Hey, I'm back.... after like.... 8 months... Sorry.Anyway, If your new to this, this being Yuki's story, then you would guess that I would be telling you to read its predecessor. WRONG! I swear, it's utter crap. Just don't do it. Sigh, then again, it would make this story make alot more sense... so... I guess you should...

Anyway, thank you blondie, my ever suportive anyonomus reviewer. Oh, and this isn't beta-ed because I have'nt heard back from her weather or not she will be able to. Soo anyway... enjoy. But don't get to excited, because it sucks.

I live in-



-world with no color…

A world-

-no shape…




"You'll just have to get used to being blind."

I awoke with a jolt, gently massaging my forehead. Where was I- oh, right, I had nodded off at the Host Club. I was sitting at a table that wasn't being used, so was shoved into a corner near the window. I wondered how much time had passed. 20, 30 minutes? I couldn't tell.

I stretched, and accidentally knocked a few pencils off the table.

"Oops." I mumbled, and scuffled on the floor for a few minutes in an attempt to find them.

"Eh, hem." Someone said from behind me.

I ignored it.

"Eh hem?!"

Were they talking to me? Probably not.

"EH HEM!!!"

I turned, my legs curled underneath me. "Are you talking to me?"

"Obviously." Said the voice, rather rudely in my opinion.

Oh. "Well, I'm sorry. Can I help you with something Miss…?"

"Hoshakuji. Renge, Hoshakuji."

I brushed some wisps of my hair, which had gotten much longer from the time I had cut them and joined Ouran, out of my eyes. "Ok, Hoshakuji-san, what is it that I can help you with?"

"Well," she inched closer to me, "I just wanted to ask you the question all of us were wondering."

"What's that?"

"We've all heard the stories and rumors, and I want to be the one to uncover the truth! So, tell me Yuki. ARE YOU A BOY OR A GIRL!!!???"


So maybe its time to catch you guys up.

As you know, a couple of months ago I ran away from my abusive father. I joined the host club, though not my own doing. Though of course, my father caught me again, and I suffered through a heart-rending lesson on how friends are a good thing to have, yada yada yada.

I really should be more grateful, huh?

Anyway, needless to say, there was a court case, and my father lost custody of me, though somehow keeping custody of my two sisters. Don't ask me how, were talking about my father here. He could weasel out of anything.

So now that I'm homeless, (just figuratively, I'm still temporarily moved in with the Old Couple) I have to find a legal guardian by the end of the month, or I will be moved into a house with my grandparents by default. Whom I've never met by the way.

Oh, and about what Renge just asked me/screamed to the world. Remember the secretary that my father had talked too? Well, she let it slip that I was a girl to some of her co-workers, and some of her co-workers are parents to the students here and so you see, erm, news travels fast, and now people avoided me and I had to quit the Host Club because a few people (i.e. everyone) thought I was a transvestite and so nobody would have designated me anyway.

I tried to laugh it off. "Oh, Hoshakuji-san, I'm a-"

"-Boy! I knew it! You became a host because you were too embarrassed about your situation to tell anyone and you wanted people to like you. But now-"

"Um, Miss Renge? I'm afraid your-"

"-your realizing that you should embrace your true self instead of running away from it! And so you're wearing that girl's uniform! But don't worry, because I think-"

"No! It's really not like tha-"

"-It's SO cute and won't tell a soul if you don't want me too! Well, except some of my friends. OH, and OF COURSE I'll have to write a doniishi about it-"

"Miss Renge! I'm not-"

", And the last one sold out so well! Oh! I have to get started now if I'm going to get it out in time! Well, Bye, Yuki-kun! Thank you for telling me!"

"A boy…" I grumbled as she walked away.

Well, it was sure going to be an interesting year.

Yeah... I hope to have the next chapter up soon. Sadly, noone partcipated in the 'Draw a picture of Yuki' event. But thats okay, I wasn't really expecting anything :]

I hope you guys will continue reading my story. :]

Oh, and I just realized.... I didn't really solidy mention that Yuki was blind. Yeah... she is. Lol.

Remember to add this to story alert if you liked it!

Please Review! :3
