Hell's Angels

Chapter 1

Be in the grip of Death.


Mercy killing.

Last moment.

Those words...They circulated Sora's mind. He didn't want them there... They had continued to be in his mind...

In his dreams...

For what seemed like forever... Ever since Riku had left Destiny Islands. Sora had been looking for Riku for a week now. Kingdom Hearts was closed now... So why would the portals to the Worlds be open now?

But, unlike previous adventures, Sora was now on his own. Donald and Goofy were with the King. Sitting up, Sora found himself in a deserted field of grass, treeless, his outfit the same from his last journey through the worlds. Bringing his gloved right hand to his gaze, he took the glove off to reveal a large fresh scar. It was healing and went diagonally from the bottom right corner of his palm to the top left corner of his palm. That scar was a nasty thought...

Happened about three days ago.


"Riku!" yelled Sora. Before him stood the albino male, his long silver hair swaying slightly in the wind. Turning, he stared at the man that called his name. "Riku, what do you think you're doing!?" The two stood on the border of this large field.

"That's nothing you need to know about, Sora."

"Tell me! Please! I just got you back! I don't want to loose you!" he begged. Riku didn't respond.

"If you don't want to loose me, I suggest you go back home." His clothed legs began to carry him through the tall grass.

"What are you saying? If I let you contine, you won't come back!" he yelled.

No response.

"Riku!" his gloved hand came up and touched the other's shoulder. A rapid spin and the summoning of a keyblade. Blood sprayed through the air, Sora's sea blue eyes wide.

A blood curdling scream and the brunette was on his knees, holding his hand that was now covered in red.

"I told you... Go home, Sora. I don't want you...or anyone for that matter." His keyblade disappeared and he turned around, his face void of any emotions as he continued to walk on.

"Riku!! What the hell is wrong with you?! RIKU!!"


Biting his lower lip, Sora clenched his hand, lightly, before reopening it and covering it back up with the glove. He lied back down, groaning gently, staring at the sky. He was alone... Such a sad place he was in, being alone. He groaned, listening to the sounds around him. The wind had made the grass move, making light crunching noises...

Wait a minute...

Grass doesn't crunch.

Sora quickly stood, pulling out his keyblade as he looked at the person that was approaching him.

"Whoa! Calm down...I'm not here to hurt you..." he told Sora. Sora didn't loose his stance and the hooded figure sighed. "Look, I'm only looking for someone. I don't want to fight you."

"And why would you come looking for me?"

"Because you know where he is... Or you should know. Better than anyone, actually..." The figure pointed at Sora and Sora's blue eyes filled with curiosity and confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

A silence.

"Go. Find your light that you lost to the darkness inside..." The figure turned around, his back to Sora. "I still need to search for my light..." With that, he walked off.

As he watched the person leave, vanishing into the night, Sora's keyblade disappeared and he placed a hand on his heart. What was this...strange thumping? He didn't feel anything towards the man, only confusion.

But why was there also sadness? He felt like reaching out to him, yelling a name, telling him not to leave, but Sora held back that feeling and shook his head. Why was he feeling this way? He was so confused! He groaned, sitting back down. Maybe now he could sleep...

Eyes staring up at the starlit sky, they seemed to burn out, the sky becoming darker until Sora saw nothing but darkness.


No response from the brunette.

"Sora!" the voice repeated. It was a familiar voice.


A pause. As Sora's eyes opened, he found himself staring into darkness. It wasn't a pretty sight. He saw no sight of anything. No plants. No people. Nothing. He was alone.

"Just like you always should be..." A familiar voice rang out in the darkness. Sora desperately turned to look around for the voice, but still only found darkness. "You don't deserve anybody."

"Show yourself!"

"Why would I show myself to the likes of you?"


Finally, someone had come from the darkness. A gray figure, it's back turned to Sora, long hair flowing. It was...white, silver... Riku! Sora dashed towards the figure. He had finally found him. Riku would come home with Sora. Riku would come back to Destiny Islands. As he ran closer to the figure, light began to clear the darkness, Riku going from gray to color and soon, the two of them were nearly enveloped in the whiteness. All but a splotch of black remained. Sora's right hand was was close to grabbing Riku's wrist.

