Hey everyone. All right, so this is the last chapter in the story about Musa. Rancor is gone and defeated and the girls have nothing to worry about for the moment, but I wanted to end the story on a romantic note. All the stories are going to end like that. Happy reading!

Chapter 10: A Moment Like This

Musa watched in triumph as Rancor fell to the ground defeated. But that triumph was very quickly replaced by exhaustion. Never having released so much power before, she felt herself beginning to go limp and weak, and her vision began to darken. She changed back into her regular form and drifted back to the ground, unconscious before she was halfway there. Riven ran forward and caught her before her feet touched the forest floor. When he looked at her and saw she was pale again, panic began to flood through his system, but he did a remarkably good job of hiding it.

"Is she ok?" he asked the girls. No matter how good he was at hiding the worry from the rest of his face, they could all see it in his eyes.

"I think so," said Bloom. "She's just tired. In fact, I think we're all tired."

"She's right," said Flora. "Getting one's full power is a lot more exhausting than it appears to be."

They travelled back to Alfea in silence, every one of them too tired to speak, using what stamina they had left to keep themselves upright. The boys dropped the girls off in the quad and headed back to Red Fountain; every single one of them, fairy and hero, was asleep in just a few minutes.

The next morning, all the girls were up bright and early, though it had been their intention to sleep in. They all just stayed in bed most of the morning, reading, daydreaming and in Stella's case, reorganizing her closet with a wave of her hand. Musa was the first up. She got dressed and said, "you guys, I'm gonna go for a walk in the park. I'll see ya later."

"Do you want some company?" asked Layla, who was starting to get restless anyway.

"No thanks, I just want some time to think," said Musa. Seeing the dubious look on her friend's face, she said, "I'll be fine Layla. Now that Rancor's gone, I doubt there's going to be any trouble waiting for me out there."

"Just be careful all the same," said Layla. Musa nodded and headed out the door.

After taking a moment to decide where she wanted to go, she walked down to the lake, sat at the edge of it, and gazed out over the sparkling surface of the water. She looked across the lake and saw the place where Riven had been with that other girl, which she now knew to be Darcy, the day all this had started. He had broken her heart, but since he'd made clear his love for her several times after that, she decided he was forgiven.

A shadow appeared over her and a voice interrupted her thoughts, "hey." Musa looked up and saw Riven standing over her.

"Hey," she said. "What's up?"

"Not much," he said, sitting next to her. "I just decided it was a good morning for a walk, and I saw you. Listen Musa…" he started, obviously very nervous. "About what happened, a couple days ago, when you saw me with…" but Musa cut him off.

"Riven, it's fine," she said. "I know you were just under a spell and I know you wouldn't leave me for someone else. It just took me a little while to realize that. But it helped Rancor out considerably, since I let my guard down."

"So, you forgive me?" asked Riven hopefully.

"Yeah, I do," said Musa.

"I'm also sorry I broke my promise," said Riven. "I promised I'd protect you, then you kept getting kidnapped and Rancor stole your powers. So if there's anything I can do to make it up to you, just tell me."

"First of all, I still don't see what you could have done," she told him. "If Rancor was going to kidnap me, there would hardly have been anything you could've done to stop him. I told you that before all this started, remember?" He nodded.

"Yeah I remember, but I still feel I could've done something more than what I did," he replied.

"Second, you've already made it up to me. You saved my life so many times over this adventure, like when you got rid of my evil side, breaking the after spell Rancor put on the evilness spell, saving me from Rancor's attacks and then last night. It was because of you that I was able to fight that spell. You gave me the confidence and strength I needed to beat it. It was also good to finally hear you say all that stuff. I've been waiting and waiting for any sign that you loved me, but you didn't show it. I was almost ready to give up on you, but I'm glad I didn't."

"Sorry it took me so long," said Riven. "You know I'm not good with emotions."

Musa nodded and continued, "When Rancor put that spell on me, all I could think was I was never going to see you again. I'd almost given up hope but you saved me."

