Chapter 17: Another Happy Ending
The TTC were in Washington DC to celebrate three weddings-- Flame to James Raccoon, Strawberry to Ralph Raccoon, and Buns to Super Snooper. While all this was going on, Charles was in the room thinking that he should have a second wife like Bert, Snooper, James and Ralph. He was busily surfing the Internet on his laptop computer, and as he did that he sighed.
"So, it comes to this," he muttered to himself. The president's third son is married, the vice-president has a second wife, and a fellow Time Toon Cop has three wives. And what have I got? Only one. If I had a second wife like Bert and the other men, I would be so happy for the rest of my life..."
When he looked at the computer screen, an ad in the dating web site caught his eye. He clicked on it.
Bonjour. I am a 27-year-old female, light tan fur, blue eyes, feline. Currently dwelling in Paris, France, as a member of the TTC French Police Branch. Seeking a handsome hero to work with me on many puzzling cases, as well as a lover and hero. If you want this piece of paradise, look me up under the name "Estelle LeChatte, private-eye".
Charles smiled. Maybe this could be his one chance to get a second wife after all. Very quickly, he clicked on the "Reply to Ad" button, typed down his description of himself, and accepted the invitation by clicking on the "Send" button. He sighed happily. Another adventure was waiting just for him.
A year passed, and many exciting things had happened. The new Agent R film, Agent R and the Lumbering Lumberjack, was released in theaters on April 22, 3014, and everybody came to Hollywood to see it. President Raccoon was there, with First Ladies Lisa, Blaze, and Minora. And so was his children, twelve-year-old Moselle and one-year-old Margaret. Bert Jr. came with his wife Nose Marie, and Percy. In Nose Marie's arms was their newborn daughter, Abrielle Raccoon. Rocky and Bright Eyes was also there, with their son Harrison and their second son Rocky II. Disco Bear (who just got released from the hospital five months after the Time Toon Cops had defeated Chris Roberts), was there with hid wife Xochitl. He had been selected by Alex II as a new recruit to the TTC, and he loved it a lot. And he and Xochitl were blessed with twins--two girls, Itzel and Suzie Bear.
Brandy and Derrick came, with their son Derrick Jr., and their newborn daughter, Aurora (named in memory of Brandy's mom). Ralph and his wives Melissa and Strawberry came, with his four children--eleven-year-old Dolly, five-year-old Morris, three-year-old Angel, his stepdaughter Scream, and twin sons (through Strawberry) named Jacob and Joshua. James came with Flame and his newborn son George. Snooper came with his wives Selena, Creampuff, and Buns. His children were with him--the Snooper quadruplets (Selma, Lorna, Daisy, Sly), Delbert II, and a new daughter (through Buns) named Wren. And finally, Sidney came with his wife, Alis Raccoon (nee Diamondfur). They had a son, Conall--that was an Eloi name, because he was half-Eloi.
And the last to come to the party was none other than the big star himself, Bentley Raccoon, with his wife Vanessa, and his children Clark, Maeve, and Maurice. Vanessa said, "So, Bentley, how did the production of the film go?"
"It was tiring, Ness," answered Bentley. "But it was fun. I even got to try out all the moves I learned from our incident with the bad guys in the Evergreen Forest. You know what they all say--you can teach an old raccoon new tricks."
Vanessa laughed and kissed him, saying, "Oh, Bentley!"
Clark looked up at Bentley and smiled. He said, "You know what, Pa? You're the coolest dad in the whole wide world. When I grow up, I wanna be just like you!"
Bentley chuckled and patted his son's udder-like head. "Maybe you will when the finger of Fate pokes you in the heart."
Vanessa looked at her watch. She muttered, "'s 6:35. Cyrus and PowerPaws are late--I wonder what was holding them up..."
Meanwhile, at their house, Cyrus, PowerPaws, and their children were getting ready to go attend the premiere of the new Agent R film. What they didn't notice was the time-release bomb that Gerry had left on their doorstep a year ago.
"Cyrus! Our house! It's ruined!"
"And just when we were getting ready to see the movie with our pals!"
"...never mind. I'll just go ahead and call a taxi cab."