AN: i'll make next chapter longer ;) k

5 months until Dark Empire

It was a very sunny day out side, but Ashoka decided to spend the rest of her day Ashoka was sitting alone in her room . She planned on also improving her -without her master-skills later in the afternoon.

Like I care she thought, i don't need him it's more peaceful without him. I don't need him skoolding me on how to use the force or anything.

But deep in Ashoka's mind she actually wanted to spend time with him,talk to him, learn from him,despite what he had told her in the morning.

Ashoka couldn't talk to him she was to afraid to face him. So she just stayed by herself.


Ahsoka finished up her training and headed outside to take a walk. Her training went fairly well without her master. Actually it was better than she expected. As she wandered through the forest she heard something.

Who could be that she wondered

She went towards the noise. As she got closer to the unknown noise it got louder and louder.

There in the open was Anakin, training at the shore of a large lake. He was concentrating deeply on a broken tree. It seemed to Ahsoka he was practicing also with the force.

Anakin couldn't see her since she was behind a large tree. Ahsoka got so cought up with her thoughts that she didn't notice that Anakin was using the force on the tree she was hiding on.

But it was to late. By the time she reacted the tree exposed her to her masters sight.

"Ahsoka!",Anakin exclaimed,"What are you doing here."

Ahsoka quickly got out of the spot she was in, and walked nerrvously to her master.

"I was just wondering when our next mission is.",Ahsoka lied.

Anakin looked at her suspiciously, which made Ahsoka very uncomfortable.

"It's tomrrow, but were leaving today at 9:00pm to Corsont for futher instructions.",Anakin said looking strictly at Ahsoka

"OH ok." said Ashoka.

They were in awkward silence.

"Well", started Anakin,"We should get our things ready since its almost tome for us to get ready to leave."

"Ok Anak- master," Ahsoka corrected herself

Anakin walked past her without saying a word to her. Ahsoka felt deep,pain, and hurt in her heart.

Why..Why do I have an attachment to a person that cause me only pain Ahsoka cried in her mind

Ahshoka spent a few minutes on the field, before she went to get her things together.

Then she and Anakin met up at the ship. They didn't say a single thing to one another except if it was something about the ship. Other than that it was a preety quiet trip to Corusant.