"I don't remember the last time I was that scared," he told her. "I thought I'd lost you."

"Hey, if you think you can get rid of me that easily, you've got another thought comin' pal," she said and they both laughed at this. "But seriously though, I'll always be here, and it'll always be us two together." Riven smiled, placed his arm around her and they sat there together for a little while.

"Well, I've gotta get back to Red Fountain," said Riven, both of them standing up. "I'll see you tonight."

"What's tonight?" she asked him.

"The girls didn't tell you?" he asked and she shook her head. "Brandon and Sky invited all you girls to go to dinner with us tonight and there's a surprise for you after that."

"Sounds like fun," said Musa. "I'll see you then."

She started to walk away but Riven grabbed her elbow and spun her around to face him. He took her into his arms, pulling her as closely as he could against him, leaned in and kissed her. When they broke apart, he said, "couldn't let you go without that. And there's one more thing." Musa listened eagerly, in her heart, already knowing what he was going to say. She raised her eyebrows, giving him what she hoped to be a 'what is it?' look. "Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" he asked.

If he had any doubt she would say no, it disappeared when he saw the expression of utter delight on her face. "Thought you'd never ask," she said, jumping into his arms. He spun her once, then they said goodbye. Each walked back to their schools, happily anticipating the fun of that night.

That night, the boys took the girls for an evening out to celebrate Musa getting her powers back. The boys picked the girls up on the levabikes, Guinevere and Nirvana flew behind them, and they went to dinner in Magix. They went to one of the best restaurants in the city, and ate, talked, laughed.

As they walked out of the restaurant, Flora said, "you guys sure know how to charm a few girls."

"The fun's not over yet, my darling," said Helia, putting his arm around her.

"It's not?" asked all the girls together.

"Come with us," said Sky, taking Bloom's hand and leading her down the street. The rest of the boys led their girlfriends in the same direction, Guinevere and Nirvana following curiously behind. They reached a carnival, with music and games and everything. The girls looked around with delight and all ran off in different directions. Layla and Musa dragged Jason and Riven onto the dance floor, though Riven had an apprehensive look on his face.

"Musa, I'm not sure this is a good idea," he said, remembering the last dance lesson she tried to give him. He'd stepped on her toes so much he was surprised she was still able to walk.

"Don't worry," she said. "Dancing really isn't that hard, I'll help you."

The others watched them for a minute before rushing off to their own things. Bloom and Stella ran off to some games, Sky and Brandon right behind them. Timmy and Tecna just walked around, talking without a care in the world. Helia and Flora got a couple mugs of hot chocolate, sat and watched the whole thing, talking and looking up at the moon.

Guinevere and Nirvana, however, were the two odd girls out.

"Should we go back to Alfea and leave the couples to do their own thing?" asked Nirvana.

"No," said Guinevere. "I don't know why, but I just have this feeling that we need to stay. Something's going to happen, something for the better, and we have to be here when it does."

Nirvana just nodded and walked off. She, as well as the rest of the girls, had learnt not to doubt Guinevere's instincts. She headed for a booth that was selling funnel cakes, but was stopped by a guy asking her to dance. She said yes to be polite but kept thinking of her boyfriend, whom she still had yet to find. With everything that had happened the past few days, she hadn't had time to even think of him, let alone start a search for him.

When the song ended, she thanked the man who danced with her and headed for another area of the carnival. As she turned around, she caught something moving in her peripheral vision, making her stop dead in her tracks. She spun in the direction she saw the person in and saw a man making his way down an alleyway. All she could see before he disappeared from sight was a flash of black hair and dark skin.

"Carlos," she whispered. She ran in the direction the man had went, but when she turned into the alleyway, he was gone. "Carlos!" she called out, but no one answered her. Desperately trying to fight the tears threatening to fall, she walked back to the carnival and got a mug of hot chocolate, sitting in a place where she could clearly watch the rest of the group, but was secluded so they wouldn't be able to easily spot her.

