It would be their last day together. It was finally going to be over, and Sephiran had come to realise over the past few years that he had more to live for than he'd first thought. A certain blue haired soldier had come into his life and caused quite a stir. The senator found whenever the other man stood close, or they made eye contact his stomach would churn and butterflies would magically appear. He yearned to be held by those strong arms and to hear sweet devotion whispered into his suddenly sensitive ears, but recently it had been hard to enjoy each other's company – There was so much left unsaid and unfulfilled. They'd never reached further than hugging, and for that Sephiran was sorry. He wanted more than anything to prove his love for the bluenette – He meant the world to the heron.

He'd decided, before the world would end there was something he had to do. He'd been in a long meeting – One which Zelgius could not attend, unfortunately. The raven haired man had been bored and ever so alone during that time. He'd missed the quaint smiles and lightly blown kisses they'd exchange when no one was looking. He was, as they say, head over heels in love. He made his way quickly from the meeting room and ran to his bedroom, where he knew his lover would be waiting.

"Zelgius!" He called, flinging the door open. It was quickly shut behind him as he located and threw himself to the other. The soldier was shocked, Sephiran never acted this way. He blinked and glanced down, only to be caught in a gentle, sweet kiss. "Those moments seemed like years-" Another kiss. "-there may not be much time!" His kisses grew sloppier in their aim, trailing from lips, to the corner of Zelgius' mouth. The bluenette gently pulled his lover from his chest, and urged him to calm down. Sephiran smiled and moved his arms up to circle Zelgius' neck gently. "I thought so much, Zelgius…"

"What about, Sephiran?" The simple use of his name caused a smile to tug on his lips. It sounded so perfect when coming from Zelgius.

"You…and how much I love you…" Zelgius felt a smile of his own develop. He had always initiated this kind of thing, Sephiran had always been too busy doing one thing or another, to have the heron so willingly raining affection on him made Zelgius truly happy. There had never been anyone in his life to love him, or even to talk to. Since he'd met Sephiran everything had changed. He'd been loved, and in return had someone TO love. Many saw him as a cold, killing machine, but under his title he had simply wanted someone to share his affections with. The bluenette moved the high collar of Sephiran's shirt down and placed lightly kisses up his pale neck. There was no lust behind them, just pure love. He wanted nothing more than to tell the other how much he meant as well, these were their last hours, after all.

"We can't go…" Zelgius moved away from his lovers neck to look down at him curiously. He noticed a pale, delicate hand running through his hair. Such a gentle notion made him weak at the knees, and for once, he didn't mind.

"Go where?"

Sephiran shook his head gently. "The world can't end. Because that would mean I couldn't see you anymore." The heron rested his head gently on the others chest and listened to his heartbeat. It was slow and like a melody to the man's ears. He ran a hand tenderly down Zelgius' face, petting his cheek. "I want to stay by you always..." Zelgius felt a tear well up in his eye.

"Is that so?"

Sephiran had already silently started to cry. His hand stilled on Zelgius' face. He couldn't end the world. If the people had done wrong it was their place to make it right. Sephiran had Zelgius, so his world was perfect.

"it is."