Date: 2/14/09 Edited: 3/2/09

Author's Note: This is a brand new story that I have previously written before but had decided to change. If you read my bio, I said that I was going to post a new story up, but I didn't think I would get it up in the same day. Only reason I got it up so quickly is because it's unbeta'd. Currently, the first chapter of the revised version of UN is being beta'd and I hope to have that up within a week. So be on the lookout for that. The title is called Naruto Uzumaki. I couldn't come up with anything better.

Disclaimer: All Naruto characters ©Kishimoto Masashi

Warnings: Rated M for the following:
-Sexual situations and references.


Chapter One: Let Me Help You?

He murmured something inaudible and sat down cross legged. Women! Especially the one he was teamed up with! Unnerving, annoying, aggravating and infuriating...women. Ugh! Who needed them anyway?


And who needed that damn bastard? The dark haired male stepped closer, sinking down at the blond's side in his irritating, calm way. The last Uchiha survivor looked up with his ebony irises and revealed a smirk to the younger boy that sat beside him. The blond braced himself; he was sure a insult was heading his way.

"It's frustrating, isn't it?"


The blond stared at the older boy through his golden bangs in disbelief. No insults?

"I mean, they are so close, but you can't touch them. It's unnerving sometimes."

"What are you talking about Teme?" the blond snarled. He wasn't in the mood for talking.

"You must be frustrated as I am, aren't you?"

"I don't know what you mean." the blond rose swiftly, turning his back on the Uchiha and attempted to walk away.

Gentle ebony pools were on the retreating Kyuubi vessel's back and a faint, sad smile played around his lips. "Oh you know, Naruto. You know very well."

Sasuke was watching Naruto in their midst and there was no mistaking his rising tension. His temper was flaring more often than not and once the pink hair kunochi lost their own temper and used beatings to keep him in line.

Yes, something was up and the dark haired man knew just what it was.

It wasn't really surprising. Naruto had wanted the pink haired kunochi of their group for the longest. But at that time, the fair skinned girl held no romantic interest for him. She only had eyes for one person.

Uchiha Sasuke.

Just like every other girl.

At first, when they were assigned to their sensei, Hatake Kakashi, she used to beat the hell out of the blonde whenever he would ruin her precious 'Sasuke-kun time'. But when the Uchiha survivor had betrayed the village so many years ago, it seemed as though her infatuation with him had died alongside his betrayal.

Even though her infatuation for the avenger had died, the blonde's crush on the girl had not.

When Sasuke had returned to Konoha after a three year absence, he had learned of how much the kunochi had grown without him around.

First off, she was an ruthless killing machine. She did not hesitate to assassinate anyone if duty called for it. An enemy nin learned that the hard way. Another thing that Sasuke had learned about the kunochi was that she had also become a medic-nin under the care of the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade.

But the biggest thing he had noticed was the lost of love and admiration that used to sparkle in the kunochi's jade emerald eyes.

But he could still see the annoyance in their depths whenever the blond tried to endlessly ask her out on a date. At least that didn't change in his three year break.

Really, his manners for her feelings had truly increased, that did change, but his tact lacked and sometimes the older male wondered whether or not Naruto actually knew he wasn't getting any further with the kunochi than just being her friend, especially after being let down for three years straight. Desire and lust for the girl was boiling up within the Kyuubi vessel, making him just more snappish and prone to fits of temper.

Not that Sasuke himself was doing any better in that department. His own sexual frustration was starting to match the vessel's.

So he followed the young blond as Naruto sought out a solitary spot far away from the camp again. The blonde sat underneath a tree, staring out over the little valley that sloped away in front of him. Sasuke joined him.

"You have to do something about your problem," he remarked after a while.

Naruto shot the older male a glare. How dare the insolent bastard follow him? He had come here to be alone, get a grip on things: literally. Now there was little chance of relieving his tension.

"You are way too tense, dobe. In our line of work and life, tension isn't always good. You need to relax, let your energies flow again, or whatever that shit is that Haruno be babbling about. They aren't right now, curled up and knotty as they are inside your stubborn head." he flashed a smirk. "You know, there are many ways to get rid of that."

Naruto snorted and then stiffened. The dark haired male's hand was resting on his thigh and the heat of his body seemed to seep through his clothes. Naruto could feel the other's large callous fingertips caressing the inside of his thigh minutely, and he exploded without thinking.