Guinevere just wandered about aimlessly, without anything to do or anyone to do it with. She was still trying to figure out why she kept getting this feeling in the bottom of her heart, telling her that something was about to happen. She was sure something had already happened to Nirvana. She had clearly seen her friend sneak into the little alcove with her hot chocolate, a sad and lonely expression on her face. She made a mental note to ask about it later, positive that now wasn't the right time. She was on her way to find Flora and ask her a question, when she ran into someone and fell to the ground hard.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I guess I wasn't watching where I was going."

"No, I'm sorry," said a voice above her. She felt as though she'd been hit with Cupid's arrow. The boy above her had short, blonde hair and deep blue eyes like hers. It was the boy she'd seen in the Pool of Infinity, the boy who was to one day sit beside her on the throne of Rampara, her future husband. And to her delight, he seemed as love struck as she was. "Need a hand?" he asked, helping her up. "I'm Andrew."

"I'm Guinevere," she said.

"I was wondering if you'd like to dance?" he asked.

"I would," she replied. They danced for the rest of the night, never getting tired. Once, she caught Flora's gaze and both smiled at each other.

"Congratulations Guinevere," Flora said silently. "You've found someone to love."

The girls and the boys all had fun that night. After a little while, Sky suggested that they take the girls back to Alfea. "It is getting late," he said.

"Not before I get up onstage and sing something," said Musa.

"What are you going to sing?" asked Nirvana, who'd come out of her little niche to join the others.

"You'll see," replied Musa and she dashed off to talk to the DJ. She whispered something in his ear and then walked back out with a microphone in her hand. She waited for the music to start and then began to sing.

What if I told you it was all meant to be?

Would you believe me? Would you agree?

It's almost that feeling we've met before

So tell me that you don't think I'm crazy

When I tell you love has come here and now

A moment like this

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this

Some people search forever for that one special kiss

Oh I can't believe it's happening to me

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this

Everything changes but beauty remains

Something so tender I can't explain

Well I may be dreaming but until I awake

Can't we make this dream last forever?

And I'll cherish all the love we share

A moment like this

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this

Some people search forever for that one special kiss

Oh I can't believe it's happening to me

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this

Could this be the greatest love of all?

I want to know that you will catch me when I fall

So let me tell you this

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this

Some people search forever for that one special kiss

Oh I can't believe it's happening to me

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this

Oh I can't believe it's happening to me

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this

Everyone applauded as Musa took a bow and walked offstage.

"Was that yet another song you sang to Riven?" asked Stella so only the girls could hear.

"Stella, come on!" said Musa, but she was blushing furiously.

"We'll take that for a yes," said Bloom.

When they got back to Alfea, Sky, Brandon, Helia, Timmy, Jason and Riven, all kissed their girlfriends and Andrew asked Guinevere to have dinner with him the following night. Nirvana said goodnight to the boys and walked up to her room, so the girls and their boyfriends could have a few minutes alone. Her thoughts drifted back to Carlos and she couldn't help but wonder when she would see him again, and if he was still as much in love with her as she was with him.

The girls all slept peacefully that night, each one dreaming of the romantic night they had spent with their boyfriends.


Ms. Faragonda looked out the window and saw the girls get back. She was happy that Flora, Tecna, Guinevere, Musa and Nirvana had all received their realm's powers, but was worried about the next girl who was in line for the danger. She was also worried because the witches had escaped before Nirvana's spell got them all the way back to Alfea. "Don't relax just yet girls," said the headmistress. "You're not out of danger yet."

Author's Note: That's the end of this story guys. I know I had Riven be kind of a sweetheart there, but he'll be back to his tough old self in no time. Now the next story will be about Layla, and you'll want to read that one, believe me. It's going to tie up a bunch of loose ends and answer tons of questions. It's going to bring together all the other stories. Stay tuned!