Okayyyy here is chapter 8!!!!!! I know you guys all forgot about a certain someone...

I'm pretty sure this is my last chapter of Watching the Clouds, so I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, never have never will... :(

Sakura and Shikamaru leisurely walked out of the elevator as the door open. Turning their heads right and left, they stopped. "Um, Shika, do you know where Gaara's room is?" Sakura asked.

Shikamaru dropped Sakura's hand. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and sighed. "I thought you knew," he said scratching the back of his neck.

Sakura sighed as she walked up to the desk that was in front of her. "Um, do you know where a boy named Gaara's room would be?" Sakura asked the brunette haired nurse politely.

The nurse blinked as she turned around. "This Gaara guy must be pretty popular. Two other couples came here asking for him. He's in room 423, hun."

"Thank you," Sakura said bowing her head lightly and grabbing Shikamaru's hand. "We should go Shikamaru."

Shikamaru nodded his head, and they began to walk down a hallway. Looking at the doors numbers Sakura realized they were only a few away from Gaara's. Stopping in front of the room 423 Sakura let out a sigh. Shikamaru reached for the door knob, and tried to turn it. He couldn't because the door was locked.

"What's going on Shikamaru?" Sakura asked trying to open the door herself. The door wouldn't budge. She started to ram her shoulder against the door. "GAARA!"

Sakura heard rustling on the other side of the door, and tried to slam her shoulder even harder. Shikamaru pulled Sakura away from the door and sighed. Taking a bobby pin out of her hair, Shikamaru swiftly picked the lock with a smirk on his face.

"Where did you learn that?" Sakura asked with a sort of shocked expression.

"Dunno," Shikamaru responded; his smirk widening. Sakura just glared at him a little bit, and turned the knob to open the door. Hearing the quietness of the room, and seeing that the light was off, Sakura hid behind Shikamaru as he went into the room first.

"Gaara?" Sakura whispered out. There was no reply. Shikamaru went to open the blinds when he tripped over something. Hearing Shikamaru yell lightly, Sakura turned the lights on and gasped.

There in the middle of the room; Shikamaru had tripped over a tied up Temari and Haru. They both had gags in there mouths. Sakura ran up to Haru, and took his gag out. She hugged her older brother. "Haru! What happened?" Sakura asked as she untied his bindings.

"We were just in here visiting Gaara, when a kid and a girl came in here, and tied us up." Haru said sighing.

Sakura glared. "A kid tied you up?"

Haru hid behind Temari, who was untied because of Shikamaru. "And a girl," he said quietly. Sakura let out an aggravated sigh.

"What did they look like?" Sakura asked.

Temari put a finger on her chin. "Well the guy had raven hair, and the girl and shoulder length brown hair. Why?" Temari asked looking at a shocked Sakura and Shikamaru.

"DAMN IT SASUKE!" Shikamaru let out. Sakura just blinked a few times, and sighed. She looked at Shikamaru with tears in her eyes, as Neji, Tenten, Hinata, and Naruto walked in.

"Why are we damning Sasuke?" Neji asked as they walked in.

"Because him and Matsuri kidnapped Panda-Chan!" Sakura said; tears were running down the side of her cheeks. Shikamaru rapped his arm around Sakura's shoulder, and let her head rest on his shoulder.

"Is that true?" Naruto asked. He was fuming. It looked like his eyes had turned an unhealthy red, and that he had fangs on the ends of his teeth. Sakura nodded her head, and saw Naruto bolt out of the hospital room. The gang tried to follow as closely as possible.

"Where are we going Naruto?" Tenten asked as they left the hospital parking lot. Naruto never moved his eyes around to look at Tenten, and just mumbled, "somewhere."

Tenten sweat dropped, but picked up her pace as Naruto began to run; the rest of the group was sprinting behind him to keep up.

After five minutes, Naruto slowed down in front of shipping yard; Konoha lake was right next to them. Naruto walked up to a specific boat, and jumped on it. "GET OUT HERE SASUKE-TEME!" Naruto hollered loudly.

There was a dark chuckled heard, as Sasuke appeared out of the bottom of the boat. He had a satisfied smirk on his face, as he whipped the blood from his hands. "Hn," Sasuke said when he appeared. Sakura walked up to Sasuke and slapped him hard in the cheek; Sasuke fell back a little from surprise.