Sasuke flew about four meters before he landed hard on the ground, rolling himself back to his feet immediately. Naruto had to give it to him; he was a trained shinobi.

"Don't you dare touch me like that again, teme!" the blonde hissed, his hands clenched. The other just dusted off his clothing and smirked at the irritated demon carrier innocently. The blond snorted and stormed away before his anger would get the best of him and he would tear the avenger apart.

Sasuke wasn't sure what had made him approach the blonde like that. Not that he hadn't thought about men before in his lifetime. Far from it, but it was forbidden in their village. At least, that was what he was leaded to believe by his father before he was murdered. He was basically commanded to like girls. To fall in love with girls. Make passionate love to girls. Carry on the Uchiha name with a girl.

He curled his right hand into a fist and pushed those thoughts away. What right had he to burden himself with this?


But still raised as a man who only had eyes for the qualities of women, he had never allowed himself to fall victim for whatever part of him wanted.

He sighed.

Meeting Naruto had let that want flare again. He had never thought he a chance anyway. The kitsune was clearly infatuated with Sakura, but the pink haired kunochi liked the raven, so he had set his sights on her, who, despite his protests, interested him a lot more than any other woman he had ever met before.

Still the want remained. The secret dreams and hopes. Now he might have a chance. Naruto wouldn't approach Sakura with his desires and the blond fool was a lot safer for him. He seemed to understand Naruto's need more than the fair skinned kunochi did.


Just maybe...

A man could dream, he decided. As he did every night.

He couldn't sleep. Lying in his blankets, arms crossed behind his head, Naruto stared at the starry sky above him, feeling restless and nervous. He had no idea where this feeling had come from or when it had started, all he knew was that something wasn't right. Sighing, he rolled onto his side. There hadn't been any shinobi attacks, no life threatening situations, no fights of any kind-well, apart from Sasuke's fist landing in his face just before being punched into oblivion-nothing. He was tensed, wired and ready to tear anyone or anything that came too close apart.

Then came the day the dark haired man had...a picture sprang up in his mind, a memory of the other smirking, his ebony eyes looking at him intensely, a hand on his thigh-now why was that making him gasp? Why were his legs still tingling where Sasuke's hand had been? And why was the warm tingling sensation spreading through his body all of a sudden?

Naruto shifted in his blankets restlessly. Why by all seven hells was he thinking about the bastard? Why was such a simple thing making him tense and anxious? As fleeting as the raven's touch had been, as persistent were the effects. Not to mention about what the raven had suggested...he froze at the much thought. And then his eyes widened in horror when he felt the tingling warmth rush from his thigh throughout his entire body and concentrated itself in his groin.


He was getting hard.

Just by thinking about Sasuke? Perhaps more about the things the man had insinuated...Naruto threw his blankets away in disgust and rose, making sure with one short glance that he wasn't waking any of the others before he glided into the nightly forest.

He didn't see the pair of ebony eyes following him.

Naruto slid down a tree, breathing in the cool night air and tried desperately to get his wayward mind back under control. Unfortunately, it seemed to have other ideas while it was presenting him with pictures of his friend-smirking at him, eyes sparkling with mischief, the pale skinned male dripping wet from the rain, soaked clothes clinging to his slender body like a second skin, the man touching his thigh, hand gliding higher up his thigh oh so slowly, until it reached his dripping erection, fingertips ghosting around him...

Naruto surprised himself by moaning deep in his throat. Kami, he was really getting turned on by thinking of another man? Of the bastard of all people? A part of his anatomy happily confirmed that thought by throbbing lightly and he let out another moan, head falling back against the tree in misery.

It couldn't just couldn't!

His apparent erection begged to differ, throbbing again, and he sighed. He spread his bent legs slightly...

"You are way too tense, dobe. You know, there are many ways to get rid of that."

The dark haired male's words reiterated themselves in his mind, and suddenly he felt very alone, wished the raven was here with him, touching him like that again. This time, he wouldn't reject him.

Kami...was he really that desperate? Did he want contact so much he would accept it from that bastard?

