May and I would like to thank everyone for reading our story. We hope you enjoyed it and that you found a laugh or two along the way. We did while writing it! Even though Shudders & Shakes is finished, we'll be back with another story very soon, so keep an eye out for it!

Thank you again, we both appreciate the time you granted us.

Marilyn & May (M & M)

Shudders & Shakes


His eyes were predatory as they traveled up and down my naked body, lingering longer over the one point where our bodies touched, our arousal obvious and so tempting to give into. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was close to being devoured and shivered with anticipation.

With unbelievable gentleness, Ranger scooped me up in his arms, ignoring the fact that at least one part of his body wanted to join me in another fashion.

"Babe, I love you. I love that you have awakened parts of me that have long been ignored. I love and I want you in my life forever, I never want to be alone again. I never want to want to live another day without you in my life."

I was dumb struck by his words. Sharing our innermost thoughts was not one of his strong points, nor was it one of mine, so we were even on that point. I could tell he was planning on continuing, but his words had quieted my fears and hormones were screaming that now was the time to for action, not words.

"That's all I need to know. I'd love to spend the rest of my life with you, too." I wiggled my hips, teasing the head of his erection.

"Now for what the doctor ordered," he whispered and ground my hips, his movement aligning us even closer together, teasing me without mercy.

His lips settled on mine and I invited him in without hesitation. One solid memory I had from our first time together: Ranger loved to kiss. He loved to kiss with excruciating thoroughness.

He looked up at me through thick lashes, his mouth twisted in a wicked smile. "You got a problem with slow, Babe?"

"Not really," I lied as he changed angles and one nipple disappeared into his hot mouth.

"Liar," he stated between nips, his thumb playing between my legs until it found and teased my clit in slow motions.

My response was a mixture between a moan and a squeal. I needed more and I needed it now! I clamped my thighs together, hoping to hold him tight inside me.

"Babe, you are so sextraordinary."

"Another one of my words?"

"My absolute favorite."

I zigzagged my hands over his neck and shoulders, exploring the silky texture of his skin, traveling further down the backside of his arms, enjoying the play of his muscles under my touch.

"Impatient, Babe?" A naughty smile showed on his face.

"Okay, okay, I lied!"

I reveled in the fact that we were now a couple, that he loved me as much as I loved him.

"You're mine."

My body shuddered and shook as I surrendered my entire being to him when he fulfilled a promise from an earlier time… and ruined me for all other men.

Meanwhile on the fifth floor…

"Okay, listen up, everyone!" Tank's voiced boomed throughout the control room. "I don't care if the building is on fire, there are to be no calls to Ranger, no visits to the seventh floor, no interruptions for the next forty-eight hours. None. If there is a slip up in my orders, that person will die. I guarantee it." Tank paused and looked around the room, making sure everyone understood. "Hal, you will be on R&R for the next forty-eight hours, enjoy your alcoholiday."

"Thank you, sir," Hal wasted no time jumping from his chair in front of the monitor.

"That's it, everyone, back to work." Tank waited until he was in Ranger's office before he smiled and did his own version of the celebration dance as he called Lula with the news.

"Baby, guess what!"