I was asked to do a sequel to "Damned If You Do", so here it is: "Damned If You Don't".

It is set in modern day, 2009 and is my opinion on why youkai have become myths.

Blanket disclaimer: No money is made on this story as all copy rights belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Viz. The story is purely for enjoyment. Only original characters, such as Shiyota, Moriko and Hikaru, belong to me.

Prologue: Into the Modern Era

The late night rain poured down on the small shipyard. On the dock, by one of the ships, two men were talking. They didn't seem to notice the cold or the rain.

"Are you willing?"

"Yes. I know the seas better than anyone."

Sesshoumaru nodded. "Good."

"You've done well for yourself," Shiyota said. "And for the rest of us." Shiyota, always dressed in black, had short black hair and dark brown eyes. He looked Japanese, but he was actually a water youkai, his true form similar to that of an eel. His life was spent on and in the sea. He had seen what happened to other youkai, the slayings and hunts, youkai numbers dwindling. He had seen what Sesshoumaru had done. He had been inspired and adapted. But being a water youkai, he needed to be by the sea. So when Sesshoumaru had approached him with his proposal, he had been pleased.

"I know some of the best captains. I will persuade them to join me."

"Good." Sesshoumaru thought a moment. "I also need people who can keep their eyes open for problems."

Shiyota nodded, understanding what Sesshoumaru wanted. "They can do that as well." He bowed to Sesshoumaru. "Arigatou gozaimasu, Sesshoumaru-sama." Shiyota was quite pleased to be a part of this new way of surviving the new century. It kept him out of trouble, gave him something to do and kept him by the sea.

Sesshoumaru, dressed in his customary white, hair cut to mid-back and tied back, was relieved. He hadn't lived as long as he had by being careless. His shipping company, which had started out as land based was expanding to overseas. He wanted the best he could find for the shipyard. Shiyota was the new shipyard's boss. He would make the schedules and keep the ship captains informed of the weather at sea.

Over the last four hundred years, Sesshoumaru had done as Rin had suggested. Protected humans from youkai.

On a suggestion from Shanshita, InuYasha and Kagome had gone back to the future to set up a safe house for youkai that may need help. InuYasha had already been there, Kagome's family was used to the unusual so the Higurashi Shrine was a good place to make a safe house.

Shanshita, Hi'Iki and Sesshoumaru were the inspiration for adapting to humans among youkai. Shanshita and Hi'Iki found it easy to act more human, but Sesshoumaru had a harder time of it. Not being overly fond of humans, it went against his nature to act human. Yet he did it.

Apart from Hi'Iki's family, Kouga and his pack were the first to adapt, but only because Kagome talked to him before she left.

Of the three groups of youkai, the ones with human form were more likely to live into modern era if they adapted. The animalistic forms were almost, if not completely, wiped out by youkai slayers and other "witch" hunters. The youkai with animal form but intelligence and able to talk; found it harder and harder to survive. They couldn't hide their appearance, so were hunted as well. This was a world wide phenomenon. Every country had its own version of youkai, whether called demons, spirits or supernatural beings. They were all hunted until they vanished. As youkai were less often seen, they became the stuff of legend and myth.

Those youkai who wished to live into the modern era, followed the guidelines put out by Shanshita and enforced by Sesshoumaru. Never allow humans to see your true nature, act as human as possible, look as human as possible and above all else, leave humans alone.

A lot can happen in four hundred years. Sesshoumaru experienced being a father for the first time with the birth of the twins, Moriko and Hikaru. Moriko looked much like her mother, except with puppy ears. She was happy, friendly, curious and intelligent. Hikaru looked more like Sesshoumaru, with one stripe on each cheek instead of two. He was a little more reserved, curious, intelligent and an explorer.

Rin, being human, didn't have the life span of her mate and children. Though Sesshoumaru's blood extended her life, she was still human. Rin's death was the worst thing Sesshoumaru ever experienced. The twins were still young when Rin died, and needed their father. That alone helped Sesshoumaru through the emotional upheaval of his mate's death.

Sesshoumaru had realized early on that he would need money and a base to work from. He tried different jobs but soon found what suited him best. It didn't take him long to organize a company that shipped packages overland with the safest record. It started with horses and wagons and went to cars and trucks.