Naruto moaned as he let his fingers slide down to unzip his pants, closing his eyes as he wrapped them around his hardness. Biting his lower lip to suppress another moan, hips twitching into his own touch, he felt the sweet tension build, felt himself getting closer-yet it wasn't enough. Something was missing, almost as if his own hand wasn't enough anymore, something like...Sasuke...Naruto gasped, hips bucking helplessly as his climax rolled over him with an unsuspected force.

Falling back, he breathed harshly, riding out the last waves of his completion, before he slowly dared to open his eyes again, only just comprehending what it had been that had shoved him into such a powerful climax.


And the remembrance of one simple touch, one thought of! Kami, he was thinking about a man while he...and it had made him feel like he hadn't in a long time. Naruto swore silently, disgusted and shocked with his self while he cleaned himself up. He would have to face the others again, would have to look into those enthralling ebony eyes could he, after what had just happened?

Naruto walked back to the campsite, thoughts spinning chaotically in his mind.

A twig snapped.

He whirled around, hand ready to pull his kunai out.

"Who's there?!" he shouted.

No answer.

"Show yourself!" he growled. He watched as the figure stepped out of the shadows. The blond's eyes grew wide with surprise before they narrowed with rage. He lowered his weapon. "What are you doing here, prying around in the middle of the night?" he growled.

"Maybe the same as you...looking at the stars, meditating a little..."

Sasuke smirked at him and suddenly Naruto was thankful for the dim light preventing the Uchiha from seeing him blush as his mind provided him with a flash of images of Sasuke doing what the blond had done back there...and then it snapped back. What if Sasuke had seen him? Kami...

"Never sneak up on me like that again, bastard! Be grateful you're still alive!" he hissed, rushing past the other man.



Sasuke reached out and gently picked a twig out of his unruly golden hair.

"Better have a friend watch your back in the night. One never knows who might be...sneaking," he murmured, turning.

Naruto gaped at his friend's retreating form-and blushed even deeper. Even if Sasuke hadn't actually seen him, he had definitely known.

Damn that man!

Time passed. Three days exactly. In that time Team 7 had returned from their mission, rested and were sent back out for another mission to Wind Country. During the time before they were sent back out, Naruto watched his companion closely, but Sasuke was his usual cold, impassive self, giving him the same smirks he gave to others, and he ignored the variety of fan girls, whom even after his betrayal of the village, still declared their love for him. But he started spending time with their extremely strong female teammate instead of with him like old times.

That bothered Naruto. Not just the fact that Sasuke was actually enjoying the pink haired kunochi's company than his, but that he wasn't even the slightest bit disturbed by his reaction to the dark haired man's advances. He was a ladies man, right? He didn't hit on men on a regular basis, correct?

Naruto grumbled to himself as he sat close to a river that ran near their current camp site, an old shack Sakura and Kakashi had discovered. He had stuffed his hands into the pockets of his black and orange jacket, folded his legs under him, and currently glared at the hapless fish swimming in the stream. His mind twitched spasmodically.

He was confused.

He was angry.

He was still tense around the others, now especially Sasuke. Where before he had wanted that sort of touch from Sakura, he now thought about the pale boy a lot.

Too much! He thought angrily.

He was noticing the slight form under the shinobi outfit, the smirks, the hair hanging into his forehead, the slight sparkle in the ebony eyes, the natural duck ass hairstyle he longed to mess up...


Naruto snarled to himself, hunching down more.

He had been even more rude and brusque in the last few days, especially to Sakura and Sasuke. But what seemed different now was that instead of the bastard just throwing punches and kicks and whatever else he could get his hands on at the blond, now he didn't. Instead, he just took the insults and snide remarks almost stoically.

"There you are."

The voice made him jump and reach for his kunai and he barely relaxed as he recognized who had surprised him. Sasuke. The cursed raven had actually managed to sneak up on him!

"What do you want?" he demanded.

"Haruno and Kakahsi-sensei have left in search for some firewood. I decided stay behind and try to keep you from trashing the place up."

Naruto puffed out his cheeks in indignation before muttering a 'pompous jackass' and turning away from the dark haired man. Silence enveloped the area and Naruto started to feel uncomfortable under the avenger's watchful eyes. Sasuke just smirked angelically (is that even possible for him?) and that smirk did more to Naruto's insides than any shinobi could.

"So, it's just the two of us," the dark haired man said conversationally and came closer.

The blonde moved involuntarily back and bumped into the willow that grew closer to the river.

