you need to calm down" Ziva said, Gibbs brushed her off and pretended he hadn't heard her as he took another sip of his coffee.
"How can he calm down when we haven't heard anything in almost two hours?" Abby said, she had been pacing too, but McGee had been able to calm her down.
"I'm sure he's fine" Ducky said, they had gotten a lot of weird looks by the other people that were waiting. They probably all smelled like sewage and they looked like crap.
Just when Gibbs was about to burst through the doors and yell for a doctor to talk to him, Tony's doctor came.
"How is he, is he okay?" Abby asked at once, before any of them was able to speak.
The doctor was quiet for a little while and already then: Gibbs knew.
"I'm sorry, the damage was too big, his heart-"
"No, don't say- You're not allowed to say-"Abby sobbed as she looked from the doctor to Gibbs, like he was suppose to disagree and then everything would be okay.
"How-"Gibbs started, but had to clear his throat because his voice cracked.
"He's awake now, we've already informed him about his situation and he… He wants to say goodbye, he doesn't have much time left"
"No, Gibbs…" Abby said and Gibbs held her close as she cried against his chest. The rest of the team stood stunned in their places, like it was just a bad dream and they would all wake up.
"Is there any chance at all that he might make it?" Ducky asked quietly.
"The chances are small, very small; I wouldn't get my hopes up"
"But there's a possibility?" McGee asked and Gibbs watched the doctor nod like everything was going in slow motion.
Abby came out of Tony's room, her skin was pale and her eyes were red and puffy from all the crying. Gibbs was standing in the same spot in the waiting room, like he was waiting for orders. The team had gone in one and one to hear Tony's last words being spoken to them. Now it was only Gibbs left.
"He- He wants to see you now" Abby said as she looked up at Gibbs, he stroked her hair away from her eyes and gave her a nod before he entered the room.
Tony looked like a mess, he had dark circles under his eye and his skin was pale, almost grey. It reminded him a little bit off how he had looked the first week after he'd had the plague.
"Hey boss" He said, his voice cracked near the end.
"Hey DiNozzo" Gibbs said as he sat down on the chair next to the bed "How are you feeling?"
"Like I just got electrocuted" Tony said with a grin.
"That good huh?" Gibbs said and Tony just smiled and then he looked down his body and found a spot on the floor he could stare at.
"This is a pretty crappy way for a NCIS special agent to die, huh?" Tony asked and looked over at Gibbs.
"You are not-"
"Don't do that boss, don't say I'm not going to die, it won't work, not this time" Tony said and he cleared his throat with a cough.
"It worked the last time didn't it?"
"I guess it did, but now I know" Tony answered, his voice low and shaky, and Gibbs knew what he was talking about. He knew that Tony knew he wouldn't be able to fight back this time, like he had done with the plague.
"Look Tony-"
"Listen Gibbs-"
They said it at once and then there was still silent, two smiles were passed and received and Tony looked down at his hands.
"You go first boss"
"You're dying, you can go first" Gibbs said, for once he was the one acting like Tony, not the other way around.
"You've told me a hundred times not to do this but- I'm sorry" He said.
"For what?" Gibbs asked, not caring that he apologized.
"For letting you down, for letting the team down" Tony said and he didn't care that it sounded like he was going to start crying.
Gibbs looked at him for a moment before he tapped Tony on the back of his head.
"Hey, what was that for?" Tony asked.
"You didn't let me down, you idiot" Gibbs said and puffed a breath; sometimes Tony could be so stupid.
"Thanks boss" Tony said "Hey, can you do me a favor?"
"Can you not forget me? And make sure that the team doesn't forget me?" He asked and looked down at his hands that were currently playing with his sheets.
Gibbs sighed "We couldn't even if we tried DiNozzo"
"So?" Tony asked.
"So what?"
"I am going to be dead soon, probably on Ducky's autopsy table" Tony said and looked at Gibbs and trying to signalize for him to say something, but he didn't "So aren't you going to say something? Some heartwarming speech, they all did it" He said and pointed at the door.
"I don't know about that DiNozzo, not quite my style" He said with a smirk.
"Come on Jethro" Tony said and Gibbs narrowed his eyes at him "See, I can get away with that because I'm dying, got to think positive boss"
"So what?"
"You know what Gibbs? I've been loyal to you for as long as I've known you, I've busted by ass out trying to please you and I'm pretty sure I'm getting a bold spot on the back of my head, and when director Shepherd wanted to assign me my own team I said no because of you and the team, so you know what? A little 'thanks' would be nice!" He said, his voice was a little lower towards the end and he placed a hand on his heart, like it was hurting.
Gibbs looked at him for a while, he didn't know that Tony had been offered his own team, but right now that wasn't the issue.
"Thank you Tony"
"You're welcome boss" Tony said.
"You ever felt unappreciated?" Gibbs asked.
"Sometimes, but you were tough, but fare and I respect that"
"Good… You're like a son to me Tony"
"If you don't die then you better forget me ever telling you that"
"Sure thing boss"
"Tony?" Abby asked as she carefully pushed the door opened.
"Hey Abs, come on in" Tony said and coughed a little, his bones and muscles pretty much ached with just being tired.
Abby nodded and found a chair and sat down next to Gibbs who held her hand.
"Sorry if I interrupted" she said quietly.
"It's okay, we were just enjoying a little father/son bonding" Tony teased and got a smack on the back of his head for his effort.
"Did I even teach you anything?" Gibbs asked.
"Well let's see: Never let suspects stay together, never screw over your partner, always wear gloves at a crime scene, don't believe what you're told: double check" He said and drew his breath.
"Never be unreachable: I now have two cell phones by the way, always be specific when you lie, never take anything for granted, never go anywhere without a knife, always work as a team"
"Okay DiNozzo, that's good" Gibbs said and patted him on the shoulder.
"I know more if you want, never date a co-worker, it's better to seek forgiveness than ask permission…"
"That's okay Tony" Gibbs said.
"Oh Tony" Abby said as she started crying again, but quickly wiped the tears away.
"Hey Abs, don't be sad, it's okay" Tony said soothingly as he felt himself getting more and more sleepy.
"It's kind of cool you know?" Two more years now and I would have been working with you guys for 10 years"
"You deserved it!" Abby said at once.
"Yeah, you did special agent DiNozzo" Gibbs said.
"Thanks for sticking up with me"
"Hey Boss?" He said as the heart rate machine started beeping slower.
"Yes Tony?" Gibbs asked as he leant in closer to hear Tony's whispers.
"It's been an honor"
With that his eyes closed and it didn't take long before Abby's crying and the long beeping of the machine filled the room. Doctors came in and Gibbs and Abby was asked to leave while they tried to wake him, even though it was no use.
"Gibbs" Abby chanted over and over again as she cried against Gibbs's chest, the nurses walking down the hallway gave them sad smiles.
"Jethro?" Ducky asked and they turned around to face the rest of the team.
"He's gone" Gibbs said as his own eyes were starting to fill up with tears, but he quickly gained focus again as the rest of the team started crying or dealing their own way.
"Hey" Gibbs said when the doctor came out of the room and he grabbed him by the arm. "The man that came in with him, how is he?"
"He didn't make it, he died during the operation" The doctor said, Abby walked over to McGee and cried while he tried to pull himself together. "I'm sorry"
"Don't be" Gibbs said as he turned around "That bastard killed my son" and with that he walked past the team and out the doors with his fists clenched firmly against his sides.
Well, that was it. Don't know if I'm going to write a second chapter with a little grieving and a funeral, what do you guys think? Feedback is love! :)