It was a stormy night when eighteen-year-old Sasuke Uchiha escaped from the hospital, again. He walked for a while and stopped when he saw a familiar figure walking by. He walked closer, and the figure came toward him.

"Who are you?" he asked cautiously.

"Sasuke, it's me, Sakura. Don't you remember me?"

"Now I do."

"What happened to you? You're bandaged everywhere! Not to mention it's pouring rain, and you're only wearing sweatpants and sock?"

"Yeah," he mumbled.

She grabbed his hand and balanced her groceries. He blinked at her actions. He left the village and escaped the hospital, and she is open and worried.

"Com'n! You can stay at my house until you're healed. Okay?"

He nodded and followed her.

They arrived at Sakura's doorstep. "Sasuke, could you hold my bag for me?"

"Sure." He held the bag, and she opened the door. They walked inside. Sakura put her food away, and Sasuke sat and watched on the couch. When she finished, she ran upstairs and came back with a first aid kit, towels, and a blanket.

"Uh, Sasuke?"


"Wanna get out of those wet clothes? I can redo the bandages for you."

"Sure." He climbed the stairs and found the bathroom. He sat on the toilet seat and dried himself off. When he stood up, his pants started to fall. "Great! My pants are falling, and I'm in Sakura's house."

Sakura went up the stairs and went into her room. She fumbled through her closet and pulled out some clothes for Sasuke. Afterwards, she went to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

Sasuke was clutching his pants. He heard Sakura knocking, but he was too embarrassed to open the door. "Sakura, is there a problem?"

"No, I just came to give you something to wear."

He opened the door and saw a smiling Sakura. She gave him the clothes. "Sakura, are these yours?"

"Yes, I wear guys clothes at times."

He closed the door and got dressed. Once he was done, he went downstairs.

Sakura just put some food on the table. Sasuke went to her and grabbed her shoulder. She turned in shock.

"Sakura, do you remember what you said before I left the village?"

"Yes, I said I would do anything for you. Why are you asking me this?"

He sat on the table and sighed. He was cool and collected. "You probably guessed I was in the hospital, and I escaped. Well, I left for a reason."

"What reason would that be?"

"I had to ask you something."


"Wanna get married?"

"What did you say?!?"

"Do you want to get married?"

"Of course I do, but why me of all girls?"

"Besides my mother, you're the only one who loved me no matter what." He stood up and wiped away her tear-filled eyes. "I love you, Sakura."