"We might just figure out what keeps you so tense, dobe."

"I'm fine teme!"

"No, you're suffering from something that weighs heavily on you."

Naruto growled again but Sasuke wasn't even remotely impressed. Leaning into his personal space he just smiled at the blonde, placing one hand on his hip. Naruto buried his fingers into the tree he was leaning against, inhaling deeply at the rush of desire this simple touch was causing. Sasuke's hand glided over his hip and down one thigh and Naruto felt himself shiver.

This wasn't right, he shouldn't allow the other man to touch him like that, should shove him away immediately, he should...Kami, but his body responded to the touch, leaving him frozen to the spot while Sasuke touched him even further, hands gliding between his legs, cupping and squeezing gently. Naruto gasped with the wave of sensations, feeling his hips twitch into his friend's grip.

"You're hard, dobe. You need this, you need relief, to let go...clear your mind. Let me help?"

No...Get away from me...Naruto wanted to scream his denial, but to his shock he just moaned something incoherent, felt Sasuke starting to caress and stroke him. The dark haired man was really close now, leaning against him and he could feel the other man's breath on his neck. Sasuke was now stroking him through the fabric of his pants and Naruto closed his eyes, giving in to his own desire, the increasing sensation of heat and want Sasuke was creating inside him, until it became too much.

Gasping and panting, he felt himself jerk violently into Sasuke's hand, helplessly coming again and again.

Sasuke let go of him and Naruto almost sagged to the ground, his knees not much more than jelly. Only the tree behind him and the hard body in front of him kept him upright.

"I think we found the source of your tension," the avenger murmured into an ear.

Naruto pushed him away and the infuriating smirk made the blonde want to wipe it off that handsome face. He decided on a glare, but even that didn't faze the dark haired man.

"Nothing's wrong with me!" Naruto snapped.

"Of course."

Sasuke smirked once more. Naruto just whirled around and stalked off down the river. He needed some distance, he needed some time alone, and he needed to clean himself.

Sasuke watched the blond leave, a hard to interpret expression in his eyes. He still saw the expression of pleasure and relief on the smooth features, heard the panting breaths, the racing pulse of his companion.

You forced yourself on him, the part of him whispered and he curled away from that thought.

Was he really desperate that he had used Naruto's growing need to satisfy himself? To touch what he normally wouldn't? To hear those wonderful moans and whimpers?

Yes, that part told him. You have. You gave him no way out.


He settled down in the shade of the tree and stared out over the river. He had forced him; his friend. Someone who was confused about his body's needs and desired, about what his mind told him and what he so truly craved.

He loves Haruno, omae baka no teru. All you are is a way of relief, to be thrown away.

But what if he was so desperate for that contact that he was willing to be a tool for Naruto's relief?

The night was cloudy and almost starless, the moon a fat blob of silver against the black sky. A small fire flickered in the middle of their current camp, right in the middle of nowhere. They had left the Wind Country two days ago and hadn't met many people on their path. Kakashi and Sakura were fast asleep. Naruto had chosen to spend the night outside the cirlce of teammates, and Sasuke hadn't fallen asleep yet. He was gazing at the canopy of leaves, his body and mind relaxed.

He turned his head when he sensed someone approaching him. In the sudden ray of moonlight peeking through some clouds he saw a flash of golden blond strands, lucid aquamarine eyes glowed slightly. The dark haired man smirked faintly when he realized who was standing in front of him, and he tossed his blanket aside, following the retreating form of his friend into the dark forest.

Baka, part of him raged. Baka, baka, baka. You're setting yourself up for a lot of pain.

But the desire to hold this man again, to see the features in total rapture, to hear the moans and whimpers as he pleasured him was too strong.

Naruto was waiting for him at the nearby clearing, leaning against a tree, arms crossed in front of his chest.

He didn't even look up when Sasuke approached the stiff form, knowing only too well what Naruto needed. He had hoped that it also was what he wanted. Sasuke stopped for a brief second, frowning at the thought, but then Naruto did look up, and Sasuke was lost.

Reaching out he ran a hand through the spiky golden blond strands, feeling their silken texture as they played over his skin. Naruto stood stock still, only unfolding his arms as he relaxed against the tree, his cerulean eyes closing as he shuddered.