"Bastard," Sakura spat, and ran down the boat stairs. "Gaara?" She called once she hit the bottom. There was a soft rustling sound, and Sakura walked to a closed door. Opening it she almost cried at the scene in front of her.

There was Gaara laying on the bed; his hands were tied. He appeared to be unconscious, but had several bruises across his stomach, and face. Sakura walked up to the bed, and began to untie him when she was punched in the face.

"DON'T TOUCH GAARA!" Matsuri yelled from behind her. Sakura swiftly dodge the next fist that was thrown at her face. Sakura ducked her head under Matsuri's arm, and tripped her by kicking her feet out from under her.

Matsuri fell to the ground with a loud thud; disturbing Gaara from his sleep. Gaara's eyes shot opened and he glared around the room. Seeing Sakura his eyes turned soft. "Sakura," Gaara whispered. Sakura just gave him a smile and turned back to Matsuri.

She had now stood up, and was glaring at Sakura. "HE'S MINE SAKURA!" Matsuri yelled trying to punch Sakura in the face again. Sakura just laughed, and kicked Matsuri hard in the stomach. She looked at her once friend, and sighed.

"Gaara isn't my boy friend Mat, Shikamaru is." Sakura said walking up to the brunette. Matsuri gave Sakura a confused look as she sat to her knees. "But that doesn't mean I'll let you kidnap him."

Sakura went for another kick, but found her leg to be held by someone. She glanced up seeing a smirking Sasuke, and gasped. Gaara began to struggle with his bindings. "Sakura-Chan," Sasuke smirked as he pulled her into his chest. Sakura struggled to get out of his grip, but found that she couldn't.

"SHIKAMARU!" Sakura cried from under the boat. Sasuke just laughed and dragged her up the stairs.

"Have fun," he called over his head to Matsuri.

"Hai, Sasuke-kun," Matsuri purred out looking back at Gaara. Gaara just gulped and looked at the retreating back of Sakura and Sasuke.

Sasuke pushed Sakura up to the outside of the boat, and Sakura gasped. There was no ground near them! Sakura glanced back at the pier seeing her helpless friends standing there. "SHIKAMARU!" Sakura called from the boat.

From the pier, Shikamaru's eyes widened. "SAKURA!" He called back to her. He began running with the side of the boat. He stared into the lost eyes of his girl friend, and sighed an angry sigh. "YOU'RE DEAD UCHIHA!"

Sasuke just laughed, and pulled Sakura once again to himself. He shoved his tongue down her throat, and made Sakura gag. Sasuke abruptly stopped when he heard something behind him. Turning his face WHAM! A fist connect with the side of his face.

Sakura was launched out of Sasuke's grip, and Sakura ended under the deck of the boat again. She glanced at the open door, showing Matsuri trying to seduce Gaara. Sakura laughed lightly as she walked up behind Matsuri and slammed her hand into a pressure point; causing her to fall unconscious.

Sakura quickly untied Gaara, and they walked up to the top deck of the boat; Sakura allowing Gaara to lean on her for support. Looking up, Sakura gasped. Naruto had Sasuke by the throat, and held him off the boat, above the water. Naruto's eyes were not his own.

"N-naruto?" Sakura questioned. Naruto turned towards Sakura and let out a deep sigh. His red eyes went back to familiar blue, and Naruto looked at Sasuke. He laughed lightly, and then dropped Sasuke in the water.

Sakura started to laugh a long side Gaara, and Naruto went to the steering wheel of the boat. Naruto let out an agitated sigh as he looked at the wheel, and where they were about to crash. It was a large island with a lot of sharp rocks on the shores. "We're going to have to jump," Gaara said quietly as he walked to the side of the boat. Sakura nodded, and followed a long side Naruto.

The three jumped at the same time, and fell into the water. Seeing them jump, Shikamaru also dove into the water. He swam to where his friends and girl friend was and waited. A few air bubbles surfaced, and then Shikamaru spotted Gaara and Naruto. "Where's Sakura?" Shikamaru asked in worry. He looked around and saw no more air bubbles. Naruto and Gaara's faces showed that of deep concern.