By the time the early 1900's came around, Sesshoumaru had a well established land based shipping company. It was the safest company by far to send any package any where in Japan. It had made Sesshoumaru a small fortune.

By the 1940's, with his company doing so well, Sesshoumaru wanted to expand. So he sought out a water youkai. This is how he came to be talking to Shiyota. Only the best would work for his company. There were several youkai who worked for Sesshoumaru. Apart from making shipments safer, they were also his eyes and ears, keeping track of other youkai. Outside Japan, Hi'Iki was his eyes and ears.

As the 1900's progressed, Sesshoumaru had found a way to hide his markings, always wore sunglasses, refused pictures and was rarely seen in public. The age problem was a little harder to over come. Hikaru looked enough like his father that they were able to "pass the company on from father to son". While Hikaru appeared to take over, Sesshoumaru still worked behind the scenes. When Hikaru "aged" enough, Sesshoumaru took over again.

By the 1960's, Shiro Inu Exports made Sesshoumaru a vast fortune. It wasn't the largest shipping company, but was by far the safest. The logo of a large white dog standing guard next to a freight wagon was well known through out Japan.

But Sesshoumaru still missed Rin. He had done what he did for Rin. He wished she were here to see what he had made. Every 50 years or so, he went on a search, looking for Rin's reincarnation. He knew that someday he would find her.

With all the advances in the 20th century, Sesshoumaru found some things easier, others harder. He found a more permanent solution for covering his markings, went from sunglasses to colored contacts, from paper to computer, from cars and trucks to modern ships and planes, as well as more modern trucks.

To keep his identity secret, Sesshoumaru stayed out of the public eye, refusing to allow pictures. He employed a youkai "doctor" to avoid ever needing to go to a hospital for any reason, and was considered a reclusive eccentric. He didn't care what the public thought of him as long as they didn't find out his true nature.

Another modern invention he took full use of was the internet. He searched for strange phenomenon, supernatural creatures, so called demons and other odd sightings. Most were either hoaxes, natural phenomenon or mis-identification. On rare occasions he had to go sort out a youkai that was mis-behaving.

By 2008, Sesshoumaru needed another pair of eyes to search. Telling the company he had "discovered" he had a half brother, he went to talk to InuYasha. He judged that InuYasha and Kagome should be back to the future by this time. Taking his time, he "searched" for his brother and finally found a "lead", the Higurashi Shrine.

Arriving at the Shrine early one spring morning, Sesshoumaru wasn't exactly sure what the result would be. He slowly went up the stairs leading to the Shrine.

"InuYasha, put that box in the shed there." Kagome pointed where she wanted the box to go. She was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans for cleaning out the building that held the well.

InuYasha, dressed similar to Kagome but with a baseball hat covering his ears, followed the directions. He placed the box on a shelf with several other similar boxes. He was followed by Hoshi, the toddler.

Kagome and InuYasha were busy with spring cleaning and tried to get Hoshi to help, but the toddler just followed them around, sometimes getting in the way.

"Go play with Souta!" InuYasha finally growled, almost tripping over the toddler. Hoshi ran out of the shed, looking unhappy.

Kagome was busy cleaning and thought that InuYasha was watching Hoshi and InuYasha thought Hoshi had gone to find Souta to play with. So both were surprised to hear a delighted screech and a cry of "Oji-san!"

They both rushed out to find Hoshi hugging the legs of a man standing at the top of the stairs. They stopped and stared.

"Sesshoumaru?" InuYasha looked at him. He looked like Sesshoumaru, but the markings were missing as well as the fur mantle, his hair was shorter and as InuYasha got closer, realized the eyes were dark brown. The scent was un-mistakably Sesshoumaru though.

Gently removing Hoshi from his legs, Sesshoumaru commented, "Who else would I be?"

"You, you look so…" InuYasha hesitated.

"Human?" Sesshoumaru look slightly disgusted.

"Yeah." When InuYasha last saw Sesshoumaru, a few months before from his perspective, Sesshoumaru had looked his usual self, fur mantle, long hair, facial markings, and gold eyes. By contrast, InuYasha's eyes were still gold as he hadn't been anywhere but at the shrine.