Naruto didn't know what had gotten into him to wake Sasuke. All he knew was that he couldn't forget the avenger's touch, or how his touch had felt on his skin, sending him over the edge. And he knew that something inside of him needed that kind of touch again, needed to be caressed and held, needed—Sasuke. And Sasuke had understood.

He was standing in front of him again, close, oh so close he could smell the lavender scent that danced around in his hair as his ebony eyes stared back at him. Sasuke's fingers were gently running through his hair. The fleeting caress made him relax and he shuddered when fingertips were ghosting over his bare neck, making him tilt his head in an unspoken request. The other man wasted no time taking it, and Naruto gasped when Sasuke leaned against him, gently pushing his hair aside and started nibbling and kissing at the exposed skin of his neck. It sent trails of fire through his body, concentrating in his groin, and he shivered again.

Sasuke's hand roamed gently over his body, stroking him through the fabric of the loose clothing he had decided to wear that day. Naruto dug his fingers into the tree behind him. They had been standing like this before and the mere memory made his manhood stir-and right now it was much more than just a memory. Sasuke gently nipped at his jaw line, fingers gliding between the layers of his clothes, searching for bare skin.

"Dobe," he whispered hoarsely, his embrace tightening, and he could feel his friend's arousal now.

Sasuke slipped a knee between his legs, pressing against his crotch and Naruto couldn't suppress the moan this caused, hips twitching into the pressure.

"Let me see you. Onegai?"

He felt himself nod. Felt Sasuke unbutton his pants. Felt the cool night's air caressing his skin, followed by hands ghosting over his flesh, making him shudder.

"Kami, you're beautiful," a soft voice whispered before Sasuke gently bit the crook of his neck, licking his way down his chest, sucking at his nipples.

Naruto moaned as a jolt of formerly unknown pleasure ran through his body, knees giving away. Sasuke's hands were there, guiding him to the ground, before they continued their ministrations, slipping between his legs, teasing his hardness.

Sasuke worked his way down his body, making Naruto shudder and tremble with every new spot he paid attention to.

Suddenly he felt a hot wetness engulfing him. Naruto cried out with both surprise and desire, hips bucking helplessly as Sasuke's tongue and fingers did wonderful things to him. He buried his fingers in the other man's dark hair, spreading his legs involuntarily to grant more access and felt Sasuke tease and stroke parts of his body that he'd never thought of as sensitive. But obviously they were, and the sensations were incredible, making him moan and pant, writhe and buck. And then Sasuke sucked at his length and he cried out the other man's name as the pleasure reached its peak.

Coming back to himself slowly Naruto rolled onto his side, pulling the open pants close and tugging his shirt back over his exposed torso. Ebony eyes were watching him sadly as he rose without a word and vanished into the forest.

Sasuke sighed as he touched his lips, the evidence of the blond's desire still traceable, his scent still lingering on his own body. He gasped when he touched his own hardness and closed his eyes.

Minutes later, he whispered a name as he reached his own completion, a name he desperately wanted to scream out passionately but would never dare to.

He had let himself fall. Fall for the Kyuubi vessel. Fall for Naruto, and it was more dangerous than facing any of the Akatsuki or his brother himself.

He was losing his heart to someone who had no place for it.

Two days had passed since their encounter in the woods and thankfully Naruto had too much to do beating the hell out of two nins that had decided to attack the four cell team. It helped to distract from the confusing emotions boiling inside of him. Slashing and punching at the ugly face in front of him, he took less satisfaction than usual out of beating an enemy nin and when he finally delivered the ending blow, there was almost no feeling of victory inside of him. The only feeling that continued was that of confusion.

And longing.

He pushed it away and locked it behind steel doors. He didn't long for Sasuke's touch, his nearness, his smirks. But as he returned to the others who had defeated the second shinobi, he couldn't help but glance at the male, check him for injuries as he had formerly only done for Sakura, and reassure himself that there were no wounds. A few bruises maybe, but no wounds.

How had his interest in Sakura waned, and flared for this man? This annoying bastard who couldn't act like a normal 17 year old and be trying to get a girlfriend and not worrying about killing his older brother? Someone who had somehow charmed hiw way into every female's heart?

And who had touched him so gently; who had brought him release in a way Naruto had never thought was possible. Who had stroked and kissed and nibbled at his skin, who had driven him higher and higher until he had exploded in a climax that had shattered his soul.