But suddenly, Sora's wrist was grabbed by Riku's hand, Sora's body freezing, his heart racing. In a blink of an eye, the darkness had returned, overpowering the light. Riku had returned to being gray. Slowly, the hair began to crawl back into Riku's skin... Same with the clothes. The hand on his wrist tightened and morphed. It was black now, three long fingers wrapping around Sora's tiny wrist.

Sora couldn't move.

Sora couldn't scream.

Sora couldn't speak.

All Sora could do was stare as the creature that used to be Riku slowly turned his head. A long demon wolf like snout had appeared, bearing large white teeth, bright red blood seeping from them, plopping onto the ground. Riku's eyes were bright golden yellow, sending fear into Sora's chest, that demon lying in his chest threatening to beat faster and faster, and with each beat, constricting came closer and closer onto the heart.

"Ah, what is that lovely feeling coursing through your blood?" That demonic voice growled, jaws moving with the words. The other hand that wasn't gripping Sora's wrist had been placed onto where Sora's beating devil lied, beating faster and faster. After a second, Sora watched as his heart was taken from his body, no pain following. He watched the creature take the still beating organ, a trail of bright blood following the heart, never breaking. The creature looked at the beating bloody mess and sighed. "Ah, fear...it's a lovely feeling...Are you scared, Sora?"

Sora didn't answer. He just took a look at the demon. His legs had turned into hind legs like that of a wolf, his fur thin, a tail swishing back and forth slowly. The thin fur was pure black, not a speck of light on it. Hands were now turned into three clawed fingers. You could clearly see the spine of the demon. He was hunched over. The only things that were colorful in this place were those bright yellow eyes and the bright red blood dripping from the hand that held the heart, the fangs and...

Sora's wrist?

He looked down at the wrist being held. The fur was soaked with blood and so was Sora's wrist, lower forearm, and hand, blood dripping the create a puddle of blood. What had he done to deserve something so vile? A gasp erupted from Sora, eyes wide. A sickening feeling appeared in his chest, blood splattering everywhere from the demon's hand, that trail of blood breaking. His heart...

The demon had destroyed it.

Only until after Sora looked up to see that his heart had been crushed did he feel pain. A blood curdling scream erupted from Sora. 'Riku...Kairi...What's happening to me?!' he thought. Tears stung his eyes. So much pain...

A demonic laugh. "Face it, Sora. You'll always be a weakling! You'll never find me! I've already become a Darkling."

'No....No this can't be right!'

Another laugh.

This couldn't be happening!

Sora wouldn't allow this. His wrist was in pain, his chest in unbearable torture... He fell to his knees. What was going to happen to him? He could feel himself come undone at the limbs. It hurt.

"The hell have you done to yourself?" Sora asked, finally.

The demonic laugh continued to ring through the darkness.


"Riku!!" yelled Sora, shooting up. His face was pale white, cold sweat dripping down his forehead. He quickly pulled off his right glove and stared down at it. Good...There was no unlimited amount of blood.A sigh of relief. He could feel the beating of his heart in his chest and he was glad. The beating began to regulate, and Sora couldn't help but sigh lightly. The hell was that dream about? The brunette ran a hand through his hair, shakily, as he remembered the demon. Was that...really Riku? What had happened to him? What the fuck had happened?!

Such anger... Such insanity...

What the fuck happened to the Riku that I knew?


Author's comments:

Heeeeey guys~! :3 Rebel Ed here. Anyway, I hope you liked this shitty chapter. D: Fanfiction was being an ass and hadn't saved half of this chapter...twice...So I had to rewrite it twice... Yeah, this was really, really, short, but I'm hoping to make them longer. This was just like...a prologue or something like that...Yeah... This was originally going to be chapter one, but I think I'll just make it a prologue.
Ah! Yes! After a month of putting this off and being braindead, it's finally done at 2:36 am! :'D Hope y'all liked it~! :3 More might be coming tonight!