"So what are you doing here?" InuYasha asked.

"InuYasha!" Kagome chided him. "Would you like to come in for a drink or something to eat?" Kagome asked. She didn't think he'd accept but felt it polite to ask.

Sesshoumaru shook his head. "I have a job for you, InuYasha."

"Huh?" He hadn't expected that.

"My company, Shiro Inu Exports, needs a security chief." He really didn't want to explain everything to InuYasha but the confused look on InuYasha's face told he would have to.

"Basically it means you are responsible for keeping the company safe." Kagome explained before Sesshoumaru could say anything. "Let's go get something to eat and you can tell us what we need to know." Kagome led everyone into the house.

Fortunately for Sesshoumaru, everyone was out. Even Souta, which is why Hoshi had followed his parents around all morning.

Kagome made a quick snack and some tea and offered it to Sesshoumaru who refused. InuYasha took his. He thought while he ate. He and Sesshoumaru had come to a silent agreement not so long ago, at least from InuYasha's point of view, and he understood that this was a part of that understanding. Sesshoumaru wanted someone he could trust. InuYasha nodded.

Sesshoumaru stood up. "Meet me tomorrow morning at my office." He gave InuYasha the address. "Just tell them you are Takashi's brother. And disguise your eyes." He walked out without any further explanation.

Kagome sighed. "I wish he were more talkative. I would like to know how he got this far."

"Keh! He will never explain himself unless he feels we need to know." InuYasha shook his head. He was surprised but pleased that Sesshoumaru had sought him out for this job.

"Disguise my eyes," InuYasha growled.

"We'll get you colored contacts. He's right you know. You can't go out with golden cat eyes."

InuYasha made a soft growling sound but agreed.

"I really would like to know how he managed." Kagome had done extensive research on myths and legends. Any youkai who survived into the 21st century would have to pass as human. Sesshoumaru did, even if he wasn't happy about it. It made her wonder who else may have survived. So far, they hadn't gotten any contacts from other youkai, but then they weren't very well advertised either. Kagome was working on a website, called Youkai Welcome. She was trying to make it so if a youkai looked at the website, they might feel comfortable contacting her. To a human it looked like a "do you believe?" type website. She hadn't gotten any responses from her website, but then she was still working on it.

So the next day, InuYasha found himself at a large warehouse on the waterfront. Kagome had made him dress in dress pants and a button down shirt so he looked decent. Otherwise he would have worn jeans and a t-shirt. InuYasha preferred comfort to looks. He went in and found himself at a large desk. Off to the right, was a door that led to the storage area. To the left was a hallway with several other offices.

"May I help you?" the woman sitting there asked.

"Yeah. I'm Takashi's brother. He wants to see me."

"Oh yes, he mentioned that." She smiled. "I can see the resemblance. Up two levels and through the double doors."

InuYasha nodded. He took the stairs. The building was only three stories and he didn't care for the small space of the elevator. He came out of the stairs in a short hallway, facing a large room. The room had a couple of small tables, several chairs and maps on two of the walls. The last wall was all windows with a view of the water. The short hallway led off to the double doors. After looking around the "maproom", he went through the double doors.

Sesshoumaru was sitting at a large desk. Sesshoumaru wore his customary white: white t-shirt under a white sport jacket, white dress pants and white walking shoes.

There was a large map on the wall behind the desk. Windows filled one wall, allowing plenty of light in. On the third wall was a large bookcase and filing cabinet.

"So what am I supposed to do?"

Sesshoumaru handed him some files. "Get to know these people. The security office is down one level."

InuYasha took the files and went to the security office. In a short time he was head of security and second in charge.


I am basing my time line on the starting of the manga in Japan in 1996.

For me personally I am opened minded about strange phenomenon. I watch MonsterQuest, Destination Truth and just started watching Lost Tapes on Animal Planet. MonsterQuest recently proved there are large sharks that swim up the Saint Lawrence River. These are Greenland sharks and can get quite large. The one their film crew filmed was a female between 10 and 12 feet.

It makes me wonder, What if?