Shikamaru treaded water as he made his whole body do a three-sixty, and looked all around him. A weight on his back surprised him a bit until he turned his head to see a pink haired girl panting lightly. He smiled at her, and she smiled back. "Never have me do that again Shikamaru," Sakura sighed, as they swam there way back to shore.

Hinata dragged a heavily panting Naruto out of the water, as Neji pulled Gaara. Tenten shyly helped Neji, and Gaara slung his arms over his friends shoulders'. Shikamaru got out, and then held his hand for Sakura to take. She did, and he pulled her out.

All of a sudden, the teens heard sirens, and police and ambulances were quickly in front of them. Sakura, Gaara, Naruto, and Shikamaru were all wrapped in blankets, and were put into an ambulance and taken to the hospital. Tenten, Neji, and Hinata stayed at the shipping area to talk to the police about there crazy day. Neji sighed, and then thought for a second. "ITACHI IS STILL TIED UP IN OUR HOUSE!" Neji yelled out loud.

"Finally somebody remembers," Itachi said as he heard Neji's scream from the pier. He sighed, and laid his head back down on the carpet and continued counting the number of black speckles on the ceiling. "43,984."

Sakura lazily laid her head on Shikamaru's shoulder as they rested in the doctors office. "It's so cold," Sakura said. Shikamaru nodded, and pulled Sakura closer; Sakura laughed lightly. "I'm better now."

Shikamaru glanced over Sakura's head, and looked out the window. "It's gonna be a good night for star watching Sakura," Shikamaru said lightly. Sakura turned her head, and couldn't help but nod. Sakura looked up in Shikamaru's eyes only to get lost in them. Sakura began inching closer and closer as the door opened.

"SAKURA-CHAN!" Naruto yelled excitedly coming into the room; Gaara followed soundlessly behind. "Haru agreed to have Gaara stay at your house!"

Sakura backed away from Shikamaru's face glowing a light red. "Oh, really? That's great," Sakura said. Naruto looked at the two blushing teens in front of him with a raised eye brow.

"What were you two doing before I came in here?" Naruto asked. Sakura turned a deeper shade of red, and hid her head in Shikamaru's chest. Naruto started to laugh until he felt a light punch on the arm. Turning around he saw Tenten glaring.

"Don't mess up there romantic evening!" Tenten whined. She turned her head toward Neji and stared at him; Neji's eyes widened.

"Oh, no. There is no way in hell we are going out tonight!" Neji called walking out the door. Tenten smiled and waved to the group of people behind her, and left with Neji.

"Oh come on Neji-kun," they heard Tenten say sensually from the hallway. They heard Neji sigh, and Tenten began to giggle. "Oh, thank you Neji-kun!"

Hinata turned toward Naruto with a wide smile on her face. "Let's go get some ramen Naruto-kun," Hinata said.

"YES HINA-CHAN!" Naruto yelled dragging Hinata out of the room. The last thing that could be seen of the pair was Hinata's waving hand as they left.

There was a knock at the door, and a young looking nurse stepped in. She had long black hair and emerald eyes. "Are you feeling alright now?" She asked.

"Yes, I think we're doing just fine now," Gaara said with a smirk looking at the girl The girl blushed and Gaara wrapped his hand around her shoulder. He began walking out the room, and turned around. "Don't wait up lil' sis."

Sakura gave Gaara a light glare before she gave up and rested her head on Shikamaru's chest. "Should we go watch the stars Sakura," Shikamaru asked lightly in her ear.

Sakura shook her head, and closed her eyes once more. Shikamaru heard her breathing lighten, and her heart beat became very calm. "She's asleep," Shikamaru said with a yawn. He looked at her one final time before he too, went to sleep.

"They're cute, aren't they?" Temari asked from the doorway. Haru nodded, and wrapped his arms around the woman's middle.

"He better not hurt her though," Haru said with a glare. Temari nodded, but then laughed.

"He would never hurt Sakura," Temari said walking down the hall. Haru took one last look at the pair, and followed Temari down the hallway.

"Damn right he wont," Haru commented from behind her. Temari just laughed more. "Hey! I'm totally serious."

Sakura giggled as she heard the two from the hospital room. She glanced up at Shikamaru to see him asleep, and then nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck. She let her breath tickle his neck, until she finally rested her head there.

"I love you Shikamaru," Sakura said falling into her slumber. "You stupid lazy bum."

Thanks for reading!!