Naruto screwed his eyes shut and growled to himself. No! He didn't fancy the other man, nor did he long for him.

But that night, he was back with him again. And the next. And the one after that. Safe from shinobi attacks and the hateful stares he received. Sasuke rekindled and stoked the flame inside the Kyuubi vessel. It became an addiction, a dangerous addiction he couldn't let go of.

Naruto hissed and bucked as those well known hands on his body unzipped the black jacket he was wearing. The same hands brushing over his skin, stroking and caressing spots that elicited moans and shudders, lips and tongue added to increase the pleasure. He closed his eyes to the other man's ministrations. Sasuke could play him like a violin; he knew where to tease feather like and where to stroke harder, where to lick and where to bite, and what effects each had on the blond. But then the touches went away, the rustle of clothing the only thing he could hear.

Looking, his eyes widened in surprise when he saw Sasuke straddle him-as naked as on the day he was born. He had seen the dark haired man in the nude before, but that had been an entirely different matter.

"Shhh," Sasuke just whispered, stretching out over him, and then he could feel the other man's body pressed against his, skin meeting skin for the first time since they had become-what? Lovers?

He didn't get the chance to think about it because Sasuke continued to touch him-but this time it was his entire body gliding over his, sensations new and oh so good, making him forget about anything than this moment. Sasuke reached for his pocket, producing a little jug, and Naruto frowned.

What...? the scent coming from the oily liquid was a fresh aroma, like some herbs that Sakura occasionally used, and he poured it into his palms.

"What are you doing?"

"It's all right, dobe. This will help you relax. Get rid of all the tension."

"I don't want...Kami!" the latter almost cried out when Sasuke stroked his entire hardness with his slick hands, holding down his bucking hips.

His eyes slid shut of their own volition and he flew into the new sensation.

"Dobe, listen. I want you to hold absolutely still now, until I tell you otherwise, or you'll hurt me. Can you do that?"

Sure, everything...

Naruto managed a nod-and then his eyes flew open when he heard a hissing moan, felt something incredibly hot and slick and tight sliding onto him...

"Teme! What...?"

Ebony eyes looked down at him, dark with a desire he hadn't noticed there before. Sasuke supported himself on his chest as he minutely lowered himself onto his length. And Kami-sama, if this didn't feel good, better than anything the bastard had ever done to him before. Groaning, he fought the urge to thrust, to just take-Sasuke had said it would hurt him? How could it?

But then Sasuke made a sound deep in his throat and moved, and Naruto couldn't help it. With a low growl he grabbed the man's wrist and flopped them around, burying himself deep into the other man, regardless of whatever he might say. To his surprise Sasuke didn't protest. On the contrary-he cried out, met every deep thrust with one of his own, almost sobbing every time.

"Nar…uto…God, yes…I love you…"

Blue eyes widened in shock, but then Sasuke bucked wildly, screaming his name again, pulling him down into him and reality fled him as he got lost in his own pleasure.

Looking down at the man under him, still breathing hard in the afterglow of his own hard climax, Naruto pulled back roughly, ignoring the hiss of discomfort that action caused. He rearranged his clothes and rose swiftly, teeth clenching as he took in the naked body at his feet. Sasuke lay sprawled on the ground, eyes still closed and the confirmation of his own passion drying on his stomach. He looked absolutely-adorable.

"…I love you…"

The harshly panted words, cried out in the throws of passion were still ringing in Naruto's ears. He wasn't even sure the avenger had realized what he had said, but he had no doubt he had meant it.


Puzzled ebony eyes were looking at him, making something inside of him cringe.


And he fled.


Sasuke slowly gathered his clothes, cleaning himself up mechanically, and slid into his shinobi clothing. He had stimulated Naruto to his limits, had provoked the Kyuubi container into taking him, had himself allowed to let go and feel. And for a brief moment he had felt, had let down his guard and made his self believe it was for real.

Baka that he was.

To Be Continued...

Next Chapter: The Curse

Omae baka no teru: you stupid idiot.

Kuso: shit

Well that is the first chapter of Want. I hope you all liked it. I plan to try to update this weekly, if not biweekly.

Critiques and reviews are always welcomed. =D Flames are not. =(

Peace out!

©2009 Divine Goddess.